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 Project Title Accession Number Sponsoring Agency Funding Mechanism Award Number Initial Award Fiscal Year Recipient Organization Project Start Date Project End Date Project Start Fiscal Year Project Status Cumulative Award Amount Recipient State
Organic Production and Food Safety Workshop Series for Regional Farmers in California`s Southwest Desert Area1033020National Institute of Food and AgricultureNIFA Non Formula2024-51300-433732024UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT09/01/202408/31/20252024ACTIVE$74,995.00CALIFORNIA
Sustainable organic citrus production using improved agroecological management strategies1032937National Institute of Food and AgricultureNIFA Non Formula2024-51300-431882024UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA09/01/202408/31/20282024ACTIVE$1,999,997.00FLORIDA
Integrative management of whiteflies for organic cucurbit production in the US Southern Region.1032874National Institute of Food and AgricultureNIFA Non Formula2024-51300-430922024UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA09/01/202408/31/20272024ACTIVE$1,994,600.00FLORIDA
New Organic Vegetable Approaches (NOVA): Breaking Marketplace Boundaries1032870National Institute of Food and AgricultureNIFA Non Formula2024-51300-431442024CORNELL UNIVERSITY09/01/202408/31/20282024ACTIVE$3,499,999.00NEW YORK
OSPREY: Organic Seed Production Resources on Economics and Yield1032857National Institute of Food and AgricultureNIFA Non Formula2024-51300-430562024ORGANIC SEED ALLIANCE09/01/202408/31/20282024ACTIVE$3,493,549.00WASHINGTON
Organic Perennial Grain System: a Research, Education, and Extension Imperative for the Climate Transition Zone1032852National Institute of Food and AgricultureNIFA Non Formula2024-51300-430912024MIDDLE TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY09/01/202408/31/20282024ACTIVE$1,999,958.00TENNESSEE
Advancing Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility in Organic Agriculture to Strengthen Research, Education, and Extension in the Southeast United States1032828National Institute of Food and AgricultureNIFA Non Formula2024-51300-430452024TUSKEGEE UNIVERSITY09/01/202408/31/20252024ACTIVE$75,000.00ALABAMA
Hunting for healthy soils: Organic management of soil micro-predators for pathogen control1032824National Institute of Food and AgricultureNIFA Non Formula2024-51300-430512024UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA09/01/202408/31/20282024ACTIVE$3,500,000.00FLORIDA
Southeast Organic Agriculture Research Symposium- Identifying Regional Research Priorities1032822National Institute of Food and AgricultureNIFA Non Formula2024-51300-431652024NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY09/01/202408/31/20252024ACTIVE$74,902.00NORTH CAROLINA
More Bang for your Buckwheat1032811National Institute of Food and AgricultureNIFA Non Formula2024-51300-430492024WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY09/01/202408/31/20282024ACTIVE$3,300,000.00WASHINGTON
Train-the-trainer Training and Workforce Development to Build Resilient and Equitable Organic Farming Community in the Southern US1032808National Institute of Food and AgricultureNIFA Non Formula2024-51300-430462024NORTH CAROLINA AGRICULTURAL AND TECHNICAL STATE UNIVERSITY09/01/202408/31/20252024ACTIVE$75,000.00NORTH CAROLINA
Culturally Relevant Organic Curriculum, Professional Development, and Experiential Learning: Increasing Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in the Organic Sector1032800National Institute of Food and AgricultureNIFA Non Formula2024-51300-430502024ORGANIC CENTER, INC. THE09/01/202408/31/20282024ACTIVE$705,805.00DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA
Washable essential oil emulsion coatings to extend the shelf life and enhance the safety of organic fruits and vegetables1032796National Institute of Food and AgricultureNIFA Non Formula2024-51300-432262024UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE09/01/202408/31/20282024ACTIVE$3,500,000.00TENNESSEE
From Field to Market: Expanding Experiential Learning for Undergraduates in Organic Agriculture, Emphasizing Diversification, Finances, and Marketing1032795National Institute of Food and AgricultureNIFA Non Formula2024-51300-430482024REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA09/01/202408/31/20272024ACTIVE$679,815.00MINNESOTA
Management Of Organic Dairy Youngstock (MOODY): A network to improve long-term sustainability of organic dairy farms through improved youngstock management1032792National Institute of Food and AgricultureNIFA Non Formula2024-51300-431452024REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA09/01/202408/31/20282024ACTIVE$3,499,991.00MINNESOTA
Improving seed durability, processing quality and consumer acceptance of organic dry beans through breeding for sustainable value-added products1032781National Institute of Food and AgricultureNIFA Non Formula2024-51300-435142024AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE09/01/202408/31/20272024ACTIVE$968,991.00ILLINOIS
Improving the productivity, resilience, and diversity of organic small grain production in the Northeast1032780National Institute of Food and AgricultureNIFA Non Formula2024-51300-430522024THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY09/01/202408/31/20282024ACTIVE$1,932,974.00PENNSYLVANIA
TOMI3: Bringing our insights to the farm to co-create more effective methods of disease control in organic tomato crops1032767National Institute of Food and AgricultureNIFA Non Formula2024-51300-433722024PURDUE UNIVERSITY09/01/202408/31/20282024ACTIVE$3,500,000.00INDIANA
Advancing Organic Agriculture in the Mid-South II: Refining Solutions for Essential Challenges1032760National Institute of Food and AgricultureNIFA Non Formula2024-51300-430932024WINROCK INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT09/01/202408/31/20282024ACTIVE$999,908.00ARKANSAS
Developing Resilient Organic Wheat Cropping Systems in the Face of Climate Change Related Crop Failure1032759National Institute of Food and AgricultureNIFA Non Formula2024-51300-430472024UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY09/01/202408/31/20282024ACTIVE$2,857,283.00UTAH
Organic Seed Growers' Conference: A cross-disciplinary hybrid gathering planting the seeds of the future.1032754National Institute of Food and AgricultureNIFA Non Formula2024-51300-430552024ORGANIC SEED ALLIANCE09/01/202408/31/20252024ACTIVE$74,845.00WASHINGTON
From Seed to plate: Improving produce safety and supporting organic leafy green production using natural biocontrol strategies1032753National Institute of Food and AgricultureNIFA Non Formula2024-51300-431742024UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT09/01/202408/31/20282024ACTIVE$3,300,000.00CONNECTICUT
Breeding biofortified organic chickpeas as a winter cash crop for southeastern states1032751National Institute of Food and AgricultureNIFA Non Formula2024-51300-430572024CLEMSON UNIVERSITY09/01/202408/31/20282024ACTIVE$2,000,000.00SOUTH CAROLINA