Project Listing

Sponsoring Agency:USDA - NIFA

As NIFA transitions to a new reporting system, the NIFA Reporting System, the AREERA Plans of Work and Annual Reports of Accomplishments, and their data, may not be immediately available in NIFA's standard reports.

For updates, please refer to the NIFA Reporting System or email

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1016013 NEW HATCH Gregory, ST, T. Gregory, ST, T. UNIVERSITY OF RHODE ISLAND RI Streptomycin resistance and the 16S rRNA methyltransferase RsmG
1016011 NEW HATCH Daley, AN, . Daley, AN. UNIVERSITY OF MAINE ME The Determinants of Well-Being and Policy Options for Rural Communities and Other Vulnerable Populations
1016004 NEW HATCH Ferraretto, LU, . Ferraretto, LU. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Strategies to enhance quality and nutrient digestibility in whole-plant corn and sorghum silage
1015999 NEW HATCH Hoagland, LO, A.. Hoagland, LO. PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN Conservation, Management, Enhancement and Utilization of Plant Genetic Resources
1015990 NEW HATCH Schmitt Olabisi, LA, . Schmitt Olabisi, LA. MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Building A Community-University Partnership for Modeling Food and Natural Resource Systems
1015988 NEW HATCH Kijimoto, TE, . Kijimoto, TE. WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Genetic and developmental underpinnings of the morphological diversification of evolutionary novelties in insects
1015987 NEW HATCH Wagner, C. Wagner, C. MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Developing Novel Strategies for the Control of Great Lakes Sea Lamprey based on the Manipulation of Movements and Decisions
1015984 NEW HATCH Debus, R. Debus, R. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, RIVERSIDE CA Mechanism of Light-Induced Damage Associated with Oxygen Production in Photosystem II
1015983 NEW HATCH Brooks, ER, SC. Brooks, ER, SC. UNIV OF IDAHO ID Site-specific, Adaptive Management for Sustainable Agricultural Performance
1015981 NEW HATCH Mahler, RO, LO. Mahler, RO, LO. UNIV OF IDAHO ID Using Human Dimension and Chemical Indicators to Measure Long-Term Impacts on the Sustainability of Soil and Water in the Pacific Northwest
1015968 NEW HATCH Tredaway, JO, . Tredaway, JO. AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Weed Management Tactics for Perennial Grass Forages in Alabama
1015963 NEW HATCH Bahreini, R. Bahreini, R. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, RIVERSIDE CA Air Quality and Climate Implications of atmospheric emissions from deserts, wildfires, and urban/agricultural regions
1015962 NEW HATCH Cockburn, DA, . Cockburn, DA. PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Using Resistant Starch to Develop Personalized Diets Tailored to Individual Gut Microbiomes
1015956 NEW HATCH Liu, ZH, . Liu, ZH. NORTH DAKOTA STATE UNIV ND Further characterizing genetic and molecular basis and developing resistant germplasm for wheat tan spot and bacterial leaf streak
1015955 NEW HATCH Desutter, T. Desutter, T. NORTH DAKOTA STATE UNIV ND Improvement of plant productivity potentials of highly disturbed soils
1015953 NEW HATCH Jeliazkov, VA, . Jeliazkov, VA. OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR Advancement of Brassica carinata
1015948 NEW HATCH Yu, JI, . Yu, JI. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA NE Inhibitory effects of vegetable-derived ginger extracellular vesicles-like nanoparticles on NLRP3 inflammasome activation and inflammatory responses
1015944 NEW HATCH Inskeep, W, P.. Inskeep, WI, P.. MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY MT The role of geochemical forcing on the ecology, evolution and biodiversity of deeply-rooted thermophilic microorganisms
1015939 NEW HATCH Bhaskar, AD, . Bhaskar, AD. COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO Effects of Urban Water Conservation on Agricultural Water Supply in the South Platte River Basin
1015937 NEW HATCH Keshavarz Afshar, RE, . Keshavarz Afshar, RE. COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO Developing viable and sustainable cropping systems for western Colorado through adoption of conservation practices, diversification, and intensification
1015932 NEW HATCH Coggins, J. Coggins, J. UNIV OF MINNESOTA MN Economics of Climate Change: Mitigation and Solar Geoengineering
1015931 NEW HATCH Mosley, JE, . Mosley, JE, C.. MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY MT Sustainable Rangeland Resource Management in Montana
1015922 NEW HATCH Beckmann, JO, . Beckmann, JO. AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Molecular Mechanisms of Insect Symbiosis
1015920 NEW HATCH Taylor, MA, P.. Taylor, MA, P.. MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY MT Understanding the effects of Interferon and Superinfection exclusion on the neuronal animal alphaherpesvirus infectious spread.
1015917 NEW HATCH Schnabel, RO, DA. Schnabel, RO, D.. UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI MO Advancing the Genotype to Phenotype Relationship Through Genomics
1015914 NEW HATCH Weaver, DA, K.. Weaver, DA, K.. MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY MT IPM of Pre- and Postharvest Insect Pests of Cereal Grains
1015913 NEW HATCH Rew, LI, . Rew, LI. MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY MT Ecology and Management of Non-native and Weedy Plant Species in Montana and Elsewhere
1015910 NEW HATCH Diez, JE, . Diez, JE. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, RIVERSIDE CA Demographic mechanisms of forest responses to climate change and fire
1015906 NEW HATCH Chen, J. Chen, J. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL (HR) Exploring Specialty Crops for Novel Ornamental Value and Bioactive Phytochemicals