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 Project Title Accession Number Funding Mechanism Award Number Initial Award Fiscal Year Recipient Organization Project Director Project Start Date Project End Date Project Status Cumulative Award Amount
Tracing the movement of and management potential for pharmaceuticals in agricultural soils via tracer-aided monitoring (2H, 18O, Pharmaceuticals) and social surveys1033359NIFA Non Formula2021-67034-444232025THE RESEARCH FOUNDATION FOR THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORKGeorgakakos, Christine01/15/202506/14/2025ACTIVE$4,128.59
Addressing key limitations to capitalizing on hover fly (Diptera: Syrphidae) pollination and biological control services1033278NIFA Non Formula2021-67034-438322024BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF ILLINOIS STATE UNIVERSITYClem, Carl09/16/202409/15/2025ACTIVE$16,261.62
Applying trait-based approaches to understand the causes and consequences of invasion1032791NIFA Non Formula2021-67034-434122024NEW MEXICO STATE UNIVERSITYGarbowski, Magda08/01/202401/31/2026ACTIVE$29,577.43
The chemical specificities of plant pathogen chemoreceptors involved in host selection and pathogenesis1031898NIFA Non Formula2020-67012-421722024UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONASchomer, Rebecca06/15/202306/14/2024COMPLETE$6,060.73
The effect of cover crop volatile organic compounds on soil organic matter formation and nutrient retention for soil health improvement1031554NIFA Non Formula2020-67034-413102023RADFORD UNIVERSITYMcBride, Steven09/01/202308/31/2025ACTIVE$36,009.69
Using the past to manage the future: lagged species effects on forage in variable climates1031021NIFA Non Formula2021-67034-405292023SOUTHERN OREGON UNIVERSITYWerner, Chhaya04/01/202309/30/2024COMPLETE$79,945.71
Defining Pathways of Colonization Resistance Subversion by Salmonella Dublin in Dairy Calves1031007NIFA Non Formula2021-67012-404572023COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITYRaabis, Sarah02/01/202301/31/2025COMPLETE$78,101.44
Optimizing rangeland decision making by unraveling geographic variation in the timing of forage sensitivity to weather1030793NIFA Non Formula2021-67034-402522023MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITYFelton, Andrew12/15/202209/14/2024COMPLETE$79,016.30
Do facultative endohyphal bacteria alter virulence in Fusarium spp. that are critical agricultural pathogens?1030743NIFA Non Formula2021-67034-403272023UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT CHARLOTTECarter, Morgan11/01/202210/31/2024COMPLETE$62,888.57
Spatial and temporal imaging of intracellular phosphate profiles during arbuscular mycorrhizal symbioses using genetically-encoded biosensors1030541NIFA Non Formula2021-67034-396772023EAST STROUDSBURG UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIAZhang, Shiqi10/15/202210/14/2024COMPLETE$77,867.96
Improving stability and activity of covalently immobilized enzymes via nanoengineered microenvironments for food waste valorization1030481NIFA Non Formula2021-67034-398102023VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE & STATE UNIVERSITYCheng, Yifan01/15/202301/14/2025COMPLETE$77,003.78
Modeling and Integrated Management of Southern Blight, an Emerging Threat in the Cornucopia of The United States1030143NIFA Non Formula2020-67034-394282023REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTAMcCaghey, Megan12/15/202208/14/2023COMPLETE$83,457.80
Assessing the impact of latitude and elevation on the regulation of berry secondary metabolites in thinleaf huckleberry1029984NIFA Non Formula2020-67012-393022023THE TRUSTEES OF MOUNT HOLYOKE COLLEGEDrummond, Chloe10/01/202209/30/2023COMPLETE$19,454.05
Understanding carbon and water dynamics of perennial crops in response to water stress1029700NIFA Non Formula2021-67034-390502023PURDUE UNIVERSITYFurze, Morgan08/15/202206/14/2024COMPLETE$84,823.22
