Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
0196845 EXTENDED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Landis, E. N. Landis, E. N. UNIVERSITY OF MAINE ME A Fiber-Based Approach for Connecting Wood Structure to Mechancial Properties
1027613 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Handley, D. Handley,David UNIVERSITY OF MAINE ME Equipping New Farmers with Practical Skills and Knowledge
1028243 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Ernst, R. K. Ernst,Robert K. UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND MD Mid-Atlantic Microbial Pathogenesis Meeting 2022 MAMPM2022
1008868 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Hager, E. Hager,Erin UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND MD Approaches to Enhancing Wellness Policy Implementation in Schools to Promote Healthy Behaviors and Prevent Obesity
0193747 EXTENDED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Acheson, D. W. Acheson, D. W. UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND MD The National Pediatric Diarrhea Surveillance Study
0195909 EXTENDED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Miller, S. M. Miller, S. M. UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND BALTIMORE COUNTY MD Analysis of Hsp70 Action During Asymmetric Cell Division in Volvox
1022113 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Blaney, L. Blaney,Lee UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND BALTIMORE COUNTY MD Sustainable Donnan dialysis process for simultaneous recovery of nutrients from pig manure and treatment of brackish groundwater for irrigation
1000532 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Brooks, H. M. Kairo,Moses T University of Maryland Eastern Shore MD Plan to construct an Agricultural Research and Education Center
1018195 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Kairo, M. Kairo,Moses T University of Maryland Eastern Shore MD Renovation and Modernization of UMES Food, Agriculture, Natural Resources and Human Sciences Faciltities
1021922 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Hsia, S. V. Hsia,Shaochung Victor University of Maryland Eastern Shore MD Characterization of Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Release as a Potential Biomarker of Bovine Herpes Virus 1 (BOHV-1) Infection
1026474 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Kairo, M. T. Kairo,Moses T University of Maryland Eastern Shore MD The 1890 Universities Center of Excellence for Global Food Security and Defense
1022667 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Kairo, M. Kairo,Moses T University of Maryland Eastern Shore MD Center of Excellence for International Engagement and Development (CEIED)
1027057 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Zebelo, S. Zebelo,Simon University of Maryland Eastern Shore MD Empowering small-scaled, limited-resource and other farmers with IPM knowledge
1031263 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Kairo, M. T. Kairo,Moses T University of Maryland Eastern Shore MD Modernization of livestock teaching, research and extension facilities
1004500 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Hashem, F. Hashem,Fawzy University of Maryland Eastern Shore MD Fostering an Integrated Program on Food Safety of Fresh Produce among 1890 Institutions
1026039 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Pitula, J. Pitula,Joseph S University of Maryland Eastern Shore MD Understanding per and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS): occurrence, fate and transport in plants and their impact on plant-insect interactions
1021807 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Cotton, C. Cotton,Corrie University of Maryland Eastern Shore MD Strengthening Ethnic Crop and Food Science Research, Teaching, and Extension within the UMES Department of Agriculture, Food and Resource Sciences
1026037 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Parveen, S. Parveen,Salina University of Maryland Eastern Shore MD Pathogenic Vibrios and Microbiome in On-bottom and Off-bottom Oyster Culture as Affected by Weather Events and Environmental Conditions
1026038 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Dhekney, S. A. Dhekney,Sadanand University of Maryland Eastern Shore MD Improving Grapevine Resistance to Powdery Mildew Utilizing Genome Editing Technology
0215546 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Kairo, M. T. Kairo,Moses T University of Maryland Eastern Shore MD Purchase farmland to support Research, Teaching and Extension Programs
1007753 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Dadson, R. Schwarz,Jurgen G. University of Maryland Eastern Shore MD Impacts of Soil and Crop Management Practice on Fresh Produce Safety and Quality
1021877 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Collick, A. S. Timmons,Jennifer University of Maryland Eastern Shore MD UMES Stormwater Management Research Facility: Investigating nutrient and sediment reduction from poultry house stormwater drainage systems
1018421 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Chi, Y. Chi,Yeong Nain University of Maryland Eastern Shore MD Potential availability of urban wood waste stream: their conversion to platform chemicals for the synthesis of novel bio-energy/bio-products in Maryland
0196047 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Jamir, T. Smith, J. UNIVERSITY OF MASS DARTMOUTH MA Northeastern Regional Aquaculture Center
0188973 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Burke, R. T. Smith, J. UNIVERSITY OF MASS DARTMOUTH MA Northeastern Regional Aquaculture Center
0192200 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Jamir, T. Smith, J. UNIVERSITY OF MASS DARTMOUTH MA Northeastern Regional Aquaculture Center
0200079 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Jamir, T. Smith, J. UNIVERSITY OF MASS DARTMOUTH MA Northeastern Regional Aquaculture Center
0203959 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Jamir, T. Smith, J. UNIVERSITY OF MASS DARTMOUTH MA Northeastern Regional Aquaculture Center
1027046 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Sandler, H. A. Scheufele,Susan B UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS MA Integrating development, implementation and awareness of effective strategies and technologies to promote Specialty Crop IPM in Massachusetts