Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1029648 NEW OTHER GRANTS McCovey, L. McCovey,Louisa YUROK TRIBE CA Weitchpec Food Village Project
1029502 NEW OTHER GRANTS Donnelly, S. Donnelly,Scott YUMA/LA PAZ COUNTIES COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT AZ Arizona Western College, G&O CHEM Project
1028842 NEW OTHER GRANTS Amavisca, D. C. Amavisca,Danielle Christine YUMA VETERINARY CLINIC, L.L.C. AZ AZ225_Preventing the Kicker Cow: How Mobile Capture and Restraint Facilities Can Impact Food Safety, Education, and Disease Control in the Rural Southwest
1029159 NEW OTHER GRANTS Tressler, E. Tressler,Elizabeth K YUKON-KUSKOKWIM HEALTH CORPORATION AK Gus Schumacher Nutrition Incentive Program Produce Prescription Program
1031443 NEW OTHER GRANTS Tressler, E. K. Tressler,Elizabeth K YUKON-KUSKOKWIM HEALTH CORPORATION AK Prescription Produce Program
1028747 NEW OTHER GRANTS Sanchez, S. Sanchez,Siddhartha YOUTH MINISTRIES FOR PEACE AND JUSTICE INC NY Southeast Bronx Community Food Project
1029592 NEW OTHER GRANTS Stoelb, A. Wiitala,Heather Youth Farm and Market Project MN Northside Youth Greenhouse: A Youth-Led Social Enterprise Supporting Healthy Northside Communities
1027406 NEW OTHER GRANTS Moua, S. Moua,Soua YOLO, COUNTY OF CA Yolo County HHSA Bonus Bucks Program
1029506 NEW OTHER GRANTS Shenberger, D. Shenberger,Diane YMCA OF NORTHWEST NORTH CAROLINA NC Northeast Winston Fresh Food Prescription Program
1029383 NEW OTHER GRANTS McCarron, K. McCarron,Kristy YMCA METROPOLITAN WASHINGTON DC YMCA Produce Prescription Project (YPRx)
0220437 NEW OTHER GRANTS Smith, A. O. Smith, A. O. YENKIN-MAJESTIC PAINT CORPORATION OH Demonstration of the Dry Fermentation of Food and Yard Waste into Biogas and Bioproducts for Large-scale Industrial Applications
1031541 NEW OTHER GRANTS Irish, V. Irish,Vivian YALE UNIVERSITY CT SP: Analyses of susceptibility genes in a library of multiplex gene edited citrus plants
1031890 NEW OTHER GRANTS Porter, M. Porter,Mary YAKUTAT TLINGIT TRIBE AK Expanding Yakutat Tlingit Tribe's Community Composting & Gardening Program
1033356 NEW OTHER GRANTS Husain, M. Husain,Mashal WORLD FOOD PRIZE FOUNDATION IA Cooperative agreement for World Food Prize Foundations Borlaug Dialogue
1027229 NEW OTHER GRANTS MOREIRA, M. C. MOREIRA,MARIA C WORLD FARMERS, INC. MA Advancing Immigrants and Refugees Toward Farm Ownership and Building Learning Networks through Farmer-to-Farmer Mentorship across 25 Cultures
1028516 NEW OTHER GRANTS MOREIRA, M. C. MOREIRA,MARIA C WORLD FARMERS, INC. MA American Rescue Plan Technical Assistance Investment Program - World Farmers, Inc.
1033217 NEW OTHER GRANTS Isaboke, H. Isaboke,Henrietta WORLD FARMERS, INC. MA Developing Mentorship Networks for Organizations Serving Socially Disadvantaged Farmers and Supporting Immigrant and Refugee Farmer-Owned Businesses
0225535 NEW OTHER GRANTS Stulz, D. L. Stulz,Diane L. Worcester Technical High School MD Secondary Education, Two-Year Postsecondary Education, and Agriculture in the K-12 Classroom (SPECA) Challenge Grant Program
1031629 NEW OTHER GRANTS Enloe, S. Enloe,Stephanie Women, Food and Agriculture Network IA Harvesting Our Potential: Training Beginning Women Farmers Through Mentorship
1027367 NEW OTHER GRANTS Kinkade, L. Schafer,Joseph WINROCK INTERNATIONAL INST. FOR AGRIC. DEVELOPMENT VA Advancing Organic Agriculture in the Mid-South: Evaluating Systems and Reducing Barriers to Entry
1032760 NEW OTHER GRANTS Schafer, J. Schafer,Joseph WINROCK INTERNATIONAL INST. FOR AGRIC. DEVELOPMENT VA Advancing Organic Agriculture in the Mid-South II: Refining Solutions for Essential Challenges
1028825 NEW OTHER GRANTS Watt, C. E. Watt,Casey Elizabeth WILLOWCREEK ANIMAL HOSPITAL, P.C. ID ID203_Willowcreek Animal Hospital: Veterinary Services for Rural Idaho Producers
1029213 NEW OTHER GRANTS Hudson, J. Hudson,Jennifer WILLIAMSON HEALTH & WELLNESS CENTER, INC WV Fresh Choice Prescription Produce in West Virginia
0206678 NEW OTHER GRANTS Williamson, S. J. Scot James Williamson WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT INSTITUTE DC 71st North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference
1028889 NEW OTHER GRANTS Moore, S. Darwin,Abigail WHOLESOME WAVE GEORGIA INCORPORATED GA Georgia Food for Health
1031485 NEW OTHER GRANTS Duncan, A. Duncan,Alex WHOLESOME WAVE GEORGIA INCORPORATED GA Expansion of the Georgia Fresh for Less Incentive Program
1006142 NEW OTHER GRANTS Pon, J. Pon,Julia WHOLESOME WAVE FOUNDATION CHARITABLE VENTURES, INC. CT Ladder for Growth: A National Network to Build Capacity and Test Innovative Strategies for Healthy Food Incentives
1029315 NEW OTHER GRANTS Perkins, B. Gionteris,Katina B WHOLESOME WAVE FOUNDATION CHARITABLE VENTURES, INC. CT Enhancement of Award Number 2021-70030-35871; Fidelity, Equity, and Dignity in Produce Prescriptions; Participatory design for social justice and healthy food systems
1026881 NEW OTHER GRANTS Whitaker, C. L. Whitaker,Charles L WHITAKER SMALL FARM GROUP INC NC Capacity Building: Experiential On-Farm Training, and Business and Entrepreneurial Academy for Military Veterans