Progress 11/01/09 to 09/30/12
Outputs Target Audience: Missouri beef cow producers interested in this program worked with 7 extension regional livestock specialists to develop Quality Beef, By the Numbers as a brand-line exxtension of the Missouri Show-Me-Heifer project. Changes/Problems:
Nothing Reported
What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? During the project period I coordinated a producer and extension field staff symposium involving a trip to southwest Kansas to visit a cattle feedlot, for producers and practitioners to learn how cattle are managed in a feedlot, and various educational stops along with the trip, including Kansas State university faculty, Angus association, Excel Meat Solutions, Certified Angus Beef and feedlot operators. I collaborated in presenting at producer and professional association meetings. I was involved with mentoring one post-doctoral fellowship student wand on PhD student. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Through publications. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? This is the final report.
Impacts What was accomplished under these goals?
My work on this project looks at the economic valuation of genetic technologies into the beef herd through the dam. This project involves producers and animals associated with the Missouri Show Me Select Heifers, Inc. Since the beginning of incorporating new genetic technologies into the heifer development program in 2007, there has been 69 in 2008, 73 in 2009 and 119 in 2010 advanced genetic quality heifers sold through sanctioned sales. The preliminary economic assessment for heifers sold with higher quality genetic characteristics average between $45/head and $125/head, depending on year with late years associated with higher premiums, over traditional Show-Me heifers and some $295/head to $375/head over conventional bred heifers sold at local auction markets. This is an indication of a change in action and a change in knowledge due to producer observed willingness-to-adopt and buyer observed willingness-to-pay. The value proposition for buyers is that heifers, and later as cows, have a higher probability of yielding a better quality, i.e., growth performance and carcass performance, calf. Also, the base economic value for Show Me Heifers is that these heifers have a longer production life and that as a heifer the cow yields a higher quality calf. These factors increase the net present value of the animal.
- Type:
Journal Articles
Year Published:
Parcell, J.L., J. Franken, M. Cox, D. Patterson, and R. Randle. Buyer Perceptions and Willingness-to-Pay for Bred Heifer
Characteristics. Journal of Agricultural Economics. 41(5) September 2010.
- Type:
Journal Articles
Year Published:
Franken, J., J. Parcell, D. Patterson, M. Smith, and S. Poock. Cow-Calf Producer Interest in Retained Ownership. Journal
of Agribusiness 28,1(Spring 2010):49-59
- Type:
Journal Articles
Year Published:
Patterson, D., D.A. Mallory, J.L. Parcell, M.F. Smith, and S.E. Poock. 2010. Transferring reproductive technologies to the
field: Fixed-time AI and High Accuracy Sires. Journal of Animal Sciences. 887(E Supp 1.2):78
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Franken, J.R.V., J. Parcell, D. Patterson, M. Smith, and S. Poock. Cow-Calf Producer Interest in Retained Ownership
Southern Agricultural Economics Association. (February 2010). Published on-line at
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Rees, L, J. Parcell, D. Patterson, M. Smith, and S. Poock. Beef Reproductive Technology Adoption- Impact of Production
Risk and Capitals. Southern Agricultural Economics Association. (February 2010). Published on-line at
[ _Smith_Poock_SAEA.pdf].
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Parcell, J.L. Managing Quality Through Breeding and Coordinating Sires. Agricultural and Applied Economics Association
Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, 2010.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Franken, J.R.V., J.L. Parcell, and G.T. Tonsor. Consumers' Willingness-to-Pay for Retail Branded Beef Products with Bundled Attributes. Agriculture and Applied Economics Association Annual Meetings. July 24-26, 2011, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, selected paper.
- Type:
Conference Papers and Presentations
Year Published:
Rees, L. M., J. Parcell and D. Patterson. "Returns and Risk Preferences of Coordinated Beef Sire Genetics," Selected paper presented at the Western Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, Banff, Alberta Canada. June, 2011.
- Type:
Journal Articles
Awaiting Publication
Year Published:
Elliott, L., J.L. Parcell, D. Patterson, M. Smith, and S. Poock. Factors Influencing Beef Reproduction Technology Adoption. Journal of the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers.
- Type:
Journal Articles
Year Published:
Elliott, L., J.L. Parcell, and D. Patterson. Determination of the Value of Minimum Sire Accuracy Traits. Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics. 45, 2 (May 2013): 259-75.
