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 Project Title Accession Number Sponsoring Agency Funding Mechanism Award Number Initial Award Fiscal Year Recipient Organization Project Start Date Project End Date Project Start Fiscal Year Project Status Cumulative Award Amount Recipient State
West Oahu Produce Rx Program (WOPRx)1033545National Institute of Food and AgricultureNIFA Non Formula2022-70424-444032025WAIANAE DISTRICT COMPREHENSIVE HEALTH AND HOSPITAL BOARD, INCORPORATED09/15/202409/14/20252024ACTIVE$387,790.72HAWAII
HOPE for Cancer: Healthy Outcomes through Produce Prescriptions and Education1033444National Institute of Food and AgricultureNIFA Non Formula2025-70424-444052025UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS FOR MEDICAL SCIENCES01/15/202501/14/20272025ACTIVE$480,325.00ARKANSAS
Project Open Hand SNAP Match Nutrition Incentive Pilot (POH SNAP Match pilot)1033300National Institute of Food and AgricultureNIFA Non Formula2024-70415-437162024PROJECT OPEN HAND09/15/202409/14/20252024ACTIVE$100,000.00CALIFORNIA
PowerSNAP SC - a nutrition incentive pilot program for increasing access to affordable vegetables and fruits in a rural, South Carolina grocery store1033282National Institute of Food and AgricultureNIFA Non Formula2024-70415-437172024CLEMSON UNIVERSITY09/15/202409/14/20252024ACTIVE$83,084.00SOUTH CAROLINA
Dopble Kopble: Double Up SNAP Bucks for Local Produce in Guam1033277National Institute of Food and AgricultureNIFA Non Formula2024-70415-437142024UNIVERSITY OF GUAM09/15/202409/14/20252024ACTIVE$100,000.00GUAM
FRESH FOOD FUNDS1033270National Institute of Food and AgricultureNIFA Non Formula2024-70415-437132024Royten`s Enrichment Academy Community Hope09/15/202409/14/20252024ACTIVE$100,000.00CALIFORNIA
Banco de Alimentos- 2024 GusNIP Product Incentive FLSP Program1033255National Institute of Food and AgricultureNIFA Non Formula2024-70415-437492024BANCO DE ALIMENTOS PUERTO RICO, INC09/01/202408/31/20272024ACTIVE$2,100,000.00PUERTO RICO
D`Youville University Nutrition Empowerment Program1033253National Institute of Food and AgricultureNIFA Non Formula2024-70415-437212024D'YOUVILLE COLLEGE09/15/202409/14/20262024ACTIVE$460,000.00NEW YORK
Utah Double Up Food Bucks Program1033249National Institute of Food and AgricultureNIFA Non Formula2024-70415-437072024UTAH DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES09/01/202408/31/20272024ACTIVE$1,113,783.00UTAH
Increasing Access to Local Fruits and Vegetables in Spartanburg County, SC1033210National Institute of Food and AgricultureNIFA Non Formula2024-70415-437152024PARTNERS FOR ACTIVE LIVING09/15/202409/14/20252024ACTIVE$60,880.00SOUTH CAROLINA
Leveraging Community-Based Partnerships to Enhance Hawai'i's DA BUX SNAP Nutrition Incentives1033203National Institute of Food and AgricultureNIFA Non Formula2024-70415-437102024THE FOOD BASKET INC09/01/202408/31/20272024ACTIVE$8,405,085.00HAWAII
Deepening Double Up Food Bucks Oregon: Reaching Diverse, Underrepresented Communities at Farmers Markets, Farm Stands, CSAs and Grocery Stores1033196National Institute of Food and AgricultureNIFA Non Formula2024-70415-437182024FARMERS MARKET FUND09/01/202408/31/20262024ACTIVE$5,358,439.00OREGON
New Jersey Statewide Good Food Bucks SNAP Nutrition Incentive Program; A GusNIP Large Scale Projects (FLSP)1033191National Institute of Food and AgricultureNIFA Non Formula2024-70415-437082024CITY GREEN INC09/01/202408/31/20272024ACTIVE$2,048,422.00NEW JERSEY
Double Up Texas: Expanding Reach, Deepening Impact1033184National Institute of Food and AgricultureNIFA Non Formula2024-70415-437112024SUSTAINABLE FOOD CENTER INC09/01/202408/31/20282024ACTIVE$8,699,885.00TEXAS
Closing the Gap: Equitable Approaches to Statewide Nutrition Incentive Program Expansion and Impact in Ohio1033181National Institute of Food and AgricultureNIFA Non Formula2024-70415-437122024PRODUCE PERKS MIDWEST INC09/01/202408/31/20262024ACTIVE$2,852,190.00OHIO
