Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1023736 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Ellis, S. Ellis,Simon MARINE AND ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF POHNPEI FM Technical Assistance, Extension and Training for Beginning Aquaculture Farmers in Hawaii, Micronesia and American Samoa - COVID 19 Response
1028718 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Feiereisel, K. Feiereisel,Kali COMMUNITY ALLIANCE WITH FAMILY FARMERS FOUNDATION CA Relationship Driven Food Safety Technical Assistance to California Small Farmers
0204420 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Hedberg, C. W. Hedberg, C. W. UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA MN NCFPD-AFDO Project to Support and Promote Inter-Governmental Collaboration on Food Protection and Defense
0196575 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Diefes-Dux, H. diefes-dux, H. PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN Nanotechnology Interdisciplinary Educational Experiences for Undergraduates in Food and Agricultural Sciences
1027161 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Simion, K. Young-Uhk,Steven COLLEGE OF MICRONESIA FM Yap Prepare to Grow: Facilities and Equipment for Agriculture in Yap State, Federated States of Micronesia
1031987 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Rodgers, M. Rodgers,Michelle EXTENSION FOUNDATION KY Extension Collaborative on Immunization Teaching & Engagement Bridge Access Project
1029517 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Jones, A. Jones,Arlene SPROUT, MN MN This application will support a planned community owned grocery store (The Purple Carrot) and permanent infrastructure for a farmer’s market and utilization of Sprout Food Hub assets.
1020327 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Walden, M. Walden,Mark BEREA COLLEGE KY Grow Appalachia Beginning Farmer Coronavirus Response Supplemental Funding
1016962 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Wanner, K. Giroux,Michael MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY MT Protecting Alfalfa Yield from Weevil Damage in the Intermountain West Region
1009884 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Otey Wold, H. Hedeen,Laura Minnesota Food Association MN Growing Sustainable Farms: Training, Land and Resources for Beginning Socially-Disadvantaged Farmers
1026002 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Schroeder, K. J. Van Allen,Jason TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY TX Equine-Assisted Positively Fit: A Family-based Obesity Intervention for Rural Youth
0229490 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Bostock, R. M. Bostock,Richard Matthew UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA Western Regional Center in the National Plant Diagnostic Network
1024180 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Cass, R. Cass,Randall IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY IA Next Generation of Midwest Beekeepers: Leveraging Resources in Nebraska and Iowa to Reach New and Underserved Communities
0211651 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Snowball, C. D. Snowball LITTLE PRIEST TRIBAL COLLEGE NE Be Strong and Educate My Children
1023566 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Byrne, D. Riera-Lizarazu,Oscar TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX Tools for Genomics-Assisted Breeding in Polyploids: Development of a Community Resource
1027617 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Sagor, E. Sagor,Eli UNIV OF MINNESOTA MN Citizen Science on Working Lands: Experimentation and Exchange through the Great Lakes Silviculture Library
0201233 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Bishnoi, U. R. Udai Bishnoi ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY AL Training Under-Represented Plant Science Students in Emerging Technologies
1022361 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Ankumah, R. O. Vaughan,Barrett TUSKEGEE UNIVERSITY AL Tuskegee University Food and Agricultural Scholars Program (TUFASP)
1027255 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Featherstone, A. M. Featherstone,Allen M KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Developing the Center for Farm and Ranch Transition in Kansas
0189774 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Case, J. Case, J. UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE DE Computational Analysis of Divergent Genomes by Full-Fledged Analogy
1027076 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Dorton, E. Dorton,Elizabeth AGRICULTURE, SOUTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF SC The Continued Development and Utilization of the South Carolina Agriwellness Program
1026782 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Montgomery, M. Montgomery,Marcy Heritage Ranch, Inc. HI COVID Relief 2020-70030-33125: CRR Same Canoe
1031318 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS D`Souza, G. D`Souza,Gerard PRAIRIE VIEW A&M UNIVERSITY TX 1890 Facilities Grant Program (FY23-27)
1029377 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Morales, M. Friskics,Scott Aaniiih Nakoda College MT Aaniiih Nakoda College Extension Program-Capacity Grant
1029117 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Prinzo, L. Prinzo,Lauren WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Building Addiction Resilience in School Communities
1014952 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Patterson, G. Patterson,Gilbert Lincoln Memorial University TN Expanding the Boundaries of the Center for Animal Health in Appalachia: A Multi-Institutional Approach to Empowering Rural Veterinarians
1004789 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Garner, J. O. Winston,Teki UNIV OF ARKANSAS AR Academic and Career Preparation in Agriculture, Natural Resources and Human Sciences for High School and Community College Students
0221957 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Taylor, A. C. Taylor,Andrew C Michigan Research Institute MI Pasteurization of Shell Eggs MI
1023809 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Pescatore, A. J. Pescatore,Anthony J UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY KY Online avian medicine course for veterinarians targeting small poultry producers to ensure early disease detection for animal/public health