Project Listing

Accession Number Status Type Project Director Project Contact Institution State Title
1003769 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Zystro, J. Zystro,Jared ORGANIC SEED ALLIANCE WA Planning for organic plant breeding and seed production in the Southeast
1023438 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Zystro, J. Zystro,Jared ORGANIC SEED ALLIANCE WA Planning for Organic Seed Production Research
1004882 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Nechols, J. R. Zukoff,Sarah KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Cotton crop risk in changing environments: interaction of drought stress and early season arthropod pests
1027464 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Zubick, K. Zubick,Kelleen SHARE OUR STRENGTH DC Healthy Families Rx: No Kid Hungry Louisiana and Aetna Better Health of LA Produce Prescription for Households with Children at Risk of Overweight or Obesity in Acadiana and Northshore Regions.
0223152 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Zoumenou, V. Zoumenou,Virginie M UNIV OF MARYLAND EASTERN SHORE MD Head Start: Jump Start on Healthy Lifestyle Program in Somerset County, Maryland
1001829 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Zoumenou, V. M. Zoumenou,Virginie M UNIV OF MARYLAND EASTERN SHORE MD Preschoolers Jump-Start on Healthy Lifestyle Program in the Tri-County Area of the Maryland's Lower Eastern Shore
1020670 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Colebrook, B. Zoodsma,Anna REFUGEE & IMMIGRANT SELF-EMPOWERMENT, INC. NY Syracuse Community Food Project
1013986 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Zink-Sharp, A. Zink-Sharp,Audrey VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA Increasing Awareness and Opportunities for Women and Minority Students in Sustainable Biomaterials Education
1014053 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Zimmerman, T. W. ZIMMERMAN,THOMAS W UNIV OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS VI Engaging Prebaccalaureate Students in Educational Agricultural Research
1020304 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Godfrey, R. Zimmerman,Thomas W UNIV OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS VI Rebuilding Animal Handling Facilities at the UVI-AES Beef Cattle Research Facility
1023412 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS ZIMMERMAN, T. W. Zimmerman,Thomas W UNIV OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS VI Supporting Undergraduate Research Opportunities in Agriculture
0223608 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Zimmerman, J. Zimmerman,Julie YALE UNIVERSITY CT Transformation of lignin into building blocks for protective coatings
1013589 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Zimmerman, J. Zimmerman,Jess K. UNIVERSITY OF PUERTO RICO PR The Puerto Rico Natural Resource Career Tracks (NRCT)Program: New Collaborators and New Goals
1009403 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Zigas, E. Zigas,Eli SAN FRANCISCO PLANNING AND URBAN RESEARCH ASSOCIATION CA Santa Clara County Healthy Food Incentive Grocery Project
1000370 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Marchant, M. A. Ziegler,Peter VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA Food and Agricultural Education Information System (FAEIS) - FY 2013
1003223 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Marchant, M. A. Ziegler,Peter VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA The Food And Agricultural Education Information System (FAEIS) FY 2017
1017996 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Ziegler, P. Ziegler,Peter VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VA The Food And Agricultural Education Information System (FAEIS) FY 2018
1003256 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Azure, L. Ziegenmeyer,Heidi CANKDESKA CIKANA COMMUNITY COLLEGE ND CCCC Natural Resources and Environmental Science Collaboration
1003331 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Azure, L. Ziegenmeyer,Heidi CANKDESKA CIKANA COMMUNITY COLLEGE ND Engaging Community Assets to Propagate and Sustain Agriculture
0216219 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Kapuscinski, A. R. Zhuikov, M. UNIV OF MINNESOTA MN Conference on Genetic Biocontrol of Invasive Fish Species
0223100 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Zhu, K. Zhu,Kun Yan KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Evaluation, integration, and implementation of non-fumigation based pest management approaches for food-processing facilities
1000701 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Zhu, K. Zhu,Kun Yan KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Evaluation of New Strategies and Tactics to Manage Insect Pests in Mills
1011412 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Zhu, K. Zhu,Kun Yan KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Improving Efficacy of Aerosol Applications for Control of Stored Product Insects in Wheat and Rice Mills
1014076 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Zhu, K. Zhu,Kun Yan KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Developing and implementing a diversified integrated pest management program to prevent stored product insect infestation
1024341 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Zhu, K. Zhu,Kun Yan KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Maximizing Adoption by Demonstrating the Compatibility of Insecticide Netting with Diverse Pest Management Tactics at Food Facilities
0219988 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Zhu, H. Zhu,Heping AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE OH Intelligent Spray Systems for Floral and Ornamental Nursery Crops
1007599 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Zhu, H. Zhu,Heping AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE IL Advancement of pesticide spray applications in specialty crop production with intelligent-decision technologies
0207562 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Zhu, K. Y. Zhu, K. KANSAS STATE UNIV KS Aerosol Applications as a Methyl Bromide Alternative for Milling, Processing, and Food Storage
0226418 TERMINATED OTHER GRANTS Zhou, X. Zhou,Xuguo UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY KY Developing a framework for assessing the risks of in planta RNAi on non-target arthropods