Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1026972 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Miller, S. A. Rotondo,Francesca OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY OH Enhancing Regional Adoption of Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation for Soilborne Disease Management in High Tunnel Vegetable Production Systems
1026973 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Murray, M. Murray,Marion UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY UT Coordinating IPM Successes in Utah Agriculture and Communities
1026977 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Peter, K. A. Peter,Kari Anne PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Resolving inoculum sources and evaluating alternatives to mitigate postharvest diseases, food losses, and mycotoxin contamination in apple
1026978 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Louws, F. Louws,Frank NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Next generation IPM tools: Integrating biologically-based systems that underpin tomato grower priorities to manage soilborne pathogens
1026981 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Miller, F. L. Miller,Frannie L KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Optimizing Technology to Deliver Flexible IPM Learning Experiences to Extension Stakeholders
1026983 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Emm, S. Emm,Kari UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA NV Nevada Tribal Students 2
1026986 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Vafaie, E. Khan,Dr. Rafia TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX Integrated pest management of the European Pepper Moth
1027009 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Scott, M. Scott,Max NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Assessing the influence of genetic background on the efficacy of Drosophila suzukii male-only and gene drive strains
1027014 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Chanay, S. Chanay,Sawiyyah "Chiquita" UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI EXTENSION MO Show-Me Resilience: Educational Approaches to Reduce Opioid Misuse Among Rural Youth & Families
1027015 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Diaz Rios, L. K. Diaz Rios,Lillian Karina UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA Community-Informed Capacity Bridging to Increase Access to Health Education in Rural Areas Via Telehealth
1027016 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Buckingham, B. Buckingham,Bonnie COMMUNITY FOOD AND AGRICULTURE COALITION MT COVID Relief 2020-70030-33194 GusNIP: Healthy, Local Food For All Montanans: Advancing Equity & Food Access through the Double SNAP Dollars Network
1027021 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Mueller, D. S. Mueller,Daren Shane IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY IA Iowa State University Integrated Pest Management Extension Implementation Program, 2022-2024
1027027 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Walsh, D. Walsh,Doug M. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Washington State IPM Extension Implementation Program 2021-2024
1027035 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Lemmel, N. C. Lemmel,Nicholas Cory ANIMAL CLINIC WEST O STREET PC NE NE 206: Rural Practice Enhancement For Garden And Deuel Counties
1027036 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Kerns, D. Kerns,David TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX The Texas IPM and Extension Program: Meeting the Demands of a Diverse State
1027038 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Evans, J. R. Evans,Jason R. JOHNSON & WALES UNIVERSITY INC RI Faculty Development and Student Learning Through Food Systems Problem-Based Learning
1027040 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Atucha, A. Atucha,Amaya UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Transitioning to organic day-neutral strawberry production in the Upper Midwest - A systems approach
1027043 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Simion, K. Ehmes,Delihna COLLEGE OF MICRONESIA FM Micronesia Grows Technology: A Program to Facilitate Distance Learning for Agriculture and Extension Students at the College of Micronesia-FSM
1027045 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Thompson, J. Thompson,Jennifer UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Food Scholars: Nurturing Cross-Institutional Relationships To Diversify Sustainable Food Systems Education
1027046 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Sandler, H. A. Scheufele,Susan B UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS MA Integrating development, implementation and awareness of effective strategies and technologies to promote Specialty Crop IPM in Massachusetts
1027048 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Rasby, R. Rasby,Richard UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA NE Nebraska Extension Implementation Program
1027049 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Ensley, S. Ensley,Steve KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Developing a Food Animal Veterinary Toxicology Training Program at Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine
1027054 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Chappell, J. E. Chappell,James E RICE UNIVERSITY TX Monitoring and modeling the dynamics and host range of synthetic microbe gene transfer in soils using catalytic RNA
1027055 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Rashed, A. Wenninger,Erik J UNIV OF IDAHO ID Extension Implementation Plan for IPM in Idaho 2021-2024
1027057 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Zebelo, S. Zebelo,Simon University of Maryland Eastern Shore MD Empowering small-scaled, limited-resource and other farmers with IPM knowledge
1027058 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Wee, J. Wee,Josephine PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA CULTURED 1.0: Leading Higher Education Initiatives in Emerging Innovations for Sustainable Food Production
1027062 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Frost Albrecht, K. Frost Albrecht,Kristin FOOD BASKET INC., THE HI COVID Relief 2019-70030-30403: Building Resilient Food Security for Hawaii`s SNAP Households
1027063 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Meyers, C. A. Meyers,Courtney Alyssa TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY TX iVisit: Interactive Virtual Tours for Advancing Food and Agricultural Sciences
1027065 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Ellsworth, P. Ellsworth,Peter C UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA AZ The Arizona Pest Management Center: Supporting Adoption Of High-Impact Ipm Programs In Diverse Environments
1027068 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Sablani, S. Sablani,Shyam WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Virtual and Remote Laboratories for Enhanced Food Science and Engineering Education