Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
0229536 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Powell, W. Powell,William A. SUNY College of Environmental Science & Forestry NY Evaluating Environmental Impacts of Maturing American Chestnut Trees Produced by Transgenic Relative to Conventional Breeding
0230343 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Kimmerer, R. Kimmerer,Robin SUNY College of Environmental Science & Forestry NY Learning from the Land: A Cross-Cultural Partnership in Forest Stewardship Education for Climate Change Adaptation in the Northern Forest
1006204 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Quinlan, J. Quinlan,Jennifer 1505 RACE ST. LLC NJ Retail Business to Promote Consumption of Processed Foods that Contribute Key Nutrients of Concern to Consumers
1029979 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Ewers, A. W. Ewers,Alexander William 3 ROCKS ENGINEERING LLC CO Flow Control Gate to Increase Irrigation, Water Quality Treatment, and Detention Efficiency
1010178 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Caldwell, B. Caldwell,Bruce 3BAR BIOLOGICS INC. OH System For Biologic Control of Soybean Cyst Nematode
1013587 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Fife, J. Fife,Jane 3BAR BIOLOGICS INC. OH System For Biologic Control of Soybean Cyst Nematode
1025836 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Fife, J. Fife,Jane 3BAR BIOLOGICS INC. OH Application of Pseudomonas spp. for biocontrol of plant diseases in hydroponic systems
0213686 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Runyon, C. Carter, C. 3C CATTLE FEEDERS, INC. OK Improving the efficiency of feed use in the cattle industry
1006185 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Morrison, D. Morrison,Dan 490 BIOTECH INC TN An improved bioassay for the surveillance of dioxins in the U.S. food supply
0226125 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Rossi, T. Rossi,Tom 4Cs Breeding Technologies, Inc. NJ New Technology for Breeding Superior Tetraploid and Triploid Eastern Oysters
1024845 TERMINATED AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT De Mars, A. De Mars,AnnMaria 7 GENERATION GAMES INC CA Growing Math: Accessible, Cross-Curricular Education in Food and Agricultural Sciences
0230114 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS McClain, E. McClain,Elizabeth Aaniiih Nakoda College MT Expanding Bioindicator Assessments to Measure River Health on the Middle Milk River
1000702 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS King, S. Kinsey,Dan Aaniiih Nakoda College MT Hydrologic Impacts on Mercury Cycle in Prairie Pothole Wetlands
1003200 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Kinsey, D. Kinsey,Dan Aaniiih Nakoda College MT Promoting Student Success through Experiential Learning in Environmental Science
1003923 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Morales, M. Morales,Manuel Aaniiih Nakoda College MT Aaniiih Nakoda College Extension Program Capacity Grant
1009831 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Morales, M. Morales,Manuel Aaniiih Nakoda College MT Establishing and operating a culturally-based 4-H program on the Fort Belknap Indian Reservation
1013942 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Grebliunas, B. Kinsey,Dan Aaniiih Nakoda College MT Effectiveness of subirrigation in the Milk River floodplain, Montana
1016654 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Kinsey, D. Kinsey,Dan Aaniiih Nakoda College MT Environmental Science Expansion Project
1016969 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Patrick Wertz, K. Patrick Wertz,Kerri Aaniiih Nakoda College MT Adopting a community coalition approach for addressing substance abuse on the Fort Belknap Indian Reservation
1017132 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Morales, M. Friskics,Scott Aaniiih Nakoda College MT Aaniiih Nakoda College Extension Program Capacity Grant
1024287 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Werk, A. Filesteel,Sandy Aaniiih Nakoda College MT Consolidating and Expanding Nutrition Education Outreach Efforts on the Fort Belknap Indian Reservation
1006115 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Lutzweiler, J. Brown,Jonathan Caprice AARP FOUNDATION DC Large Scale SNAP Incentives at a National Retailer and Farmers` Markets in Mississippi and Tennessee
0206498 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Rubio, F. M. Rubio, F. M. ABRAXIS LLC PA Development of Monoclonal and Polyclonal Antibodies Suitable for a Commercial Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA) ELISA
0233417 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Rubio, F. M. Rubio,Fernando M. ABRAXIS LLC PA Development of Immunoreagents and Test Kits for the Detection of E. coli non-O157 STEC
1002828 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Tran, H. T. Tran,Hiep T ABZYME THERAPEUTICS, LLC PA Low cost approach for production of sweet proteins as sugar substitutes
1006285 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Tran, H. T. Tran,Hiep T ABZYME THERAPEUTICS, LLC PA An Instant Estrogen Sensor for Poultry Gender Sorting Automation
0217810 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Xia, J. Q. Jun Q. Xia AC DIAGNOSTICS, INC. AR A Sensitive Immunocapture Real-Time One-Step RT-PCR for Early Detection of Plant Pathogens in Crops
0222839 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Xia, J. Q. Xia, J. Q. AC DIAGNOSTICS, INC. AR A Sensitive Single-tube Immunocapture Real-Time RT-PCR for Early Detection of Plant Pathogens in Crops
1029958 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Richard, A. R. Richard,Anthony R. ACADIAN RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT LLC WY Value-added graphene materials from woody resources
1009790 TERMINATED SMALL BUSINESS GRANT Krone, T. Krone,Todd ACCELERATED AG TECHNOLOGIES, LLC IA Development of Rigorous and Reliable Methods to Preserve Maize Pollen