Project Listing

Sponsoring Agency:USDA - NIFA

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Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1028762 NEW SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Cowart, J. Tolley,William K SEACOAST SCIENCE, INC. CA A Novel, Lightweight Ammonia Vapor Detector
1028760 NEW OTHER GRANTS Kimball, M. Kimball,Mary CENTER FOR LAND-BASED LEARNING CA Mobile Market Truck - Transforming Food Delivery and Production Systems to Improve Food Security and Nutrition Education for Low-Income Communities in Yolo County
1028757 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Womac, A. R. Womac,Alvin R. UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE TN Evaluating within-canopy airflow, plant structure, and spray techniques to improve droplet penetration
1028755 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Liu, H. Liu,Haizhou The Regents of University of California CA Engineering sustainable onsite brine treatment for irrigation: improve production of salt-sensitive crops
1028754 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Zhu, W. Zhu,Weihang UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON SYSTEM TX Developing Automated Robotic System for Mushroom Harvesting
1028752 NEW OTHER GRANTS Picard, D. Picard,Diane MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE PROJECT, INC NY Buffalo Food Justice Project
1028751 NEW OTHER GRANTS Djidonou, D. Djidonou,Desire Texas A&M University-Commerce TX Enhancing Research and Education Capacity in Controlled Environment Production Systems for a Sustainable Urban Agriculture
1028748 NEW OTHER GRANTS Shim, R. Shim,Rosalyn TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY TX New Breed: Training Work-Force Ready Plant Breeders By Integrating Core Knowledge With Applied Research And Experiential Learning
1028747 NEW OTHER GRANTS Sanchez, S. Sanchez,Siddhartha YOUTH MINISTRIES FOR PEACE AND JUSTICE INC NY Southeast Bronx Community Food Project
1028746 NEW OTHER GRANTS McClain, M. Ramsey,Abeni GREATER NEWARK CONSERVANCY INC NJ Building Neighborhood Capacity to Alleviate Market Constraints and Increase Food System Activity In Newark, New Jersey
1028744 NEW OTHER GRANTS Chandler, T. Ibarra,Roseanne NORTH COAST OPPORTUNITIES, INC. CA Better Food, Better Living Project
1028739 NEW OTHER GRANTS Ruiz, E. Ruiz,Edgar COMMUNITY THROUGH COLORS NV Building a Food System for Low-Income Communities in Vieques, PR
1028738 NEW SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Varshovi, A. Varshovi,Amir GREENTECHNOLOGIES, L.L.C. FL New reactive mineral layer coating technology for the production of biobased enhanced efficiency fertilizers
1028736 NEW SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Xin, R. Xin,Ruikun SOLMEM LLC TX A Low Cost Solar Desalination Method For Agriculture Drainage Management
1028735 NEW OTHER GRANTS Banerjee, P. Banerjee,Pratik UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS IL A collaborative multi-state food safety outreach program for cottage food and home-based food producers with limited resources
1028732 NEW OTHER GRANTS Delgado, R. P. Delgado,Rigoberto P. NATIONAL IMMIGRANT FARMING INITIATIVE, INC. DC American Rescue Plan Technical Assistance Investment Program - National Immigrant Farming Initiative
1028731 NEW OTHER GRANTS Beleche, M. Beleche,Marcos DORCHESTER COMM FOOD CO-OPERATIVE, INC., THE MA Dorchester Food Coop: Strengthening equitable and resilient food access
1028728 NEW OTHER GRANTS Hernandez-Rivera, S. Hernandez-Rivera,Samuel RECINTO UNIVERSITARIO MAYAGUEZ PR Enhancing Experiential Learning by Assessing Food Quality of Tropical Crops Using Advanced Chemical Sensors and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
1028727 NEW OTHER GRANTS Pheasant, S. Pheasant,Susan CALIFORNIA STATE UNIV. FRESNO FOUNDATION CA Utilization Focused Evaluation Conference for Pacific Coast HSIs - Maximizing Tools, Talent and Technology
1028726 NEW OTHER GRANTS Krishnan, V. Krishnan,Viswanathan CALIFORNIA STATE UNIV. FRESNO FOUNDATION CA Fresno State HSI (Fresh) Program In The Applications Of Metabolomics Of Agricultural Biotechnology
1028725 NEW OTHER GRANTS Gibson, K. Gibson,Kristen UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AR GLEAN (Game Learning to Educate and Advance kNowledge): Transformative Food Safety Training for Farmers Market Vendors
1028724 NEW OTHER GRANTS Sethuraman, A. Sethuraman,Arun SAN DIEGO STATE UNIVERSITY CA The Farm Classroom - A Comprehensive Approach Incorporating Ecology, Virology, and Population Genomics in Hops (Humulus lupulus L.) Biology
1028723 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Scarborough, M. J. Scarborough,Matthew James UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT VT Production of propane from agricultural wastes
1028722 NEW OTHER GRANTS McEntire, J. McEntire,Jennifer UNITED FRESH PRODUCE ASSOCIATION DC Increasing Peer-to-Peer Training and Technical Capacity through a Listeria Environmental Monitoring Certificate Program for Spanish-speaking produce safety staff
1028721 NEW OTHER GRANTS Pournik, M. Pournik,Maysam UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS-PAN AMERICAN TX Collaborative Effort to Enhance Water Supply for Agriculture and Food Development through Educational Training of Hispanic Professionals
1028720 NEW OTHER GRANTS Juliusson, R. Lau-Schommer,Lara MINNESOTA STATE HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY MN Leveraging Cross-Sector Partnerships and Access to Resources to Increase Low-Income Families` Food Self-Sufficiency by Growing Their Own Food
1028719 NEW OTHER GRANTS Rodriguez, A. Rodriguez,Abner RECINTO UNIVERSITARIO MAYAGUEZ PR Experiential extension, internships, and study abroad using small ruminants to develop entrepreneurship and soft skills in Hispanic Animal Science and Pre-Vet students View Text
1028716 NEW OTHER GRANTS Baylis, K. R. Baylis,Katherine Ruth UNIV OF CALIFORNIA CA Equitable Agriculture and Environmental Management
1028714 NEW OTHER GRANTS Harkleroad, N. Harkleroad,Nathan AGRICULTURE & LAND-BASED TRAINING ASSOCIATION (ALBA) CA Latino Immigrant-owned Farms Training in Food Safety (LIFT)