Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1026684 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Shade, J. Sciligo,Amber ORGANIC CENTER FOR EDUCATION AND PROMOTION VT Organic Confluences: Reducing Plastic across the Organic Supply Chain
1026701 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Litson, B. Litson,Benita NAVAJO NATION TRIBAL GOVERNMENT, THE AZ Forest and woodland dynamic supporting food and agriculture on the Navajo Nation.
1026719 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Durand-Morat, A. Durand-Morat,Alvaro UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AR Challenges and Opportunities for U.S. Organic Rice
1026735 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS McAfee, S. SINGLETARY,LORETTA UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA NV Improving drought communication in Nevada to enhance regional and local adaptive capacity
1026737 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Ulmer, M. McKibben,Jason D. AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Preparing Emergency Education Responders through Sustainable Learning Network Modules (PEER-SLN)
1026745 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Moretti, M. Luvizotto Moretti,Marcelo OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR Performance and Economics of Electric Weed Control in Organic Perennial Crops: A Multiregional Approach
1026755 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Popova, I. Dandurand,Louise-Marie UNIV OF IDAHO ID Improved Biofumigant Formulation for Eradication of Globodera pallida
1026756 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Bayman, P. Bayman,Paul UNIVERSITY OF PUERTO RICO PR AGFEI: Strengthening research capability in plant pathology and plant-microbe interactions at UPR Río Piedras
1026757 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Stevens, C. Stevens,Carrie UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA AK Invigorating Alaska Native Food & Energy Sovereignty
1026760 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Taafaki, I. J. Ogunmokun,Adedayo COLLEGE OF THE MARSHALL ISLANDS MH Agricultural Education for Health and Sustainable Livelihoods
1026761 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Silverstein, M. Egan,Kelsey BOSTON UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER MA COVID Relief 2019-70030-30413: BMC FreshConnect (PRX)
1026762 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Gramig, G. Gramig,Greta NORTH DAKOTA STATE UNIV ND Mulch2o: Biodegradable Composite Hydromulches for Sustainable Organic Horticulture
1026765 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Kuo, T. Kuo,Tony COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES CA COVID Relief 2020-70030-33128: Increasing Fruit and Vegetable Intake among Prediabetic and Diabetic Medicaid Recipients in Los Angeles County
1026767 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Richards, M. Christy,Myrisa COMMUNITY FARM ALLIANCE KY COVID Relief 2019-70030-30409: Expanding the Reach and Impact of Fresh Rx for MOMs as a response to increased rates of food insecurity resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic
1026768 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Areta, A. Areta,Aufai AMERICAN SAMOA COMM COLLEGE AS Enhancing the Agriculture, Community & Natural Resources Program through strengthening of instruction delivery systems and faculty/staff development
1026769 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS McFall, P. McFall,Pauline AMERICAN SAMOA COMM COLLEGE AS Enhancing the Agricultural, Community, & Natural Resources Program through Experiential Learning & Other Educational Opportunities
1026772 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Phillips, T. W. Phillips,Thomas W KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Multi-Tactic Strategies to Manage Arthropod Pests of Dry-Cured Pork
1026773 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Wilson, H. Wilson,Houston UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, RIVERSIDE CA Collaborative Knowledge Networks for Planning Organic Agriculture Research and Extension in California
1026776 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS IKERTANG, F. IKERTANG,FREDRICK PALAU COMMUNITY COLLEGE Optimizing organic-based farming, enhancing faculty preparation, and improving curriculum design through supervised experiential learning at Palau Community College.
1026777 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS IKERTANG, F. IKERTANG,FREDRICK PALAU COMMUNITY COLLEGE Enhancing curriculum design and instructional delivery and maximizing faculty competencies through quality distance education for agriculture and related science programs.
1026778 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Wang, K. Wang,Koon-Hui UNIV OF HAWAII HI Organic Sweet Potato IPM and Soil Health Management for Small- and Mid-Size Farms
1026781 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Ramirez, C. Rojas Hernandez,Maria DEWEY UNIVERSITY PR Enhancing an Agribusiness Degree Program in Greenhouse and Controlled Environment at Dewey University in Juana Diaz Puerto Rico.Instructional delivery systems, library resources student recruitment,
1026782 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Montgomery, M. Montgomery,Marcy Heritage Ranch, Inc. HI COVID Relief 2020-70030-33125: CRR Same Canoe
1026783 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Ulrich, N. Cato,Robert Alan Friends of Zenger Farm OR COVID Relief 2020-70030-33122: Matching Community Demand for Year-Around Produce by Extending the Growing Season of Local Farms
1026784 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Okihiro, M. M. Okihiro,May Michiko WAIANAE DISTRICT COMPREHENSIVE HEALTH AND HOSPITAL BOARD, INCORPORATED HI COVID RELIEF 2020-70030-33127: Expanding the Waianae Ohana Produce Prescription Program
1026785 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Jackson, M. Gibson,Erin MOUNTAIN COMPREHENSIVE HEALTH CORPORATION KY COVID Relief 2017-70025-26684: MCHC Farmacy - Produce Prescription Program
1026790 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Hawk, C. Hawk,Carol FOUNDATION OF DISTRICT 304 WA COVID Relief 2020-70030-33190: Skagit County FVRx Program
1026793 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Rodriguez-Perez, R. Rodriguez-Perez,Robinson UNIVERSITY OF PUERTO RICO AT MAYAGUEZ PR Using Distance Education to Enhance Aquaponic Production in Puerto Rico’s Model Forest
1026794 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Burnham, C. Burnham,Conne UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI EXTENSION MO New Madrid Seismic Zone Multi-State Public Awareness And Education Project
1026796 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Higdon, A. L. Higdon,Andrea Lynn UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY KY LADDER: Local Approach to Discussion-Based Disaster Exercises and Readiness - Phase II