Project Listing

Sponsoring Agency:USDA - NIFA

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Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1006639 TERMINATED HATCH Beyer, DA. Beyer, DA, ME. PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Developing management strategies for mushroom cultivation to improve substrate utilization, manage diseases, and improve yield and fresh quality to increase profitability.
1006638 TERMINATED HATCH Zuckerberg, BE, . Zuckerberg, BE, . UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Demographic Consequences of Attentuating Winters; Cryptic Declines of Ruffed Grouse Throughout the Upper Midwest
1006637 TERMINATED HATCH Stoecker, R. Stoecker, R. UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Gaining and Retaining Young People in Wisconsin Rural Communities
1006636 TERMINATED HATCH Hatsu, IR, . Hatsu, IR, . OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY OH Food systems, health, and well-being: understanding complex relationships and dynamics of change
1006635 TERMINATED HATCH Peery, M. Peery, M. UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Integrating Genetic and Demographic Methods to Model Agricultural and Climate Change Impacts on Native Species: Wisconsin Turtles as a Case Study
1006629 TERMINATED HATCH White, HE, M.. White, HE, M.. UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Global Hepatic Gene Expression Changes During the Induction of Fatty Liver in Transition Dairy Cattle
1006628 TERMINATED HATCH Kraft, JA, . Kraft, JA, . UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT VT Determining the health-promoting benefits of milk fat from dairy cows receiving feed enriched with bioactive fatty acids
1006626 TERMINATED HATCH Deom, C. Deom, CA, MI. UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA The Role of the Geminivirus C4 Protein in Regulating the Cell Cycle.
1006625 TERMINATED HATCH Yang, JE, . Yang, JE, . WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Consumer Behavior and Mass Customization in the Apparel Industry
1006621 TERMINATED HATCH Argueso, CR, . Argueso, CR, . COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO A Systems Biology Approach for the Identification of Gene Networks Controlling Disease Resistance in Response to Climate Change
1006620 TERMINATED HATCH Gaines, TO, A. Gaines, TO. COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO Understanding and diagnosing herbicide resistance in weeds
1006619 TERMINATED HATCH Mckay, J. McKay, JO. COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO Combining High Throughput Phenotyping in the field and Genome-wide analysis to discover beneficial alleles for yield
1006617 TERMINATED HATCH Fuller, B, . Fuller, B, . SOUTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY SD Corn Rootworm Population Density and Species Distribution Changes Impacting Management
1006616 TERMINATED HATCH Robock, A, . Robock, AL. RUTGERS, THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW JERSEY NJ Impacts on Climate and Agriculture of Geoengineering, Volcanic Eruptions, and Nuclear Winter
1006613 TERMINATED HATCH Weatherspoon, D. Weatherspoon, D. MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Food Supply Chains and Consumer Preferences and Health
1006612 TERMINATED HATCH Canaan, PA, . Canaan, PA. OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY OK B-lactamases in the multidrug resistance opportunistic bacterial pathogen Elizabethkingia meningoseptica
1006611 TERMINATED HATCH Herriges, JO, . Herriges, JO, . MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Assessing the Value of Eco-System Services from Inland Waterways
1006609 TERMINATED HATCH Kuhn, DA, D. Kuhn, DA, D. VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA Improving the Value of Tilapia in the United States
1006608 TERMINATED HATCH Fulton, J. Fulton, JO. PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN Factors affecting productivity, efficiency, and business success along the agricultural value chain
1006607 TERMINATED HATCH Byrd, J. Byrd, J. MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIV MS Weed management tactics for forages, rights of way, and natural areas
1006602 TERMINATED HATCH Martini, SI, . Martini, SI. UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY UT Modification of butter physical properties using high intensity ultrasound
1006601 TERMINATED HATCH Li, YA, . Li, YA, . COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO Microbial-Sensing “Smart” Nonwoven Hygiene Wipes for Monitoring of Foodborne Bacterial Infection
1006600 TERMINATED HATCH Bellows, LA, . Bellows, LA, L. COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO The Home Food Environment: Linking home food availability with nutritional health and chronic disease risk
1006599 TERMINATED HATCH Peairs, FR, B. Peairs, FR. COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO Biology and management of arthropod pests of winter wheat in Colorado
1006598 TERMINATED HATCH Liang, XI, . Liang, XI. UNIV OF IDAHO ID Improving water use efficiency for irrigated wheat in southern Idaho
1006597 TERMINATED HATCH Kondratieff, B. Kondratieff, B. COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO Support and Enhancement of the C. P. Gillette Museum of Arthropod Diversity
1006596 TERMINATED HATCH Nissen, S. Nissen, SC, J. COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO Integrated Weed Management Stratagies for Aquatic Plants and Winter Annual Grasses
1006594 TERMINATED HATCH Ohno, TS, . Ohno, TS. UNIVERSITY OF MAINE ME Chemistry and Bioavailability of Organic Matter Adsorbed on Soil Mineral Surfaces
1006592 TERMINATED HATCH Pierson, EL, . Pierson, EL. TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX Plant-Microbe Interactions Involved in Promoting Plant Health and Bioenergy Production
1006589 TERMINATED HATCH Kosma, DY, . Kosma, DY, . UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA NV Barriers to water loss: the molecular & biochemical bases of potato suberin synthesis & cuticle synthesis in model xeroohyte/cam-species opuntia ficus-indica