Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
0218608 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Dillon, M. Dillon, M. ORGANIC SEED ALLIANCE WA The Seed We Need ???Working Group, Symposium, and Action Plan for the Advancement of Organic Seed Systems
0207763 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Fredericks, M. Fredericks,Mary FORT BERTHOLD COMMUNITY COLLEGE ND Updated Technology and Enhanced Recruitment
0198167 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Robb, J. G. Robb, J. G. COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY CO Livestock Marketing Information Center: Multi-State Research Support
1021859 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Smith, S. D. Smith,Sigrid D.P. DELAWARE STATE UNIVERSITY DE Assessing the impacts of sea level rise on agriculture and wetland ecosystem services provisioning in Delaware
1018390 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Hartman, K. Hartman,Kerry FORT BERTHOLD COMMUNITY COLLEGE ND Establishing Best Practices to Maximize Yield of the Culturally Relevant Amelanchier (Juneberry)
1013947 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Bessin, R. T. Bessin,Ricardo Tomas UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY KY Kentucky Extension IPM Implementation Program: 2017-2020
1027063 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Meyers, C. A. Meyers,Courtney Alyssa TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY TX iVisit: Interactive Virtual Tours for Advancing Food and Agricultural Sciences
1004118 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Bolques, A. Bolques,Alejandro FLORIDA A&M UNIVERSITY FL Evaluation and Demostration of Protective Structures for Year Round Production of Fresh-Market Vegetables in the Florida Panhandle
1026615 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Coon, S. Coon,Steven FORT PECK COMMUNITY COLLEGE MT Selecting Low Glycemic Potatoes: A Step Towards Mitigating Diabetes
1024634 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Anderson, N. Anderson,Nicole FUND FOR PUBLIC HEALTH IN NEW YORK, INC. NY Big Apple Incentives: Increasing Fruit and Vegetable Purchase and Consumption Through Expanded Affordability
1031468 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Gazis-Seregina, R. Gazis-Seregina,Romina UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Evaluating the Potential Expansion and Diversification of the Dragon Fruit Industry in North America
1023748 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Handler, A. M. Handler,Alfred M. USDA-ARS, GENETICS AND PRECISION AGRICULTURE UNIT MS An assessment of genetic breakdown and transposon vector horizontal transfer as it affects transgenic strain stability in insect species
1029487 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Zink-Sharp, A. Zink-Sharp,Audrey VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA Closing the Curriculum Gap and Increasing Academic Success of Transfer Students
1029119 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Chilenski, S. Chilenski,Sarah PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Next Steps with PROSPER: Expanding to Address Increasing Mental Health Needs
1028718 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Feiereisel, K. Feiereisel,Kali COMMUNITY ALLIANCE WITH FAMILY FARMERS FOUNDATION CA Relationship Driven Food Safety Technical Assistance to California Small Farmers
1027411 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Perkins, B. Gionteris,Katina B WHOLESOME WAVE FOUNDATION CHARITABLE VENTURES, INC. CT Fidelity, Equity, and Dignity in Produce Prescriptions; Participatory design for social justice and healthy food systems
0203641 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS House, L. A. House, L. A. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL Training Masters Level Agribusiness Management and Marketing Students
0196025 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Hooks, R. F. Hooks, R. F. SOUTHWESTERN INDIAN POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE NM Intensive, Extended-Season Production of High Value Crops
1017199 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Bartley, B. Bartley,Benjamin LA MONTANITA FOOD COOPERATIVE, INC NM Achieving FSMA Compliance through USDA Harmonized GAP - Preparing the Four Corners Region's Diverse Farmers for Food Safety Certification
1010320 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Davila, M. Davila,Marisol University of Puerto Rico - Utuado PR Community service as an active learning strategy for agriculture undergraduate students
0230373 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Spielmaker, D. Spielmaker,Debra UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION UT National Agriculture in the Classroom
1026162 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Okere, C. C. Okere,Chukwuemeka Chuck TUSKEGEE UNIVERSITY AL Development of Pasture Based Buck Performance Testing & Recording Scheme (PTRS) for Limited-Resource Meat Goat Producers in Alabama
0215818 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Racine, R. R. Racine, R. R. INTERTRIBAL AGRICULTURE COUNCIL MT Intertribal Agriculture Council Tax Education Proposal
1024368 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Rearden, K. Chartier-Hanson,Haley UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA AK Building Tribal Resilience in Southwest Alaska
1031194 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Tautges, N. Tautges,Nicole FIELDS, MICHAEL AGRICULTURAL INSTITUTE INC WI Planning for an Upper Midwest Organic Gluten-Free Grain Value Chain: Economic, Field, and Stakeholder Data Aggregation
1023514 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Jeliazkov, V. Jeliazkov,Valtcho OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY OR Hemp Education Initiative: Development of Online Undergraduate and Graduate Certificates
1029367 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Monteau, C. Russette,Ursula STONE CHILD COLLEGE MT SCC NIFA Extension Program
1028958 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Edler, R. Edler,Rebecca COLLEGE OF MENOMINEE NATION WI Weaving Global Indigenous Methods Into Education
1021796 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Sedlacek, J. D. Dasgupta,Siddhartha KENTUCKY STATE UNIVERSITY KY Enhancing Agricultural and Environmental Educational Opportunities for Students and Teachers at Kentucky State University
1027767 EXTENDED OTHER GRANTS Dutt, M. Dutt,Manjul UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FL SP: Utilizing HLB tolerant citrus germplasm and understanding their role in mitigating Huanglongbing