Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1032333 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Cunningham-Hollinger, H. C. Cunningham-Hollinger,Hannah C UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING WY Novel methods for characterization of beef steer temperament and association with feed efficiency, metabolic profile, stress, health, and methane flux
1032325 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Dittoe, D. K. Dittoe,Dana Kristen UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING WY Pre-Harvest Heat Stress: Disruption Of Microbial Ecology And Subsequent Shelf-Life Of Raw Poultry Products
1031731 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Hansen, K. Hansen,Kristiana UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING WY Increase Weather and Climate Awareness, Preparedness and Response in Wyoming Rural Agricultural Communities
1030926 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Van Sandt, A. Van Sandt,Anders UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING WY Responding To America's Rural Health Challenge: Data-Driven Support for a Critical Era
1030706 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Hovhannisyan, V. Hovhannisyan,Vardges UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING WY Implications of Table Sugar and Natural & Artificial Sweetener Consumption for Bodyweight, Welfare, and Public Policy
1025069 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Norton, J. Van Diepen,Linda UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING WY Nitrogen Limitation in High-Elevation Hay Meadows: Understanding Processes for Improved Agroecosystem Health, Function, and Management
1032755 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Elbakidze, L. Elbakidze,Levan WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Integrated hydro-economic agricultural land use modeling for nutrient runoff management
1032070 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Mathias, J. Mathias,Justin WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Resolving the impact of wildfire smoke on forest carbon cycling
1031839 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Singh-Knights, D. Singh-Knights,Doolarie WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Growing Equity, Inclusion and Sustainability
1030965 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Garner, E. Garner,Emily WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Next Generation Sequencing Approaches to Fecal Source Tracking
1030934 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Eastman, B. Eastman,Brooke WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Environmental, Social, and Economic Tradeoffs of Managing Forests for Carbon Sequestration or Timber
1030663 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Kane, J. L. Kane,Jennifer L. WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Getting to the root of plant-microbe interactions in bioproduct agroecosystems
1030609 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Stephens, H. M. Stephens,Heather M. WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Factors affecting the success of female and minority rural entrepreneurs and rural economic vitality
1030424 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Rosson, H. Rosson,Haley WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV The Extension Mentoring IN EvaluatION (MINION) Project
1030275 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Shen, C. Shen,Cangliang WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Applying triple-wash and nanotechnology to mitigate microbial cross-contamination on locally grown produce through integrated research and extension activities
1028458 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Ventura-Marra, M. Ventura-Marra,Melissa WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Expanding Nutrition Student Competency in Telehealth to Improve Diet and Prevent Chronic Disease in Adults with Obesity
1028300 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Hileman, S. M. Hileman,Stanley Michael WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Role of Neurokinin B and Kisspeptin in Ovine Puberty
1028249 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Shen, C. Shen,Cangliang WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Improving Microbial Safety and Marketing of West Virginia Locally Pastured Broilers by Establishing a Mobile Poultry Processing Unit Through Research and Extension Activities
1028245 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Arbogast, D. Arbogast,Doug WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY EXTENSION SERVICE WV Rural Community Well-Being: Using Tourism Indicators to Identify, Understand and Address COVID Pandemic Impacts and Strategies for Resilency
1027996 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Morrissey, E. M. Morrissey,Ember M WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Functional Characterization Of The Miscanthus Microbiome Under Fertilization And Drought
1027440 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Gu, Y. Gu,Yu WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Collaborative Research: NRI: StickBug - an Effective Co-Robot for Precision Pollination
1025606 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Govindan, M. Govindan,Megan WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Shared use kitchen internship and network
1025535 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Webb, M. J. Webb,Megan J. EASTERN WORKFORCE OPPORTUNITY REGIONAL CENTER AND SERVICES, INC. WV Strengthening Ag Workforce Development in the Potomac Highlands through Practical Application and Mentorship
1024882 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Benedito, V. A. Benedito,Vagner Augusto WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Pyramiding Type-IV Trichome Development and Density with Acylsugar Moiety and Exudation for Natural, Durable, Broad Pest Resistance in Tomato
1022965 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT Wang, J. Wang,Jingxin WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY WV Mid-Atlantic Sustainable Biomass for Value-added Products Consortium (MASBio)
1033271 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT CRALL, J. CRALL,JAMES UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Symposium: Pollinator-plant interactions in a changing landscape - embracing integrative approaches across scales.
1033246 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT TROWBRIDGE, A. TROWBRIDGE,AMY UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Collaborative Research: Unraveling secrets of Rapid Ohi`a Death resistance: assessing carbohydrates and chemical defenses in the response of Hawaiian forests to a fungal pathogen
1033102 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT DIGENNARO, P. DIGENNARO,PETER UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI QTL analyses identify genetic components regulating the interactions between plants, pathogens and the environment in the face of climate change
1033090 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT SWART, A. SWART,ANNE UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Climate, Water, and Equity Workshop: Continuing the Conversation
1033024 NEW AFRI COMPETITIVE GRANT SHI, G. SHI,GUANMING UNIV OF WISCONSIN WI Safeguarding Agricultural Leadership: Policy Responses to Sustain Competitiveness, Innovation, and Resilience in the Biotech Crop Era