Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1028246 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Yang, Y. Yang,Yubin TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX A Digital Rice Selection System that Integrates UAV Imaging, Machine Learning, and Multi-Trait Decision-Making
1027537 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS French, D. French,Doran PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN Early Learning Matters
1031562 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Mull, C. VonDielingen,Heather PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN Military Teen Adventure Camps
1025028 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Ashworth, D. J. Men,Yujie UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, RIVERSIDE CA "Dissemination and risk of anthropogenically induced antibiotic resistance in the agricultural environment"
1023634 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Chappell, T. Chappell,Thomas TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TX "FACT: Big data analytics to harmonize disease and pest management with agricultural logistics"
1028928 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Morton-Eggleston, E. Morton-Eggleston,Emma UNIVERSITY HEALTHCARE PHYSICIANS, INC. WV "Farm To You Mobile" Produce Prescription Program: Increasing Access To Local Produce And Nutrition/Cooking Education Via Mobile Outreach
1024238 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Keith, J. Keith,Jill Fabricius UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING WY "Growing Season: Native student pathways to food system and sovereignty studies
0214702 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT whalen, J. John Whalen HARMON BROOK FARM (MAINE SMELT HATCHERY ME "Intensive Commercial Rainbow Smelt Culture"
1025915 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT RAJAN, S. RAJAN,SANJAY KONBIT PBC CO "Regenerative Renaissance — Planet, People, Prosperity. Together™.” Localize food production using novel business model that incorporates social entrepreneurship in Native American communities.
1019166 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Larson, J. Larson,Julie UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO CO (Seed-)banking on a sustainable future: Rangeland resilience to climate variability through stored response diversity
1023727 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Mickelson, A. Mickelson,Abagail LEADING EDGE VETERINARY SERVICES LLC WI (WI203)Funding from the veterinary services grant program will be utilized at our rural, mixed-animal veterinary practice to enhance and expand our large animal veterinary services.
0197921 EXTENDED NRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Huber, S. C. Huber, S. C. AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE IL 14-3-3 Proteins: Specificity, Regulation and Significance in Vivo
1031164 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Hatten, J. A. Hatten,Jeffery A OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR 14th North American Forest Soils Conference: Managing Forest Soil Systems
1028853 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Himmelgreen, D. Himmelgreen,David UNIV OF SOUTH FLORIDA FL 15th Street-Farm Nutrition Education Program
1019698 EXTENDED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Innes, R. Innes,Roger W. INDIANA UNIVERSITY IN 18 International Congress on Plant-Micobe Interactions Travel Awards
1022443 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS El-Dweik, M. Ikem,Abua LINCOLN UNIVERSITY MO 1890 Agricultural Scholars Program
1028607 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Reddy, C. Reddy,Chandra TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY TN 1890 Center of Excellence for Natural Resources, Renewable Energy, and the Environment: A Climate Smart Approach
1026486 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Ahmedna, M. Hymon-Parker,Shirley NORTH CAROLINA A&T STATE UNIV NC 1890 Center of Excellence for Student Success and Workforce Development
1022572 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Ahmedna, M. Ahmedna,Mohamed NORTH CAROLINA A&T STATE UNIV NC 1890 Centers of Excellence to Motivate and Educate for Achievement (MEA)
0229153 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Marsh, D. B. Marsh, Dyremple. B. DELAWARE STATE UNIVERSITY DE 1890 Facilities Grant
1000373 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Marsh, D. B. Winstead,Cherese DELAWARE STATE UNIVERSITY DE 1890 Facilities Grant (Extension Multi-Purpose Facility)
1018444 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Foster, D. T. Foster,Delbert T. SOUTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY SC 1890 Facilities Grant 2018-2022 RFP
1031247 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Foster, D. T. Foster,Delbert T. SOUTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY SC 1890 Facilities Grant 2023 - 2027
1031318 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS D`Souza, G. D`Souza,Gerard PRAIRIE VIEW A&M UNIVERSITY TX 1890 Facilities Grant Program (FY23-27)
0214996 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Hill, W. A. Hill,Walter A. TUSKEGEE UNIVERSITY AL 1890 Facilities Grant Program at Tuskegee University
1004744 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Hill, W. A. Hill,Walter A TUSKEGEE UNIVERSITY AL 1890 Facilities Grant Program at Tuskegee University
1018423 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Hill, W. A. Hill,Walter A. TUSKEGEE UNIVERSITY AL 1890 Facilities Grant Program at Tuskegee University
1031373 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Shange, R. Shange,Raymon TUSKEGEE UNIVERSITY AL 1890 Facilities Grant Program at Tuskegee University: Development of Facilities for Food and Agriculture Sciences Research, Extension, & Teaching: 2023-2028
0214687 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Bequette, B. Wakefield,Dexter ALCORN STATE UNIVERSITY MS 1890 Facilities Grant Program: Alcorn State University