Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1028909 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT DiGennaro, P. DiGennaro,Peter UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL QTL analyses identify genetic components regulating the interactions between plants, pathogens and the environment in the face of climate change
1028910 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Ekanayake, G. Ekanayake,Gayani OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY OH Applying convergent proteomic and genomic approaches to understand the bacterial acquisition of water and nutrients from host plants
1028912 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Tesar, J. Tesar,Joseph Quantalux, LLC MI RNGplus from tailgas CO2 and Hydrogen
1028913 EXTENDED 3D GRANT Ghimire, S. Ghimire,Shuresh UNIV OF CONNECTICUT CT Mashantucket Pequot Federally Recognized Tribes Extension Program
1028915 EXTENDED 3D GRANT Ivan, D. Ivan,David MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Federally Recognized Tribes Extension Program
1028916 EXTENDED 3D GRANT Roseberry, K. Walls,Caitlin ILISAGVIK COLLEG AK Continuing Extension Activities at Ilisagvik College for Tribal Health and Equity
1028917 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Studer, B. Studer,Brianne FRIENDS OF THE NATIONAL ARBORETUM, INC. DC Friends of the National Arboretum School Garden Educator Coaching Program
1028918 EXTENDED 3D GRANT Teegerstrom, T. Teegerstrom,Trent UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA AZ AZ Indian Country Extension Programs: Colorado River Indian Tribe (CRIT)
1028919 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Morgan, S. Holmes,Erica SISSETON WAHPETON COLLEGE SD Sisseton Wahpeton College Equity Program Expansion of the Culinary & Food Science Program and K12 STEM Outreach
1028920 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Haynes, H. Haynes,Hal ILISAGVIK COLLEG AK Building Equity at Ilisagvik College by Supporting Science and Cultural Pre-College and Postsecondary Education
1028921 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Hokanson, T. B. Hokanson,Thomas B. RED LAKE NATION COLLEGE MN Red Lake Nation College Institutional Capacity Building: Expanding Culturally Responsive Faculty and Curricula Through Strategic Collaboration
1028922 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Driscoll, E. A. Driscoll,Elizabeth Ann NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC North Carolina Farm to School Institute: Growing Local Food Systems, Connecting Community Leaders, and Supporting School Resiliency
1028923 EXTENDED 3D GRANT Walker, R. R. Walker,Ronald R. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians Federally Recognized Tribes Extension Program 2022
1028924 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Sinha, A. Sinha,Anshu HANGAR ALPHA LLC NY Wildland fire predictive analytics and risk mitigation software for resource planning, assessment, and response.
1028925 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Virk-Baker, M. O`Shea,Geoffrey RESEARCH FOUNDATION FOR THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK, THE NY Together We Grow: A Multi-Sectoral Stakeholder Model for Community Food Garden & Healthy Eating Initiative in a Rural Food Desert
1028928 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Morton-Eggleston, E. Morton-Eggleston,Emma UNIVERSITY HEALTHCARE PHYSICIANS, INC. WV "Farm To You Mobile" Produce Prescription Program: Increasing Access To Local Produce And Nutrition/Cooking Education Via Mobile Outreach
1028929 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Northfield, T. Northfield,Tobin D WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Integrating vector and pathogen phenology to optimize X-disease management
1028930 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Cervantes, J. C. Quijada,Adrian Tohono O`odham Community Action (TOCA) AZ Planting the seeds of culture and food: Agricultural experiential education with Micro-credentials
1028933 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Grantham, D. G. Grantham,Deborah G. CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Northeastern IPM Center: Strengthening IPM Adoption 2022 - 2026, Regional Coordination Program
1028934 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Gallagher, D. D. Gallagher,Dusti INFINITE EVERSOLE-SPECIALTY CROP SERVICES, LLC AR Specialty Crop Regulatory Assistance Workshop: Nuts and Bolts of U.S. Regulatory Dossiers for Genetically Engineered Products
1028935 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Kinsey, D. Kinsey,Dan Aaniiih Nakoda College MT Improving Access, Learning and Achievement in Aaniiih Nakoda Ecology
1028936 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Londo, A. Londo,Andrew OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY OH Updating the 2018-2022 RREA Strategic Plan
1028937 EXTENDED 3D GRANT Gunn, D. Gunn,Danielle UNIV OF IDAHO ID USDA - NIFA Fort Hall Agricultural Extension Program
1028938 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Pearlman, M. Pearlman,Marc INTERNATIONAL ELECTRONIC MACHINES CORPORATION NY Complete Autonomous Ventilation Environment System (CAVES) for Small and Mid-Size Farms
1028946 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Canada, B. Canada,Barbara NATIONAL EXPERIENCED WORKFORCE SOLUTIONS, INC. VA NIFA Mission Support Via Engagement of Experienced Worker Program Enrollees
1028947 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Ellington, E. H. Ellington,Edward Hanson UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Developing a national program for providing extension resources in Spanish
1028949 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Brunner, L. Bellanger,Tammy WHITE EARTH TRIBAL AND COMMUNITY COLLEGE MN Revitalizing the Transference of Ancestral Traditional Ecological Knowledge of Agricultural Practices and Leadership
1028950 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Kitzes, E. W. Kitzes,Edwin Wolf UNITED TRIBES TECHNICAL COLLEGE ND 2022 Equity Grant for United Tribes Technical College
1028953 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT King, K. Aufdembrink,Lauren FRONTLINE BIOTECHNOLOGIES INC. MN A Sorbent Technology for eDNA Collection and Concentration for Aquaculture Pathogen Detection
1028955 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Waugh, B. Bowe,Graham JOHNNY'S SELECTED SEEDS ME An efficient greens spinner for improving food safety and increasing profitability for small to mid-size farms