Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1013150 REVISED HATCH Harmon, JE, L.. Harmon, JE, L.. UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING WY Growing Yarns: An Innovative Approach to Bacterial Cellulose Production
0231457 REVISED HATCH Harper, J. Harper, J. UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA NV Regulation of Photosynthetic Processes
1002665 REVISED HATCH Hartshorn, AN, S.. Hartshorn, AN, S.. MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY MT Quantifying Soil Carbon Residence Times Across Montana: A State Factor Approach
1000416 REVISED HATCH Harwood, J. Harwood, J. UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY KY Quantifying the effect of habitat structure on biological control
1020114 REVISED HATCH Hashemi, M. Hashemi, M. UNIV OF MASSACHUSETTS MA Environmental Impacts of Equine Operations
1016550 REVISED HATCH Hauck, RU, . Hauck, RU. AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Strategies to prevent the negative impact of coccidia on the intestinal health of broilers
1020535 REVISED HATCH Hawkins, SH, . Hawkins, SH. UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE TN Enhancing Poultry Production Systems through Emerging Technologies and Husbandry Practices
1011065 REVISED HATCH Hay, AN. Hay, AN. CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY What Happens to E. Coli in the Soil
1001939 REVISED HATCH Hayes, PA. Hayes, PA. OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR Breeding Crops for Adaptation to Changing Environments: Addressing Food Security
1009653 REVISED HATCH He, Z. He, Z. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Development of Novel Technologies for Sustainable Agriculture
1021758 REVISED HATCH He, YA, . He, YA, . UNIV OF HAWAII HI Genetic Improvements of Hawaii Beef Cattle Using Cutting-edge Genomic Approaches
1018684 REVISED HATCH Helms, T. Miranda, CA, . NORTH DAKOTA STATE UNIV ND Soybean Breeding and Cultivar Selection
1021045 REVISED HATCH Hendricks, NA, P.. Hendricks, NA, P.. KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Management and Policy Challenges in a Water-Scarce World
0030355 REVISED HATCH Herbert, S. Jellison, JO. UNIV OF MASSACHUSETTS MA Multistate Research Coordination Northeastern Region
0216540 REVISED HATCH Herbert, S. Jellison, JO, . UNIV OF MASSACHUSETTS MA Massachusetts Agricultural Experiment Station Hatch Coordination project
0233382 REVISED HATCH Hester, P. Hester, PA, YO. PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN Thermal Perches As Cooling Devices For Reducing Heat Stress In Caged Laying Hens
1012932 REVISED HATCH Hickling, GR, . Miller, DE. UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE TN Investigations in One Health: Surveillance, Risk and Management of Pathogen Transmission Among Free-ranging Wildlife, Domestic Species and Humans
0181641 REVISED HATCH Hillman, B. Cohick, WE, S. RUTGERS, THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW JERSEY NJ Multistate Research Coordination Northeastern Region
0233893 REVISED HATCH Hillman, B. Cohick, WE, S. RUTGERS, THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW JERSEY NJ NJAES Hatch Administration and Coordination
1013789 REVISED HATCH Hilscher, JE, . Hilscher, JE, . UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA General and specific inflation risk
1001778 REVISED HATCH Ho, E, . Ho, EM. OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR Nutrient Bioavailability--Phytonutrients and Beyond
0194386 REVISED HATCH Ho, E. Ho, EM. OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR Nutrient Bioavailability--Phytonutrients and Beyond
1017717 REVISED HATCH Ho, EM, . Ho, EM. OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR Nutrient Bioavailability--Phytonutrients and Beyond
1017620 REVISED HATCH Hochman, GA, . Hochman, GA. RUTGERS, THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW JERSEY NJ The Science and Engineering for a Biobased Industry and Economy
1021548 REVISED HATCH Hock, GA, A. Hock, GA, A. KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Multistate Agricultural Literacy Research
0184740 REVISED HATCH Hoffmann, M. Smith, MA. CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Administrative Support for Plant Growth Facilities, Environmental Growth Chamber and Non-growth Chambers at Cornell University
0220894 REVISED HATCH Hoffmann, M. Smith, MA. CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Administrative Support for Communications Services for Multidisciplinary Research Projects at Cornell University to Maximize Impact
0030193 REVISED HATCH Hoffmann, M. P. Smith, MA. CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station Administrative Project
0164647 REVISED HATCH Hoffmann, M. P. Gilbert, R. CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Hatch Faculty Travel and Publications