Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1010364 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Busov, V. Busov,Victor MICHIGAN TECHNOLOGICAL UNIV MI Utility of STERILE APETALA (SAP) for development of a sterility transgenic containment technology in poplar
0230400 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Baldwin, T. J. Baldwin,Thomas James UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY UT Utah Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory`s participation in the NAHLN
1002593 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Griffy, J. L. Griffy,Joseph L. UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE TN UT Military Services Project
0218173 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Meisinger, D. Good, C. IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY IA USPCE Critical Issue Prioritization 2009
0222422 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Hooks, C. R. Hooks,Cerruti RR UNIV OF MARYLAND MD Using winter cover crops to enhance the organic vegetable industry in the mid-Atlantic region
0218966 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS English, H. English, H. W. UNIV OF ARKANSAS AR Using USDA Programs & Extension Practices to Help Socially Disadvantaged Producers Maintain their Farms
1004139 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Higdon, A. Higdon,Andrea UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY KY Using Sustainable Agriculture to Address Food Security Before, During, and After a Disaster
0197317 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Macguidwin, A. E. MacGuidwin, A. E. UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Using Soil Solarization to Reduce the Inoculum Potential of Verticillium dahliae and Nematodes in Vegetable Production Systems
0207877 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Prokopy, L. S. Prokopy, L. S. PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN Using Social Indicators to Improve Adoption of Land Management Practices to Protect Water Quality in Three Midwestern Watersheds
0214571 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Hatfield, P. G. Montana State University MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY MT Using sheep in grain fallow management to control weeds and insect pests and reduce use of pesticides and fossil fuels
1021810 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Zebelo, S. Zebelo,Simon University of Maryland Eastern Shore MD Using Rhizobacteria and Cover Crops to Develop and Implement Insect and Weed Management Programs in Sweet Corn Fields
1018141 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Perera, D. A. Perera,Dayan A UNIV OF ARKANSAS AR Using Reproductive Physiology to Increase Aquaculture Capacity at The University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff (UAPB).
1004832 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS MacDermid Wadsworth, S. MacDermid Wadsworth,Shelley PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN Using Practical Rigor to Evaluate U.S. Military Family Support Programs: Development and Implementation Plans
0227328 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Villalba, J. J. Villalba,Juan Jose UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY UT Using New Knowledge on Grazing Behavior to Control Medusahead in the Western US
0206819 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Berkett, L. Berkett, L. P. UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT VT Using New Alternatives to Enhance Adoption of Organic Apple Production through Integrated Research, Education, and Extension
0218650 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Berkett, L. P. Berkett,Lorraine P. UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT VT Using New Alternatives to Enhance Adoption of Organic Apple Production Through Integrated Research and Extension
0214850 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS DAANE, K. M. DAANE, K. M. UNIV OF CALIFORNIA CA Using Intercrops and Alternative Prey to Boost Predatory Flies in Lettuce
1024429 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Belazis, L. Powell,Tiffani D.C. CENTRAL KITCHEN, INC. (THE) DC Using Innovative Technology and Community Connections to Increase Fruit and Vegetable Purchases at Urban Corner Stores
1004472 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Clark, C. D. Clark,Christopher David UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE TN Using Hydro-Economic Modeling to Optimally Allocate Water in the Humid Southeastern U.S.
1004497 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Hooks, C. R. Hooks,Cerruti RR UNIV OF MARYLAND MD Using habitat manipulation to help farmers manage multiple pest complexes in vegetable crops
0186649 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Pivarnik, L. F. Pivarnik, L. F. UNIVERSITY OF RHODE ISLAND RI Using Good Agricultural Practices to Integrate Food Safety Principles Into Small Farm Production
0215399 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Scott, M. Scott,Michael LINCOLN UNIVERSITY MO Using Experiential Learning in Natural Resources to Mentor Students` Professional Development
0230938 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Francis, S. L. Francis,Sarah Lucille IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY IA Using evidence-based programming criteria to refine a community-based intergenerational exergaming program for rural America
1022601 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Kowalczak, C. Kowalczak,Courtney FOND DU LAC TRIBAL AND COMMUNITY COLLEGE MN Using eDNA to Track Invasive Species Across Tribal Lands
0211616 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Buckner, E. R. Buckner,Edmund Randolph UNIV OF ARKANSAS AR Using Distance Learning Technology to Implement a Graduate Agricultural Regulatory Affairs Program
1026793 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Rodriguez-Perez, R. Rodriguez-Perez,Robinson UNIVERSITY OF PUERTO RICO AT MAYAGUEZ PR Using Distance Education to Enhance Aquaponic Production in Puerto Rico’s Model Forest
0207876 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Wang, K. Wang, Koon-Hui UNIV OF HAWAII HI Using Cover Crops to Build an Ecologically Based Pest Management Program for Vegetable Production
1029333 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Falkowski, T. B. Falkowski,Tomasz Bartosz NEW MEXICO HIGHLANDS UNIVERSITY NM Using Combustion Elemental Analysis to Quantify Carbon and Nitrogen Content of Residues from Forest, Range, and Agricultural Management
0222747 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS McClain, E. McClain,Elizabeth FORT BELKNAP COLLEGE MT Using Bioindicators to Monitor and Assess River Health on the Middle Milk River