Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1021877 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Collick, A. S. Timmons,Jennifer University of Maryland Eastern Shore MD UMES Stormwater Management Research Facility: Investigating nutrient and sediment reduction from poultry house stormwater drainage systems
1018421 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Chi, Y. Chi,Yeong Nain University of Maryland Eastern Shore MD Potential availability of urban wood waste stream: their conversion to platform chemicals for the synthesis of novel bio-energy/bio-products in Maryland
1014037 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Layton, M. B. Layton,Maurice B. MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIV MS Mississippi State University Extension IPM Implementation Program, 2020-2021
1024854 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Gupta, G. Gupta,Goutam NMC, INC. NM Providing Practical Solutions for HLB Treatment and Prevention
1028697 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Pashow, L. Pashow,Lindsey CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Overcoming Food Safety Educational Barriers within NY Plain Communities
1027396 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Lammert, A. Lammert,Amy CAL POLY CORPORATION CA FIRST in PD Teaching: Food Innovation, Research, Science, and Technology in Product Development Teaching
1027108 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Martin, D. E. Martin,Donna E Field MID-AMERICA REGIONAL COUNCIL COMMUNITY SERVICES CORPORATION MO COVID Relief 2020-70030-33185: Kansas-Missouri Nutrition Incentive Expansion
1026766 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Beniston, I. J. Beniston,Ian J Youngstown Neighborhood Development Corporation OH COVID Relief 2017-70025-26687: Eating for Health: Expanding Fresh Food Access in the Mahoning Valley
1031342 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Jaberi-Douraki, M. Jaberi-Douraki,Majid KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Food Animal Residue Avoidance Databank (FARAD)
0214659 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Thompson, A. Thompson, A. NORTH CAROLINA A&T STATE UNIV NC The 1890 Land Grant System: Addressing Universal Issues through Science and Engagement
1029437 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Critzer, F. Critzer,Faith UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Bridging the Gap: expanding a HACCP-based curriculum to help produce growers treat agricultural water
1029205 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Ziegenmeyer, H. Fish,Jessica CANKDESKA CIKANA COMMUNITY COLLEGE ND CCCC Equity in Natural Resource Education for Tribal Students
0203682 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Yokoyama, M. T. Yokoyama, M. E. MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Globalization of Agriculture: Training The Next Generations of U.S. International Scholars
0196066 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Smith, J. L. Smith, J. L. FORT PECK COMMUNITY COLLEGE MT Field to Market: Malting Barley in the American Indian Farm Plan
1020708 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Samac, D. Samac,Deborah AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE IL Advancing the use of alfalfa leaf protein concentrate in aquafeeds to enhance finfish production and reduce environmental impacts in aquaculture production
1017203 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Gu, X. Gu,Xingyou SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY SD Seedbank Longevity of Cultivated and Weedy Rice in Till and No-till Cropping Systems
1010425 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Avery, J. L. Avery,Jimmy L. MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIV MS Southern Regional Aquaculture Center
0230468 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Kelly, J. Williams-Wheeler,Meeshay NORTH CAROLINA A&T STATE UNIV NC Using Technology to Deliver Parent Education and Information
1026170 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Gurung, N. K. Gurung,Nar Kaji TUSKEGEE UNIVERSITY AL Hempseed Meal from Hemp Oil Processing – A New Protein Supplement for Meat Goats in the US
1024386 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Ligrani, R. Lerner,Jennifer CORNELL COOPERATIVE EXTENSION OF PUTNAM COUNTY NY Establishing the Putnam County Food System Coalition to Conduct a Community Food Assessment
1023533 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Sarkhosh, A. Sarkhosh,Ali UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Plant Safety, Horticultural Benefits, and Disease Efficacy of Essential Oils for Use in Organically Grown Fruit Crops: From the Farm to the Consumer
1027250 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Coop, L. B. Coop,Leonard Bryan OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR Oregon Extension IPM: Meeting Critical Needs Through Adoption, Education, Decision Support and Pest Impact Assessment
1026983 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Emm, S. Emm,Kari UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA NV Nevada Tribal Students 2
1030776 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Ricatto, P. Ricatto,P. J BERGEN COMMUNITY COLLEGE NJ Bergen Community College New Jersey NexTGen for Sustainable Farming
1029350 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Mou, Z. Mou,Zhonglin UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL SP: Targeted production of non-transgenic HLB-tolerant trees through complementary approaches
1029053 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Davis, J. L. Davis,Jennifer Lynn VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA Food Animal Residue Avoidance Databank VMCVM Component
0200358 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Harveson, L. A. Harveson, L. A. SUL ROSS STATE UNIVERSITY TX Enhancing Educational Equity for Hispanics in Higher Education
1028573 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Kambiranda, D. Kambiranda,Devaiah SOUTHERN UNIV LA Building Capacity in Genomic Assisted Breeding Technologies: Identify Genomic Variations and Gene-Network Underlying Ripe Rot Tolerance
1015711 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Mix, K. Mix,Kenneth TEXAS STATE UNIVERSITY TX Texas State Supporting Small Producers