A tale of two isoforms: elucidating the roles of isoform switching in regulating a putative amino acid transporter during nitrogen assimilation1029676NIFA Non Formula2021-67034-389162023SAINT NORBERT COLLEGE INCMcCoy, Rachel10/15/202210/14/2025ACTIVE$75,816.77
The annualization of Pacific Northwest grasslands: implications for ecosystem services1029642NIFA Non Formula2021-67034-388252023INSTITUTE FOR APPLIED ECOLOGYReed, Paul07/01/202206/30/2025ACTIVE$84,413.74
Understanding drought sensitivity in eastern U.S. forests to inform sustainable forest management practices1029588NIFA Non Formula2021-67012-386672023THE TRUSTEES OF THE SMITH COLLEGEGersony, Jessica07/01/202206/28/2024COMPLETE$90,618.03
Integrating Bees Into Modern IPM: Revising Pest Management Approaches In A Pollinator-Dependent Crop1029114NIFA Non Formula2020-67034-380662022OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY, THELeach, Ashley07/01/202206/30/2024COMPLETE$19,694.18
The Indiana Farmworker Resilience Project: Organizational Opportunities and Challenges During Covid-19.1028797NIFA Non Formula2021-67034-375882022THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS RIO GRANDE VALLEYErwin, Anna06/15/202206/14/2025ACTIVE$126,575.49
The physiology of phylloplane pH regulation and its consequences on the microbiome1028792NIFA Non Formula2019-67012-375872022MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITYGilbert, Kadeem01/01/202208/31/2023COMPLETE$17,252.17
Crop Diversity Baseline: Assessing Change In Plant Genetic Resources In The Past, Present, And Future1028408NIFA Non Formula2019-67012-369812022QUAIL BOTANICAL GARDENS FOUNDATION INCKhoury, Colin01/01/202212/30/2022COMPLETE$22,034.38
Ensuring Agricultural Sustainability and Climate Resiliency through Intergenerational Transfer of K-12 Voices1028381NIFA Non Formula2019-67012-365862022THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITYLawson, Danielle07/01/202112/31/2023COMPLETE$98,179.78
Genomic structural variation in sunflower: Diversity under domestication and importance for stress tolerance1028346NIFA Non Formula2020-67034-368792022MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDENWarschefsky, Emily09/01/202106/30/2023COMPLETE$93,185.63
How agricultural antibiotics and manure interact to shape soil communities, ecosystem function and environmental antibiotic resistance1028322NIFA Non Formula2020-67012-365872022CARY INSTITUTE OF ECOSYSTEM STUDIES, INCLucas, Jane09/01/202106/30/2023COMPLETE$88,271.35
Managing microbes to promote natural pest control1028277NIFA Non Formula2019-67012-365852022THE TRUSTEES OF DAVIDSON COLLEGEMeier, Amanda08/15/202106/14/2023COMPLETE$35,006.05
Using cities to identify forest insect herbivore `sleeper` species and their future distributions1028212NIFA Non Formula2019-67012-370342022ENGINEERS, U.S. ARMY CORPS OFJust, Michael10/01/202109/30/2023COMPLETE$95,658.88
Effects of rising CO2 levels on bumble bees: nutrition, foraging, and physiology1026893NIFA Non Formula2021-67034-352292021UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN SYSTEMBernauer, Olivia07/01/202112/31/2023COMPLETE$164,999.00
Effects of defense plasticity on consumer-resource dynamics in annually cropped and wild perennial plant populations1026886NIFA Non Formula2021-67034-352322021UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEEMutz, Jessica06/15/202101/31/2024COMPLETE$165,000.00
Using the past to manage the future: lagged species effects on forage in variable climates1026875NIFA Non Formula2021-67034-352312021UNIVERSITY OF WYOMINGWerner, Chhaya09/01/202108/31/2023COMPLETE$165,000.00
ARIS Log: 0068708. Title: Leveraging population genomics to understand the migration and evolution of the causal pathogens of boxwood blight1026758NIFA Non Formula2019-67012-349342021AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICELeBlanc, Nicholas07/01/202106/30/2024COMPLETE$117,450.05