Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1029119 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Chilenski, S. Chilenski,Sarah PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Next Steps with PROSPER: Expanding to Address Increasing Mental Health Needs
1028788 EXTENDED 3D GRANT Chilcote, A. Guin,Autumn H. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Robots, Energy, and Agri-Science: Advancing equity and STEM growth mindset in rural STEM education
1027889 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Chibisa, G. E. Chibisa,Gwinyai Emmanuel UNIV OF IDAHO ID Determining The Ideal Age At Transportation To Enhance The Well-Being, Health, And Productivity Of Dairy Calves
1018421 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Chi, Y. Chi,Yeong Nain University of Maryland Eastern Shore MD Potential availability of urban wood waste stream: their conversion to platform chemicals for the synthesis of novel bio-energy/bio-products in Maryland
1006767 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Chevanan, N. Chevanan,Nehru ALTEX TECHNOLOGIES CORPORATION CA Biomass Fuel Blocks Production System
0195931 EXTENDED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Cheung, A. Y. Cheung, A. Y. UNIV OF MASSACHUSETTS MA Analysis of the Functional Role and Regulation of Actin Depolymerizing Factor in Pollination
1027162 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Cherney, J. Cherney,Jerome CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Improving Profitability and Reducing Producer Risks of Alfalfa-Grass Bicultures with Low-Cost NIRS
1026468 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Cheng, Y. Cheng,Yifan CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Improving stability and activity of covalently immobilized enzymes via nanoengineered microenvironments for food waste valorization
1030481 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Cheng, Y. Cheng,Yifan VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA Improving stability and activity of covalently immobilized enzymes via nanoengineered microenvironments for food waste valorization
1029978 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Cheng, X. Cheng,Xuemei INDUSTRY VISION AUTOMATION CORPORATION MD Machine Vision, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics to Increase Capabilities and Efficiencies of Poultry Productions
0192551 EXTENDED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Cheng, H. W. Cheng, H. W. USDA, ARS, Midwest Area Office IL Neuronal Plasticity and Physiological Indicators of Animal Well-Being
1015406 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Cheng, H. H. Cheng,Hans H ARS-USDA GA Genomic screens to identify regulatory elements with causative polymorphisms accounting for Marek’s disease genetic resistance in chicken
1012507 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Cheng, H. Cheng,Heng-wei Cheng AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE IL Probiotic, Bacillus Subtilis, Prevents Injurious Behaviors And Increases Skeletal Health In Laying Hens
1024481 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Cheng, H. Cheng,Hao UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA Leveraging High-Throughput Phenotypes and Biological Information into Genome-enabled Analysis and Prediction
1026526 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Chenarides, L. -. Chenarides,Lauren - ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY AZ Evidence-Based Policymaking for Applied Economists
1033078 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Chen, Z. D. Chen,Zhi David ZDC TECH LTD. CO. KY Durable High-Temperature Humidity Sensors for Precision Food Processing
1027950 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Chen, Z. Chen,Zhao UNIV OF MARYLAND MD Control of persistent Salmonella enterica on foods with prior exposure to sub-lethal food production-related stresses using a hurdle concept
1016016 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Chen, Y. Chen,Yongsheng GEORGIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY GA Use of Domestic Wastewarer for Food Production
0211486 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Chen, X. Chen,Xin INDUSTRY VISION AUTOMATION CORPORATION MD Automated X-ray & Laser Imaging System for Detecting Bone Fragments on Poultry De-boning Lines
0217757 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Chen, X. Chen,Xin INDUSTRY VISION AUTOMATION CORPORATION MD Hyperspectral Fluorescence Imaging Detection System for Black Walnut Shell Fragments Recognition and Removal
0194761 EXTENDED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Chen, T. T. Chen, T. T. UNIV OF CONNECTICUT CT Production of Disease Resistant Shrimps by Manipulation of Antimicrobial Peptide Genes
0193668 EXTENDED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Chen, S. G. Chen, S. G. CASE WESTERN RESERVE UNIV OH Molecular Studies On Chronic Wasting Disease, A Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy Of Deer And Elk
0203691 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Chen, S. Chen, S. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Integrated Education and Research for Bioconversion and Applications Development: Addressing New Agricultural Opportunities
1027419 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Chen, S. Chen,Steven ALAMEDA, COUNTY OF CA ALL IN Alameda County Rx4Health&Equity
1028317 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Chen, S. Chen,Shulin WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Producing Biopolymers from Organic Wastes to Achieve Economical and Environmental Wins
1031008 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Chen, S. Chen,Sixue UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI MS Metabolomics of Stomatal Immunity in Disease Triangle
1031678 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Chen, Q. Chen,Qi UNIV OF HAWAII HI AgriWatch: Innovating Agricultural Disaster Response with AI-Empowered Real-Time Monitoring
0203632 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Chen, L. H. Chen, L. H. UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY KY Doctoral Training in Nutrition and Chronic Diseases
1024643 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Chen, J. Wright,Robert Clay VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA Development of CRISPR-equipped Engineered Phages (CREEPs) for the Detection of Escherichia coli (Indicator Bacteria) in Agricultural Water
1024653 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Chen, J. Chen,Jiajia UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE TN Development of Integrated Multiphysics Modeling and Machine Learning-Based Platforms for Advancing Microwaveable Foods Manufacturing