Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
0211295 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Orozco, S. OROZCO,SAMUEL G. Tohono O`odham Community Action (TOCA) AZ Everything in the Desert Connects II Extension 2010-2011
0211289 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Allen, J. C. Allen, J. C. UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY UT Western Rural Development Center
0211246 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS DeLoughery, R. L. DeLoughery, R. L. Sitting Bull College ND Growing a Bison Culture
0211188 EXTENDED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Bostick, B. C. Bostick, B. C. DARTMOUTH COLLEGE NH Establishing a Quantitative Link Between Episodic Mineral Transformations, Speciation, and the Transport of Arsenical Pesticides in Soils
0211187 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Tedders, W. L. Tedders,Walker Louis SOUTHEASTERN INSECTARIES, INC. GA Mechanized in vivo production of entomopathogenic nematodes: expanding biocontrol utility
0211182 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Wardell, G. Wardell,Gordon S.A.F.E. RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT LLC AZ Controlling Varroa Mites in the Honey Bee, Apis Mellifera
0211152 EXTENDED HATCH Godwin, J. Godwin, J. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Control of sex, mating behavior, and reproduction by endogenous and environmental cues
0211125 EXTENDED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Ryel, R. J. Ryel, R. J. UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY UT Reversing aspen decline: assessing the effects of forest manipulation on resource values and ecosystem processes and function
0211087 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Jodoin-Reitman, L. Jodoin-Reitman, Lilliana GLOBAL WELLNESS ME Third Stage Software and Planning Services for Productive and Successful Aging
0211060 EXTENDED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Hill, J. E. Hill,Jane Emily UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT VT Fate of Motile Bacterial Pathogens in the Subsurface: Determining the extent and influence of motility and counter-current movement on cell
0211057 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Wright, D. W. Kuhrt, Fred MICROANALYTICS, INC. TX Metalized FEP-An Improved Alternative to Tedlar Bags for Downwind Odor and Volatiles Emission Sampling of Confined Animal Operations
0211035 EXTENDED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT van Santen, V. L. van Santen,Vicky Lin AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Effects of viral immunosuppression on disease in vaccinated chickens
0211010 EXTENDED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Garcia-Pichel, F. Garcia-Pichel, F. ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY AZ Functional Constraints in Microscale Carbon and Nitrogen Cycling by Biological Soil Crusts
0210957 EXTENDED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Spooner, D. M. Spooner, D. M. AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE IL COSII-based mapping and diversity in the Solanaceae
0210955 EXTENDED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Ives, A. R. Ives,Anthony Ragnar UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Long-term, broad-scale biological control of pea aphids by multiple natural enemies
0210950 EXTENDED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Giovannoni, J. Giovannoni, J. BOYCE THOMPSON INSTITUTE NY Tomato fruit epidermis and carpel genomics: tools for gene discovery, functional analysis and enhancement of the Solanaceae toolkit
0210934 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Klein, R. Klein, R. FORT BERTHOLD COMMUNITY COLLEGE ND Tribal Outreach and Youth Leadership Training
0210922 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Ashraf, A. Ashraf, Ahtasham CENTRAL SIGNAL LLC WI An Innovative Cost-Effective Active Warning System for Improved Safety at Rural Railroad Crossings
0210918 EXTENDED HATCH Hodgson, E. Hodgson, E. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Human In Vitro Metabolic Interactions of Agrochemicals: Implications for Risk Assessment
0210867 EXTENDED HATCH Hightower, J. Hightower, J. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Factors regulating the abundance of diadromous fishes
0210866 EXTENDED HATCH Buckel, J. Buckel, J. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Use of electronic tag technology and mark recapture models to estimate mortality rates in estuarine fishes
0210861 EXTENDED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Bradeen, J. M. James Bradeen UNIV OF MINNESOTA MN Comparative Structural Genomics of the Potato Tertiary Genepool: Improving Access to Agriculturally Significant Genes
0210831 EXTENDED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT belostotsky, D. A. Belostotsky,Dmitry A. UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI MO Genetics and Genomics of Plant Exosome
0210811 EXTENDED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Dobrinski, I. Dobrinski, I. UNIV OF PENNSYLVANIA PA Xenografting of Testis Tissue in Agricultural Animals
0210712 EXTENDED HATCH Fernandez, G. Fernandez, G. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Bramble breeding and biologically based/organic strawberry production
0210675 EXTENDED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT GREENE, M. J. Greene,Michael UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO CO Breaking the code of nestmate social recognition cues of the pest ant Tetramorium caespitum.
0210655 EXTENDED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Dwyer, G. Dwyer,Greg UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO IL Using mechanistic models to understand the combined effects of a viral disease and a fungal disease on gypsy moth populations
0210644 EXTENDED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Grulke, N. E. GRULKE,NANCY Elizabeth FOREST SERVICE DC Defining a mechanistic link in pines among stand thinning, drought stress, and risk of mortality from pine bark beetles.
0210563 EXTENDED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Peterson,D,G Peterson,Daniel G. CAL POLY CORPORATION CA Regulation of Lysine Transport and Utilization in Chickens
0210562 EXTENDED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Taylor, C. G. Taylor, C. G. DONALD DANFORTH PLANT SCIENCE CENTER MO Characterization of the Pseudomonas genus of bacteria for plant-parasitic nematode control