Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1027933 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Abdelhamed, H. A. Abdelhamed,Hossam Abdelnaby Maham MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIV MS Trans-cinnamaldehyde as an antimicrobial feed additive to control and prevent enteric septicemia of catfish
1030185 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Aboobucker, S. I. Aboobucker,Siddique I IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY IA Identification and characterization of parallel spindle genes to restore haploid male fertility in maize DH breeding technology
1032511 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Abou Rjeileh, U. Abou Rjeileh,Ursula MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Oleic Acid Promotes Lipid Accumulation and Enhances Mitochondrial Function Through PLIN5 In Bovine Adipocytes
1025881 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Abuelo Sebio, A. Abuelo Sebio,Angel MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Summer Food Systems Fellowship: Developing the Skills of the Future Veterinary Agricultural Workforce through Research and Extension Internships
1027900 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Abuelo, A. Abuelo,Angel MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Identification and Modulation of Oxidative Stress in Dairy Cows for a Successful Transition into Lactation
1028012 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Abuelo, A. Abuelo,Angel MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI Reducing the spread of salmonella Dublin in dairy farms through evidence based vaccination protocols
1029649 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Acevedo, M. F. Acevedo,Miguel F UNIVERSITY OF NORTH TEXAS TX CPS: Medium: Integrating sensors, controls, and ecotoxicology with decoupled aquaponics using brackish groundwater and desalination concentrate for sustainable food production
1032178 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Adams, E. A. Adams,Elizabeth Ashley APPALACHIAN STATE UNIVERSITY NC Partnership: Do soil biotic communities mediate the effect of compost amendments on rangeland soil carbon?
1025226 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Adams, H. Adams,Henry WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WA Improving management systems to increase resistance of loblolly pine plantations to bark beetle outbreak
1032353 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT ADCOCK, S. ADCOCK,SARAH UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Assessing social networks as a novel indicator and predictor of welfare in young ruminants
1031989 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Adeleye, A. Adeleye,Adeyemi LAMONT DOHERTY EARTH OBSERVATORY OF COLUMBIA UNIV NY PARTNERSHIP: Nanoparticulate soil amendments for achieving Closer to Zero via metal(loid) encapsulation
1029695 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Adhikari, S. Adhikari,Sushil AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL Tripartite: Dual-Function Engineered Biochar for Excess Soil Phosphorus Sorption with Subsequent Slow Release for Cost-Effective and Sustainable Crop Production
1032902 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Adjemian, M. Adjemian,Michael UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA GA PARTNERSHIP: Contributions of Supply and Demand Shocks to Food Price Inflation in the United States and Their Policy Implications
1032064 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Adjesiwor, A. Adjesiwor,Albert UNIV OF IDAHO ID Identifying the Mechanisms for Transgenerational Priming of Wheat in Response to Multigenerational Weed Competition
1028035 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Adkins, P. R. Adkins,Pamela R.F. UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI MO Partnership: Defining And Managing Staphylococcus Chromogenes Intramammary Infections In Primiparous Dairy Cows
1029688 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Adve, V. S. Adve,Vikram S UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS IL AIFARMS – PhenoRob Partnership for Sustainable Agriculture
1028253 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Agneray, A. Agneray,Alison UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA NV Influence of competitive ability and plant spacing on the establishment of native plant species in multiple Great Basin communities
1032831 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Ahamed, M. Ahamed,Md Shamim UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS CA Net-zero Greenhouse Crop Production with Retractable Solar Screens
1025764 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Hirmas, D. Ajami,Hoori UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, RIVERSIDE CA SitS: Collaborative Research: Soils are signaling shifts in aggregate life-cycles: What does this mean for water, carbon, and climate feedbacks in the Anthropocene?
1027860 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Ajuwon, K. Ajuwon,Kolapo PURDUE UNIVERSITY IN Mechanism of Regulation of Postnatal Growth Efficiency in Piglets by Maternal Live Yeast Supplementation
1031348 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Akotsen-Mensah, C. Akotsen-Mensah,Clement LINCOLN UNIVERSITY MO Impact of Climate Extremes on Species Range: Can Smart Agriculture Benefit Minority Growers to Fight Challenges of Invasive Insect Pests?
1032703 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Al Shoffe, Y. Al Shoffe,Yosef CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Pre and Postharvest Physiology and Etiology of Physiological Disorders in ‘Honeycrisp’ Apples
1022677 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Alcaine, S. Alcaine,Samuel CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY A novel, flexible biomanufacturing process for the conversion of food by-products/waste into value-added foods and ingredients
1031817 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Ali, M. Ali,Mohammad Foteh WAKE FOREST UNIVERSITY NC Revealing The Dynamics Of F-Actin In Tomato Pollen Tube And Its Response To Temperature And Ros Biology.
1029766 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Allen, J. Allen,Jacob UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS IL Optimizing Bioactive Metabolites In Fermented Foods to Improve Human Immune Function
1030779 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Allingham, C. L. Allingham,Christina L UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS MA Evaluating the risk of developing norovirus variants with enhanced recalcitrance to disinfectants as a consequence of improper sanitation practices
1027815 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Alocilja, E. Alocilja,Evangelyn MICHIGAN STATE UNIV MI PARTNERSHIP: Development of a Nanoparticle-enabled Enrichment and DNA-Biosensing for Onsite Monitoring of Multiple Foodborne Pathogens in Large Samples
1027783 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Altier, C. Altier,Craig CORNELL UNIVERSITY NY Preventing Salmonella disease and carriage by inhibiting pathogen virulence
1030807 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Alving, D. Alving,Denise PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PA Bedrock and Climate Adaptation in Forests
1032693 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Alward, K. Alward,Kayla VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA Investigating Melatonin Supplementation in vivo and in vitro to Improve Oocyte Quality and Embryo Development in Cattle