Source: MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIV submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Project No.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Program Code
Project Start Date
Oct 23, 2015
Project End Date
Sep 30, 2016
Grant Year
Project Director
Horton, RE, .
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
Agricultural & Biological Engineering
Non Technical Summary
Approximately one in four Americans are susceptible to developing chronic inflammatory response syndrome as a result of exposure to biotoxins [1]. These biotoxins are typically introduceed into the body via food ingestion. In response to biotoxins, there is an upregulation of inflammatory signals that can potentially affect blood flow dynamics and the vascular endothelium. We propose to create anin vitromodel of engineered endothelium that mimics thein vivomicroenvironment to understand the vascular inflammation. Wehypothesizethat we can probe the underlying mechanisms of vascular inflammation and test novel detection strategies using modelin vitromicrosystems. We will use 3D printing and soft lithography techniques to build our model. Tissue health or pathology will be assessed by measuring gene expression, cell viability, and quantify changes in tissue andcell morphology. We will also monitor blood flow dynamics to understand how food derived factors may influence blood-endothelium interactions. Thegoal of this studyis to detect and understand how food derived factors induce inflammation. We assert that vascular inflammation can signal the presence of biotoxins and the presence of these inflammatory substances may alter endothelium-blood interactions which may lead to organ and tissue damage. This tool can also be used to provide valuable insight into the underlying mechanisms of vascular diseases.Berndtson, Keith. "CHRONIC INFLAMMATORY RESPONSE SYNDROME." (2013).
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
Develop devices and systems incorporating microfabrication and nanotechnology
Project Methods
We will create a model vessel to recapitulatein vivofeatures of the native vasculature. In order to create this model, we will incorporate 3D printing, micro molding, soft lithography, and photolithography techniques to create a physiologically relevant vascular network model. The channels will be constructed from porcine derived extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins that will serve as a cell growth substratescaffold. The channels will then be seeded with mammalian derived lung, spleen, or liver endothelial cells forming a confluent monolayer which will serve as our "engineered endothelium". We chose these systems becausethey serve as biological filters for the body. Using this system, we can probe the direct effects of food derived factors on the endothelium and investigatehow these factorsmay alter blood interactions andendothelium function. We will assess endothelium function by performing gene expression analysis, live/dead cell assays, and cell morphology studies. We will assess endothelium inflammation by measuring expression of interlukin-1 and vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1). We will also quantify enhanced blood-endothelium interaction by quantifying blockages that result from cell clustering within microfluidic channels upon exposure to various stresses and food derived factors. Results from this work will be compiled for publication in a scientific journal and presented at relevant conferences.

Progress 10/23/15 to 09/30/16

Target Audience:Currently undergraduate and graduate students have been exposed to microdevice fabrication techniques. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?I have trained 1 graduate student and 3 undergraduate students through this project. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Preliminary progress has been communicated in local research symposiums hosted by the Mississippi State University Honors College. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Nothing Reported

What was accomplished under these goals? About 25% of Americans are at risk developing chronic inflammatory response syndrome as a result of exposure to biotoxins typically derived from their diet. Microdevices allow for the probing of complex biological problems using a minimalistic approach. These devices can serve as a predictor of outcomes on the whole organ level. In this project, we sought to create a vascular model using a microfluidic device. The devices are seeded with vascular endothelial cells which will serve as the engineered endothelium. The device will then be used to monitor and quantify changes in cellular interactions due to introduction of biotoxins or other stimuli. Thegoal of this investigation is to be able to reliably detect and understand how inflammation alters blood flow dynamics. We want to link vascular inflammation to the presence of biotoxins and we assert that the presence of inflammatory substances such as biotoxins may alter endothelium-blood interactions which may lead to organ and tissue damage. Currently, we are optimizing our microdevice production protocol. We are approximately 70% complete with this process. One graduate and three undergraduate students have participated in this project. We have developed multiple designs and are currently testing for device failure. The next stage is to introduce cells into the device, test various stimuli and measure changes in cellular interactions which can be indicative of inflammation. Studies such as these can help improve our understanding of the effects of environmental factors on health.