- Type:
Journal Articles
Year Published:
Franken, J.V. and J.L. Parcell. Factors Influencing Bull Price Evidence from Missouri Auction Data. Journal of Agribusiness.30(Spring 2012):107-123.
- Type:
Journal Articles
Year Published:
Carolan-Robertson*, J., J.L. Parcell, D. Patterson, and R. Eakins. Valuing Beef Herd Dam Genetic Pedigree Management. Journal of the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers, June 2011. Published online at [].
- Type:
Journal Articles
Year Published:
Parcell, J. L., J. Franken, D. Schaefer, D. Patterson, M. John, M. Kerley, and K. Haden. Coordinating Sire Genetics in a Synchronized AI Program. Journal of the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers, June 2011. Published online at
Progress 01/01/10 to 12/31/10
Outputs OUTPUTS: During the project period I coordinated a producer and extension field staff symposium involving a trip to southwest Kansas to visit a cattle feedlot, for producers and practitioners to learn how cattle are managed in a feedlot, and various educational stops along with the trip, including Kansas State university faculty, Angus association, Excel Meat Solutions, Certified Angus Beef and feedlot operators. I collaborated in presenting at producer and professional association meetings. I was involved with mentoring one post-doctoral fellowship student wand on PhD student. PARTICIPANTS: Not relevant to this project. TARGET AUDIENCES: Not relevant to this project. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Not relevant to this project.
Impacts My work on this project looks at the economic valuation of genetic technologies into the beef herd through the dam. This project involves producers and animals associated with the Missouri Show Me Select Heifers, Inc. Since the beginning of incorporating new genetic technologies into the heifer development program in 2007, there has been 69 in 2008, 73 in 2009 and 119 in 2010 advanced genetic quality heifers sold through sanctioned sales. The preliminary economic assessment for heifers sold with higher quality genetic characteristics average between $45/head and $125/head, depending on year with late years associated with higher premiums, over traditional Show-Me heifers and some $295/head to $375/head over conventional bred heifers sold at local auction markets. This is an indication of a change in action and a change in knowledge due to producer observed willingness-to-adopt and buyer observed willingness-to-pay. The value proposition for buyers is that heifers, and later as cows, have a higher probability of yielding a better quality, i.e., growth performance and carcass performance, calf. Also, the base economic value for Show Me Heifers is that these heifers have a longer production life and that as a heifer the cow yields a higher quality calf. These factors increase the net present value of the animal.
- Carolan-Robertson, J., J.L. Parcell, D. Patterson, and R. Eakins. Valuing Beef Herd Dam Genetic Pedigree Management. Forthcoming, journal article, 2011.
- Parcell, J. L., J. Franken, D. Schaefer, D. Patterson, M. John, M. Kerley, and K. Haden. Coordinating Sire Genetics in a Synchronized AI Program. Forthcoming, journal article, 2011.
- Franken, J., J. Parcell, D. Patterson, M. Smith, and S. Poock. Cow-Calf Producer Interest in Retained Ownership. Journal of Agribusiness 28,1(Spring 2010):49-59
- Parcell, J.L., J. Franken, M. Cox, D. Patterson, and R. Randle. Buyer Perceptions and Willingness-to-Pay for Bred Heifer Characteristics. Agricultural Economics. 41(5) September 2010.
- Patterson, D., D.A. Mallory, J.L. Parcell, M.F. Smith, and S.E. Poock. 2010. Transferring reproductive technologies to the field: Fixed-time AI and High Accuracy Sires. Journal of Animal Sciences. 887(E Supp 1.2):78
- Franken, J.R.V., J. Parcell, D. Patterson, M. Smith, and S. Poock. Cow-Calf Producer Interest in Retained Ownership Southern Agricultural Economics Association. (February 2010). Published on-line at [ 20Interest%20in%20Retained%20Ownership_12-21-09_.pdf].
- Rees, L, J. Parcell, D. Patterson, M. Smith, and S. Poock. Beef Reproductive Technology Adoption- Impact of Production Risk and Capitals. Southern Agricultural Economics Association. (February 2010). Published on-line at [ _Smith_Poock_SAEA.pdf].
- Parcell, J.L. Managing Quality Through Breeding and Coordinating Sires. Agricultural and Applied Economics Association Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, 2010.