Award Trends

This Awards Trend Page displays NIFA Award Dollars by Activity Type, Group, Category, Component, and FDC (Financial Data Code) over time, by award fiscal year. Group, Category, and Component are additional optional categorizations (e.g., "rollups") that NIFA uses for some FDC items. Click on a table cell to drill to the Award Listing page showing each individual Award associated with the cell.

This query includes award information from fiscal year (FY) 2011-2018. Please be aware that award information for capacity grant programs is not included for FY 2017-2018 at this time.

Interested in modifying the query to include additional years or filters? Please sign up for access to the NIFA Leadership Management Dashboard (LMD) on the NIFA Leadership Management Dashboard registration page.

Keywords: Award, Activity Type, Group, Category, Component, FDC
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