Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1028976 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Nortz, P. E. Nortz,Patrick E OTISCO ENGINEERING LTD. OH Advanced Research and Commercialization of the Otisco Ground-loop System (TM) for Geothermal Heating and Cooling for Farmstead Applications
1020181 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Jethmalani, J. Jethmalani,Jagdish NOVOL, INC. CA Corn based chemistries for making renewable optical polymers
0199655 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Lawton, T. Trebor Lawton New England Rare Reagents ME Novel Reagent Development for Chronic Wasting Disease
1028407 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Sutterlin, W. R. Sutterlin,William Rusty AMERICAN RENEWABLE METALS, LLC AL Glycerol Derived Compounds as Substitutes for Conventional Solvents
1003406 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Martin, K. Martin,Kyle TROUTLODGE, INC. WA Genetic Sex Reversal in Rainbow Trout
0213671 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT English, J. D. English, J. D. ENERGID TECHNOLOGIES CORPORATION MA Robotic Mass Removal of Citrus Fruits
1030202 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Wang, J. Wang,Joseph BIOSTONE ANIMAL HEALTH LLC TX Developing A Commercial Multi-Antigen Confirmatory ELISA To Detect Antibodies To African Swine Fever Virus Under Biosafety Level 2 Conditions
0206506 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Elliott, B. J. Elliott, B. J. TDA RESEARCH, INC. CO Low-cost Conversion of High Free Fatty Acid Oils and Fats into Methyl Esters (Biodiesel)
0196256 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT McClellan, P. McClellan, P. MAPTECH, INC. VA Nutrient Utilization Patterns (NUP) for Determining Sources of E. coli and Enterococci in Water
1023043 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Chaikin, E. Chaikin,Eric PEAK PROTEIN LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY MT Cricketein: Cricket Derived Protein Hydrolysates with Versatile Techno-Functionalities and Bio-activity for Food Ingredient Applications
0221863 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Cartwright, D. K. Cartwright, D. K. Agricultural Research Initiatives, Inc. AR Development of a Mycoherbicide for Control of Dandelion
0206663 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Wardell, G. I. Wardell, G. I. S.A.F.E. RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT LLC AZ Controlling Varroa Mites in the Honey Bee, Apis Mellifera
0200556 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Elston, R. A. AQUA TECHNICS, INC. WA Probiotic System for Bivalve Shellfish Aquaculture - Phase II
0215013 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Huang, Y. Huang, Yu (Ivy) MEMBRANE TECHNOLOGY & RESEARCH, INC CA A Novel, Low-Energy Stripper-Membrane Hybrid Process for Bioethanol Production, Phase II
0199530 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Lin, S. Lin, Samuel Applechem Inc NJ Develop Value-Added Natural Oils With a New Oil-Structuring Technology
0213525 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Nemser, S. M. Stuart Nemser COMPACT MEMBRANE SYSTEMS, INC. DE Low Cost Fuel Grade Ethanol
1028597 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Ledebuhr, M. Ledebuhr,Mark APPLICATION INSIGHT, LLC MI Novel permanently installed spray delivery system for improved pesticide application in specialty crops
1010384 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Xu, Y. S. Xu,Yunsheng Shawn ENERGY AMERICAS LLC MO Technology of Transforming Waste Heat and Moisture into Energy in Poultry Barns
1031765 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Lee, J. J. Lee,Jaehyung James STRATIO INC CA A Low-Cost, High-Sensitivity Germanium (Ge)-Based Short Wave Infrared (SWIR) Spectral Sensor for Monitoring Soil Organic Carbon Levels
0196919 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT LaPatra, S. E. LaPatra, Scott CLEAR SPRING FOODS, INC. ID Immunity to Flavobacterium Psychrophilium Antigens and Development of a Coldwater Disease (CWD) Vaccine
1025833 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Chambers, S. A. Chambers,Sandi A. SOUTHERN ESCAPE VANILLERY LLC FL Domestic Vanilla Cultivation: Agrivoltaics, Propagation, And Breeding
0225300 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Walsh, S. Walsh,Sean 3F, LLC NC Modification of Natural Fibers for use as Reinforcement in Advanced Composite Materials
0210258 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Anderson, D. B. Anderson,David B. ANDERSON ASSOCIATES, LLC. CO Reducing in-transit losses in swine by modification of electrolyte balance prior to transportation
0203020 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Rapp, G. L. Rapp, G. L. Rapp Technologies, Inc. IL Odor Control for Deep Pit Swine Confinement Facilities: Testing the Rapp Technology
0190128 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Grant, A. J. Grant, A. J. AMERICAN BIOPHYSICS CORP. RI Method for the Control of Biting Midges Using Odor-Baited Traps
1016021 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Pollard, B. Pollard,Brian REMOTE SENSING SOLUTIONS, INC. MA Drone-based Microwave Observatory of Subcanopy and Subsurface
0217898 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Kerkman, T. M. Kerkman, T. M. ECO-SOL, LLC AZ Improved Feed Products From Pima Cottonseed: By-products of Biofuels Feedstock Production
1030017 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Roodenko, E. Roodenko,Ecatherina MAX-IR LABS INCORPORATED TX Infrared biochemical sensor for Algal production efficiency improvement
1028867 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Fife, J. Fife,Jane 3BAR BIOLOGICS INC. OH Application of Pseudomonas spp. for control of plant diseases in hydroponic systems
1016210 EXTENDED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Stewart, L. B. Stewart,Laura Beth STEWART, CHESTER NC Off Grid High Value Crop System: Harnessing Mushroom Farm Bi-Products for Soil and CO2 Enrichment to Produce Additional Specialty Crops