Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1028845 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Magarey, R. D. Magarey,Roger D. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Southern IPM Center: A Regional Approach to Networking, Collaboration and Services
1001070 EXTENDED SPECIAL GRANT Marshall, M. R. Marshall,Maurice R UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Southern Region Program to Clear Pest Agents for Minor Uses
1010425 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Avery, J. L. Avery,Jimmy L. MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIV MS Southern Regional Aquaculture Center
1023934 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Avery, J. L. Avery,Jimmy L. MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIV MS Southern Regional Aquaculture Center
1027194 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Schneider, K. R. Schneider,Keith R UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Southern Regional Center for Food Safety Training, Outreach and Lead Regional Coordination Center
1026346 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Anderson, M. Anderson,Matthew BOARD OF REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY SYSTEM OF GEORGIA GA Southwest Georgia Veterinary Medicine Candidate and Growth Capacity Building Program
1016548 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Antonio, T. Antonio,Thomas INSTITUTE OF AMERICAN INDIAN ARTS NM Southwest Plant Collection and Identification
1029633 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Antonio, T. Antonio,Thomas INSTITUTE OF AMERICAN INDIAN ARTS NM Southwest Plants for Dyes, Oils, and Classroom Use
1029293 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Cervantes, J. C. Quijada,Adrian Tohono O`odham Community Action (TOCA) AZ Sovereign O`oidag (Gardens) for a Sovereign Nation
0199900 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Vaidyanathan, R. Ranji Vaidyanathan Advanced Ceramics Research, Inc AZ Soybean Oil Based High Performance Nanocomposites
1024646 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Levy, A. Levy,Amit UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL SP-Unraveling Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus-phloem interactions using isolated vasculature from seed coats
1029382 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Aksenov, A. Aksenov,Alexander UNIV OF CONNECTICUT CT SP: A method for generating an optimally attractive scent for Asian Citrus Psyllid (ACP) biocontrol
1024608 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Mou, Z. Mou,Zhonglin UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL SP: A novel therapeutic strategy for HLB-infected trees
1029413 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Grosser, J. W. Grosser,Jude William UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL SP: Accelerating the delivery of conventionally developed HLB tolerant citrus scions and rootstocks as pathogen-free budlines for replicated multi-site testing
1029369 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Alferez, F. M. Alferez,Fernando Miguel UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL SP: Combining Individual Protective Covers (IPCs) and brassinosteroids to prolong health and improve fruit yield and quality in newly planted trees under HLB
1029396 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Simon, A. E. Simon,Anne E. UNIV OF MARYLAND MD SP: CYVaV VIGS vector for vaccinating seedlings and controlling HLB in infected fruit bearing trees
1029411 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Chater, J. M. Chater,John M UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL SP: HLB-resistant rootstock candidates for the citrus industry: validating and understanding disease resistance
1029336 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Heck, M. Heck,Michelle Agricultural Research Service PA SP: Molecular strategies to block psyllid transmission of the HLB pathogen
1024575 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Bonning, B. C. Bonning,Bryony C UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL SP: Optimal Bt toxins and gene silencing RNAs for management of Asian citrus psyllid to mitigate the impact of citrus greening.
1029722 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Vincent, C. I. Vincent,Christopher I UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL SP: Recovering from Ian and enhancing future hurricane readiness
1027742 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Diepenbrock, L. M. Diepenbrock,Lauren Marie UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL SP: Regional management strategies for Asian citrus psyllid and HLB prevention in commercial groves and residential plantings
1029350 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Mou, Z. Mou,Zhonglin UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL SP: Targeted production of non-transgenic HLB-tolerant trees through complementary approaches
1027743 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Stelinski, K. S. Stelinski,Kirsten Suzanne UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL SP: Targeting the Asian citrus psyllid gut to block Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus transmission
1029415 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Stelinski, K. S. Stelinski,Kirsten Suzanne UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL SP: Toward a reliable, insect cell culture-based technique for culturing CLas bacteria
1027732 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Seymour, D. K. Seymour,Danelle Kathleen UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, RIVERSIDE CA SP: Use performance of 300 hybrids in established trials to map Huanglongbing tolerance/resistance genes and release superior new rootstocks
1027767 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Dutt, M. Dutt,Manjul UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL SP: Utilizing HLB tolerant citrus germplasm and understanding their role in mitigating Huanglongbing
1029407 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Kuo, Y. Kuo,Yen-Wen UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA SP: Virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS) using insect specific viruses to manipulate psyllids as a strategy to control citrus greening/HLB
0204709 EXTENDED HATCH Jordan, DA. Jordan, DA. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Spatial and Temporal Aspects of Weed Interference Biology, Herbicide Physiology, and Management in Selected Crops
0204118 EXTENDED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Sappington, T. W. Sappington, T. W. AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE IL Spatial and Temporal Characterization of Gene Flow Among European Corn Borer Populations Using Microsatelite Markers