Project Listing

Sponsoring Agency:USDA - NIFA

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Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1017775 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Woolums, AM, . Woolums, AM, R.. MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIV MS Assessing diversity of antimicrobial resistance phenotypes of Mannheimia haemolytica isolated from stocker cattle
1017759 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Anthony, N. Orlowski, SA, . UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AR Quantitative approach to study avian growth and those factors correlated with growth selection
1017740 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Habing, GR, G. Habing, GR, G. OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY - VET MED OH Understanding vaccine reluctance and antimicrobial use decisions among organic producers
1017737 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Kenney, SC, P. Kenney, SC. OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY - VET MED OH Detection of porcine deltacoronavirus in poultry via a luminescent immunoprecipitation system
1017646 NEW ANIMAL HEALTH Loy, JO, DU. Loy, DU, DU. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA NE Characterizing Opportunistic Bacterial Pathogens of Cattle: Leveraging Genomics and Proteomics for Enhanced Detection of Disease Causing Strains, Antimicrobial Resistance, and the Development of Mitigation Strategies
1017644 NEW ANIMAL HEALTH Ciobanu, DA, C.. Ciobanu, DA. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA NE Identification of novel pathogens and evaluation of host genetics role in viral disease susceptibility
1017573 NEW ANIMAL HEALTH Sponseller, B. Sponseller, B. IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY IA Development of a vaccine platform in Clostridium scindens to mitigate C. difficile infection
1017564 NEW ANIMAL HEALTH Erf, G. Erf, G. UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AR Time-course, qualitative and quantitative assessment of innate and adaptive immunity in poultry
1017562 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Graves, ME, . Graves, ME, . UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE TN Transdermal Flunixin Pharmacokinetics and Pain Control Following Castration in Goats
1017493 NEW ANIMAL HEALTH Thune, RO, . Thune, RO, . LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY LA The leucine rich repeat T3SS effectors of Edwardsiella ictaluri
1017392 NEW ANIMAL HEALTH Hector, RA, . Hector, RA, . COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO Effects of continuous infusions of dexmedetomidine on intestinal microcirculation, epithelial barrier integrity, and cardiopulmonary function during experimental endotoxemia in sevoflurane anesthetized horses
1017391 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Mooyottu, SH, . Mooyottu, SH. IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY IA Use of carvacrol as a feed antibiotic alternative against gut-dysbiosis and porcine post-weaning enteric colibacillosis
1017372 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Linhares, DA, . Correia-Lima-Linhare, DA. IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY IA Development and implementation of automated methods to detect changes in patterns of diagnostic test results at the ISU VDL
1017357 NEW ANIMAL HEALTH Coffey, KE, P.. Coffey, KE, P.. UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AR Forage Management Strategies to Improve Ruminant Health and Performance
1017334 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Dembek, KA, . Dembek, KA, . IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY IA The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis dysfunction in the pathogenesis of equine neonatal septicemia
1017320 NEW ANIMAL HEALTH Kegley, E. Kegley, E. UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AR Influence of nutritional and management strategies, including the use of probiotics, on immunity, health, and growth performance of beef cattle
1017289 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Mann, SA, . Mann, SA, . CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Is Nutrient Deficit a Cause of Inflammatory Dysfunction of Postpartum Dairy Cows through Nutrient-sensing Kinase Signaling Pathways?
1017287 REVISED ANIMAL HEALTH Gentry-Weeks, CL, . Gentry-Weeks, CL, . COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO A Nanofiber Composite Wound Dressing for Detection, Prevention, and Treatment of Bacterial Infections
1017265 NEW ANIMAL HEALTH Moorman, VA, . Moorman, VA, . COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO The use of liposomal bupivacaine for equine distal limb pain: an innovative approach to improve postoperative and chronic pain management in horses
1017249 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Mayo, CH, . Mayo, CH, . COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO An aerosolized antiviral for poultry: demonstrating efficacy as a treatment for existing infection in poultry.
1017233 NEW ANIMAL HEALTH Opriessnig, T. Opriessnig, T. IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY IA Fine mapping of genotype specific epitopes in the capsid protein of the major PCV2 genotypes to understand its molecular evolution
1017213 TERMINATED ANIMAL HEALTH Minion, F. Minion, F. IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY IA Development of Genetic Systems for Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae
1017140 NEW ANIMAL HEALTH Konkel, MI, E. Konkel, MI, E. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Host stress-induced mutations drive bacterial pathogen evolution
1017011 NEW ANIMAL HEALTH Koci, MA, D.. Koci, MA, D.. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV NC Maintaining the health and function of the avian intestinal tract: Interaction between the microbiome and the host.
1016975 NEW ANIMAL HEALTH Moore, DA, AN. Moore, DA, AN. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Finding a better way: Research into behavioral change in bovine practice to promote antimicrobial stewardship
1016944 NEW ANIMAL HEALTH Sischo, WI, MA. Sischo, WI, MA. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Assessing dairy cow wellbeing on organic dairy farms
1016943 NEW ANIMAL HEALTH Call, DO, R. Call, DO, R. WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Employing optides as a novel class of antimicrobials for human and veterinary medicine
1016928 NEW ANIMAL HEALTH Hassel, DI, . Hassel, DI, . COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO Microbiome composition and Salmonella shedding in horses with colitis: epidemiologic modeling to identify treatment targets for improved gut health
1016811 NEW ANIMAL HEALTH Banse, HE, . Banse, HE, . LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY LA Characterization of inflammatory cell infiltrate in equine glandular gastric disease (EGGD)