Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
0219302 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Martinson, T. E. Burr, T. J. N Y AGRICULTURAL EXPT STATION NY Addressing Research and Extension Needs of the Emerging Cold-Climate Wine Industry in the Northeast and Upper Midwest
1024051 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Contreras, D. Contreras,Dawn MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Addressing Rural Opioid Misuse in Michigan Through Evidence-Based Health Education, Telehealth, Distance Learning, and Coalitions
1023955 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Crutchfield, W. A. Crutchfield,William A. VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY VA Addressing the Impact of Covid-19 on Socially Disadvantaged and Veteran Beginning Farmers and Ranchers in Virginia
0211475 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Dickson, D. W. David W. Dickson UNIV OF CONNECTICUT CT Addressing the Impacts of Land Use on Water Quality: Continued & Enhanced Coordination of the National NEMO Network
0223037 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS McCrea, B. McCrea,Brigid DELAWARE STATE UNIVERSITY DE Addressing The Needs Of High-Risk Small Flock & Niche Market Poultry Flocks By Establishing The Center For Small Flock Res. & Innovation
0212133 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Wilken, C. S. Wilken, C. S. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Addressing the needs of older adults in times of disaster: An EDEN based program
1010374 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Dawson, J. C. Dawson,Julie C UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Addressing the needs of organic direct-market growers for production and quality traits in vegetable seed
1017296 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Katras, M. Katras,Mary Jo UNIV OF MINNESOTA MN Addressing the Opioid Crisis in Rural Minnesota: Building Recovery Capital
1005240 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Kirst, I. Pirog,Matt COMMUNITY CROPS NE Addressing the Training Needs of Hispanic and Limited Resource Beginning Farmers in Nebraska
0186571 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Latour, R. A. Latour, R. A. CLEMSON UNIVERSITY SC Adhesin-Specific Nanoparticles for Removal of Campylobacter jejuni from Poultry
0211539 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Ayers, J. E. Unger, R. L. PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Administration of the Northeastern Region IPM Competitive Grants Program
1016969 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Patrick Wertz, K. Patrick Wertz,Kerri Aaniiih Nakoda College MT Adopting a community coalition approach for addressing substance abuse on the Fort Belknap Indian Reservation
0211465 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Todey, D. P. Todey, D. P. SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY SD Adoption-Outreach of Agricultural Water Conservation Strategies in a Sub-Humid Urban Area
0222950 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Butler, D. M. Butler,David UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE TN Advanced development and implementation of anaerobic soil disinfestation technology as an alternative to methyl bromide
1003755 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Butt, K. F. Butt,Kevin IOWA VALLEY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT IA Advanced Integration of Precision Agriculture Activities and Demonstrations into Secondary Curriculum Using a Mobile Lab Model and Creation
0215934 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Brown, P. H. Brown, P. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA Advanced sensing and management to optimize water and nitrogen use in tree crops
0227112 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Louws, F. Louws,Frank NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Advanced Systems for Integrated Management of Strawberry Soilborne Pests in the Southeast USA
0221718 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Jameel, H. Jameel,Hasan NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Advanced Technology for Low Cost Ethanol from Engineered Cellulosic Biomass
1010796 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Cook, N. B. Cook,Nigel B UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Advanced training in dairy cattle well-being to provide different models of veterinary practice in rural America
0226992 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Buser, M. Buser,Michael OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY OK Advancement of a whole-chain, stakeholder driven traceability system for agricultural commodities: beef cattle pilot demonstration
1007599 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Zhu, H. Zhu,Heping AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE IL Advancement of pesticide spray applications in specialty crop production with intelligent-decision technologies
0230396 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Karriker, L. Karriker,Locke IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY IA Advancing a Swine Medicine Education Center of Excellence and Delivering a National Curriculum to U. S. Veterinary Students
0210460 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS McCurdy, S. M. Sandy McCurdy UNIV OF IDAHO ID Advancing accurate consumer use of instant-read food thermometers through grocery stores and Women Infants and Children (WIC) Programs
1007660 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Richards, J. K. Richards,Jennifer K. UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE EXTENSION TN Advancing Adolescent Food Safety Education Through Inquiry-based STEM Instruction and Innovative Media Strategies
1001461 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Rees, P. S. Rees,Paula Sturdevant UNIV OF MASSACHUSETTS MA Advancing agricultural water security and resilience under nonstationarity and uncertainty: Evolving roles of blue, green and grey water.
1017576 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Henderson, J. Mosiman,Amanda PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN Advancing Agrosecurity and Community Resilience through Collaboration, Capacity-Building and Extension Program Innovation
1015018 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Ahmed, S. Ahmed,Selena MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY MT Advancing an Inclusive Food Systems Curriculum based on a Signature Pedagogy
1016713 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Caldwell, C. M. Edler,Rebecca COLLEGE OF MENOMINEE NATION WI Advancing and Supporting Indigenous Perspectives of Sustainability at Home and Beyond
0208784 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Earle, E. D. Earle, E. D. CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Advancing Crop Improvement Through Integration of New Technologies