Project Listing

Sponsoring Agency:USDA - NIFA

As NIFA transitions to a new reporting system, the NIFA Reporting System, the AREERA Plans of Work and Annual Reports of Accomplishments, and their data, may not be immediately available in NIFA's standard reports.

For updates, please refer to the NIFA Reporting System or email

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1025774 NEW HATCH Sosnoskie, LY, M. Sosnoskie, LY, M. CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Documenting herbicide resistant Palmer amaranth and waterhemp in NY and identifying the parameters influencing spread
1025773 NEW HATCH Graham, SC. Graham, SC. AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Management of Insect Pests of Alabama Row Crops
1025772 NEW HATCH Makris, TH, . Makris, TH, . NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Dioxygen-dependent mechanisms of hydrocarbon biosynthesis
1025766 NEW HATCH Secor, WI. Secor, WI. UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA Multistate Research Coordination, Southern Region
1025759 NEW HATCH Zabotina, OL. Zabotina, OL. IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY IA Polysaccharide biosynthesis: case of xyloglucan backbone branching
1025757 NEW HATCH Machtinger, ER, TH. Machtinger, ER, TH. PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Biology, Ecology & Management of Emerging Disease Vectors
1025755 NEW HATCH Ho, C, . Ho, CH. RUTGERS, THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW JERSEY NJ Molecular mechanisms of the anti-obesity effects of phytochemicals in foods
1025752 NEW HATCH Dai, SU, . Dai, SU, . TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX Mechanistic Study of Estrogen Receptor/Xenoestrogen Interaction in Cancer
1025743 NEW HATCH Ujor, VI, . Ujor, VI. UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Engineering robust biological systems towards economical biomanufacturing of bulk chemicals from agricultural residues
1025740 NEW HATCH Chiavegato, MA, . Chiavegato, MA, . OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY OH Management practices to increase sustainability in agroecosystems
1025739 NEW HATCH Isakeit, TH. Isakeit, TH. TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX Increasing Fungicide Efficiency for Management of Cotton Root Rot (Phymatotrichum Root Rot) in Cotton
1025738 NEW HATCH Palma, MA, A.. Palma, MA, A.. TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX Specialty Crops and Food Systems: Exploring Markets, Supply Chains and Policy Dimensions
1025729 NEW HATCH Lamsal, BU, P. Lamsal, BU, P. IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY IA Engineering for food safety and quality
1025727 NEW HATCH Foote, AN, . Foote, AN. OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY OK National Animal Nutrition Program
1025722 NEW HATCH Pradhanang, SO, . Pradhanang, SO, M. UNIVERSITY OF RHODE ISLAND RI Advanced Understanding and Prediction of Pollutants in Critical Landscapes in Watersheds
1025721 NEW HATCH Schaich, KA, M. Schaich, KA, M. RUTGERS, THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW JERSEY NJ Elucidating mechanisms of oxidative degradation in foods and developing methods for its detection and control
1025716 NEW HATCH Menendez, HE, . Menendez, HE, . SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY SD A systems-level approach to advance livestock grazing sustainability, resilience, and productivity
1025715 NEW HATCH Meyer, W, . Meyer, WI. RUTGERS, THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW JERSEY NJ Turfgrass Breeding and Evaluation
1025714 NEW HATCH Xu, SU, . Xu, SU. SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY SD Land use and management practice impacts on soil carbon and associated agroecosystems services
1025713 NEW HATCH Mehta, SU, . Mehta, SU, . WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV A Novel Approach to Use Plant-Based Essential Oils in Developing Therapeutic Textiles and Assessment of their Performance Efficacy Using Neurophysiology.
1025712 NEW HATCH Chouljenko, AL, V.. Chouljenko, AL, V.. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Adding value to oysters through the utilization of electrolyzed water as a post-harvest processing technique
1025711 NEW HATCH Xu, SU, . Xu, SU. SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY SD Enhancing ecosystem services through sustainable soil health management
1025707 NEW HATCH Charlton, DI, . Charlton, DI, . MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY MT Rural Labor Markets and Responses to the Farm Labor Problem
1025706 NEW HATCH Weaver, DA, K.. Weaver, DA, K.. MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY MT Poisonous Plants: Impact, Ecology, and Management
1025705 NEW HATCH Rudar, MA. Rudar, MA. AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Reducing post-weaning growth lag in pigs through sulfur amino acid nutrition
1025704 NEW HATCH Zhou, XU. Zhou, XU. UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY KY From “Scared to Death” to “Peace of Mind”: the neuroscience governing social buffering in termites
1025698 NEW HATCH Rowland, DI, L. Rowland, DI, L. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Utilizing physiological agroecology to increase stress resilience in Florida cropping systems.
1025697 NEW HATCH Yao, S. Yao, S. NEW MEXICO STATE UNIVERSITY NM Improving Economic and Environmental Sustainability in Tree-Fruit Production Through Changes in Rootstock Use
1025696 NEW HATCH Sterling, T, . Sterling, T, . MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY MT Poisonous Plants: Impact, Ecology, and Management