Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1028840 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Mathieu, J. Mathieu,Jacques SENTINEL ENVIRONMENTAL GROUP, LLC TX Improved cattle feed efficiency via bacteriophage-mediated microbiome manipulation
1028841 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Acimovic, S. Acimovic,Srdan VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA Creating Next-Gen controls for fire blight cankers, blossom and shoot blight with copper, PGR-s, plant activators and anti-biofilm enzymes.
1028844 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Xiong, X. Yu,Liang INTEGRATED LIPID BIOFUELS LLC WA SBIR Phase II: Converting Organic Waste to Biopolymer by Synergizing Anaerobic Digestion and Synthetic Biology
1028845 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Magarey, R. D. Magarey,Roger D. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Southern IPM Center: A Regional Approach to Networking, Collaboration and Services
1028846 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Li, C. Li,Cheng NANOSEPEX INC. NJ Carbon nanotube enhanced membrane distillation with air sparging for economic separation of biofuels from fermentation products
1028847 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Nachappa, P. Nachappa,Punya COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO Old virus, new host: Epidemiology and Management of Beet Curly Top Virus, An Emerging Vector Borne Virus of Hemp in Western U.S.
1028848 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Milbrath, M. Milbrath,Meghan MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Taking the sting out of honey bee medicine: Training and tools for veterinarians to increase access to care for beekeepers.
1028851 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Baur, M. E. Baur,Matthew E. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA A Western Integrated Pest Management Center led by California, Arizona, Oregon, and Utah
1028853 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Himmelgreen, D. Himmelgreen,David UNIV OF SOUTH FLORIDA FL 15th Street-Farm Nutrition Education Program
1028854 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Redfern, T. Redfern,Tom RURAL ACTION INC OH Engaging Students and Community through Food and Agricultural Experiences in Appalachian Ohio
1028855 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT John, M. John,Manohar Pathovacs Incorporated IA Broadly Protective Porcine Streptococcus suis Vaccines
1028856 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Chopra, S. Chopra,Surinder PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Plant Compounds for Controlling Fungal Pathogens and Insect Pests on Edible Mushrooms
1028859 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Marshall, M. Marshall,Maria PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN NCRCRD-Resilient Rural Communities
1028861 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Gornish, E. S. Gornish,Elise UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA AZ EcoRestore: Online Portal and Community of Practice for ecological restoration for Southwest rangelands and forests
1028864 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Goetz, S. J. Goetz,Stephan J PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA The Northeast Regional Center for Rural Development 2022
1028866 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Iles, L. C. Iles,Laura Christine J IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY IA North Central Integrated Pest Management Center(NCIPMC): A Regional Approach to Pest Management Implementation
1028867 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Fife, J. Fife,Jane 3BAR BIOLOGICS INC. OH Application of Pseudomonas spp. for control of plant diseases in hydroponic systems
1028872 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Ocamb, C. M. Ocamb,Cynthia M OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR Mitigating the Increasing Threat Posed by Fusarium Canker in Hop
1028874 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Couch, C. Couch,Cathryn CERES COMMUNITY PROJECT CA Farmers Market Produce Prescriptions, Nutrition Education & Support for Low-Income Pregnant Women at Risk for Diet-Related Health Conditions in Sonoma County, California
1028875 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Poleatewich, A. Poleatewich,Anissa UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE NH Responding To Industry Challenges In Soilless Media: Assessment Of Disease Threats And Biofungicide Efficacy In Wood Substrates
1028881 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Thakur, A. Thakur,Aayush CONNECT DYNAMICS, INC. AR Implementation of Relay Trucking Software and Infrastructure to Benefit Rural Workforce
1028885 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Crott, J. Crott,Jimmy TRUSTEES OF BOSTON UNIVERSITY MA Gut microbiota modulate the effect of diet on inflammation and tumorigenesis
1028892 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Zona, D. Zona,Diana SCHA FOUNDATION INC SC Improving Diabetes in SC through a Statewide Produce Box Prescription Model Summary
1028893 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Kuyper, E. Kuyper,Edye COMMUNICARE HEALTH CENTERS CA Produce Rx: Health Centers Leveraging Local Produce For Wellness
1028895 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Boggs, P. Smith,Emily LOCAL FOOD HUB, INC. VA Expanding Fresh Farmacy and Introducing Farmers Market Incentive
1028897 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Simon, A. E. Simon,Anne E. UNIV OF MARYLAND MD Development of a wide host-range virus vector for expression of proteins and/or multiple siRNAs to target pathogens and provide value added benefits to trees and vines
1028899 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Messmer, T. A. Frey,Shandra UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY UT Wildlife Across America: Supporting County Extension Educators through Connections and Certifications
1028906 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Bowerman, M. Bowerman,Margo UNIV OF MINNESOTA MN White Earth STEM Academy