Iowa Double Up Food Bucks1033166National Institute of Food and AgricultureNIFA Non Formula2024-70415-437092024IOWA HEALTHIEST STATE INITIATIVE09/01/202408/31/20272024ACTIVE$4,820,792.00IOWA
NOTCH Produce Prescription Project1032864National Institute of Food and AgricultureNIFA Non Formula2024-70413-430402024THE RICHFORD HEALTH CENTER, INC08/15/202408/14/20272024ACTIVE$480,440.00VERMONT
Kansas Produce Prescription Program for Frontier Kids1032854National Institute of Food and AgricultureNIFA Non Formula2024-70413-430312024SHERIDAN COUNTY HOSPITAL08/01/202407/31/20272024ACTIVE$477,648.00KANSAS
A Community-Centered Approach to Produce Delivery Program and Food as Medicine (PDP-FaM)1032839National Institute of Food and AgricultureNIFA Non Formula2024-70413-430282024FAMILY HEALTH CENTERS OF SAN DIEGO INC08/01/202407/31/20272024ACTIVE$480,441.00CALIFORNIA
Boulder County Public Health Prenatal Produce RX Delivery1032837National Institute of Food and AgricultureNIFA Non Formula2024-70413-430412024BOULDER COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH09/01/202408/31/20262024ACTIVE$479,723.00IDAHO
DC Greens` Produce Rx initiative is a proven "Food Is Medicine" intervention empowering healthcare providers to prescribe fruit and vegetables to patients with diet-related chronic conditions.1032836National Institute of Food and AgricultureNIFA Non Formula2024-70413-430252024DC GREENS, INC.08/01/202407/31/20262024ACTIVE$480,441.00DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA
Shalom Farms Produce Rx Program1032835National Institute of Food and AgricultureNIFA Non Formula2024-70413-430322024SHALOM FARMS, INC.08/15/202408/14/20272024ACTIVE$480,440.00VIRGINIA
Expanding Health Impact with Veggie Scripts & Gardening in the Paso del Norte Region1032834National Institute of Food and AgricultureNIFA Non Formula2024-70413-430302024LA SEMILLA FOOD CENTER09/01/202408/31/20272024ACTIVE$480,441.00NEW MEXICO
LCTHC-PPR-Food as Medicine Program1032820National Institute of Food and AgricultureNIFA Non Formula2024-70413-430332024LAKE COUNTY TRIBAL HEALTH CONSORTIUM, INC09/01/202408/31/20272024ACTIVE$480,440.00CALIFORNIA
"Comiendo Fresco"/Eating Fresh Produce Prescription Program1032803National Institute of Food and AgricultureNIFA Non Formula2024-70413-430262024ARIZONA COMMUNITY HEALTH WORKERS ASSOCIATION, INC08/15/202408/14/20272024ACTIVE$480,427.00ARIZONA
Produce Rx in Southwest Virginia: Health and Community Food Systems Integration1032787National Institute of Food and AgricultureNIFA Non Formula2024-70413-430272024LOCAL ENVIRONMENTAL AGRICULTURE PROJECT, INCORPORATED08/01/202407/31/20272024ACTIVE$479,918.00VIRGINIA
VeggieRx: Advancing Healthy Food Access, Nutrition Education, And Community Health On Chicago’s West Side1032757National Institute of Food and AgricultureNIFA Non Formula2024-70413-430292024CHICAGO HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY08/01/202407/31/20262024ACTIVE$480,441.00ILLINOIS
"Farm To You Mobile" Produce Prescription Program: Increasing Access To Local Produce And Nutrition/Cooking Education Via Mobile Outreach1031975National Institute of Food and AgricultureNIFA Non Formula2022-70422-418242024WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CORP01/01/202310/31/20252023ACTIVE$500,000.00WEST VIRGINIA
Produce Rx: Health Centers Leveraging Local Produce for Wellness1031760National Institute of Food and AgricultureNIFA Non Formula2022-70422-418022024OLE HEALTH10/01/202309/30/20262024ACTIVE$454,877.94CALIFORNIA
Double Up Oklahoma | Expanding access to fruits and vegetables for low-income Oklahomans1031725National Institute of Food and AgricultureNIFA Non Formula2022-70415-416282024HUNGER FREE OKLAHOMA INC06/01/202308/31/20262023ACTIVE$13,841,590.00OKLAHOMA