Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
0201800 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Hurley, D. J. Hurley, D. J. UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Comparison of fresh and frozen colostrums in transfer of mycobacterial immunity
0201801 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Lee, M. D. Lee, M. D. UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Role of the bacterial community in intestinal health
0201802 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Vandenplas, M. L. Hurley, D. J. UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Correlating Map induced NF-kB activation with NOD2 mutations in Johne's disease
0201881 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Glisson, J. King, J. UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Poultry Disease Research
0201882 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Quinn, F. D. Quinn, F. D. UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Crohns disease: Potential acquisition through pasteurized milk
0203328 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Sellers, H. S. Sellers, H. S. UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Development of a multiplex RT-PCR to differentiate lentogenic Newcastle disease virus from Exotic Newcastle disease (END) virus
0205420 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Woolums, A. R. Woolums, A. R. UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA siRNA administration to prevent disease due to BRSV infection in cattle
0206455 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Karls, R. Karls, R. UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Isolation of mycobacteriophage that target M. avium ssp. paratuberculosis.
0207182 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Hurley, D. J. Hurley, D. J. UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA The impact of grazing on endophyte contaminated fecsue on the development and function of the bovine immune system.
0211942 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Hofacre, C. L. Hofacre, C. L. UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Clinical Investigation of Poultry Diseases
0211943 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Kleven, S. H. Kleven, S. H. UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Development of Real Time PCR Procedures for Mycoplasma synoviae, M. meleagridis, and M. iowae
0213308 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Brainard, B. M. brainard, B. M. UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Identification of Endothelial Microparticles from Canine Cell Culture
0213894 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Tripp, R. A. Tripp, R. A. UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Detection / Identification of Mycoplasmas in Poultry by Nanorod Array SERS
0214525 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Findly, R. C. Findly, R. C. UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Cutaneous antibody secreting cells and b cells in a teleost fish
0218655 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Findly, R. C. Findly, R. C. UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Endosymbiotic Bacteria in the Parasitic Ciliate Ichthyophthirius multifiliis
0218656 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Krunkosky, T. M. Krunkosky, T. M. UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Effect of BRSV infected bovine bronchial epithelial cells on T cell responses
0218795 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Hurley, D. J. Hurley, D. UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Establishing the roles of local and systemic inflammation in reproductive failure in dairy cows
0218821 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Wolstenholme, A. J. Wolstenholme, A. J. UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Identification of candidate ivermectin resistance genes in Haemonchus contortus.
0218836 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Keel, M. K. Keel, M. K. UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Avian salmonellosis among wild birds: strain specificity and natural history.
0218900 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Hofacre, C. Hofacre, C. UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Clinical Investigation of Poultry Diseases
0218932 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Jackwood, MA. Jackwood, MA. UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Poultry Disease Research
0220212 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Beckstead, R. Beckstead, R. UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Coccidiosis control on game-bird farms by immunization and chemotherapy
0226051 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Hurley, D. Hurley, D. UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Prevalence of Bacteremia in Acute Puerperal Metritis
0226078 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Woolums, AM. Woolums, AM. UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA A Survey of Risk Factors for Nursing Beef Calf Respiratory Disease
0226477 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Findly, R. Findly, RO, C. UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Pathogen-Induced T and B Cell CDR3 Repertoires in Channel Catfish
0230063 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Dickerson, H. W. Dickerson, HA. UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Animal Health Research
0231544 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Jaso-Friedmann, L. Jaso-Friedmann, L. UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA NCAMP-1: A dual role as a pathogen sensor and as an alarmin.
0231755 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Kaplan, RA. Kaplan, RA. UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Development of diagnostic assays for anthelmintic resistance in cattle nematodes
0233118 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Turnquist, S. Turnquist, S. UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA An immunohistochemical and epidemiological survey of Mycoplasma-bovis associated bronchopneumonia in southern Georgia beef and dairy cattle