Thermal Regulation with Salt Hydrates for Biodigester Isothermality | 1025901 | 07/01/2021 | 07/31/2022 | COMPLETE | Lancaster | Anaerobic Digestion, Phase Change Material, Small Farms, Intermittent Heat Source, Isothermality | To solve the digester thermal control problem, Advanced Cooling Technologies (ACT) is developing an energy storage material that can be wrapped around a digester. This material will absorb thermal energy from the sun during the day and release it to the digestate at night. The energy storage materials are very inexpensive but there are some challenges related to their long-term use. Fortunately, the project team has successfully solved these issues during past projects. Laboratory testing will be used to demonstrate the life of the developed materials followed by testing on a small biodigester for several months. By the end of the project, ACT hopes to demonstrate a low-cost, small-scale, biodigester which will allow many more small farms to take advantage of this renewable energy source. This will accelerate the transition to renewable energy sources, helping to minimize the ecological damage created by our current energy generation mix.? | The goal of this Phase 1 project is to increase the biogas production potential of small-scale anaerobic digesters (AD) without significant increases in system cost and/or complexity. If successful, this technology has the potential to make AD technology economically viable for small farms, increasing utilization of this renewable energy source. The technical goal of this project is to develop and successfully test a working small-scale anaerobic digester (AD) with passive thermal control across multiple seasons - especially the winter. AD bacteria require a stable, relatively warm digestate temperature to maximize their biogas generation rate. This is a challenge in small ADs where rapid ambient temperature changes and cold wintertime temperatures can easily deactivate the efficacy of the bacteria. This project will fix this problem by adding a low-cost phase change material (PCM) around the AD, which will act as a thermal buffer to rapid temperature changes. The PCM also serves as a thermal energy store that can absorb solar thermal energy during the day and release it into the AD throughout the night, forming a passive solar heating system that can maintain the digestate temperature throughout the winter. The development and performance demonstration of this passively heated and temperature-controlled AD is the primary goal of the project.The following objectives present a pathway to achieving the Phase 1 goal:Selection and thermal reliability testing of a hydrated salt PCM. A PCM that demonstrates a pathway to 25+ year performance through accelerated freeze/thaw tests is targeted. The PCM has a material cost target of ~$0.1/kg.Model, design, and fabricate a sub-scale proof-of-concept AD utilizing the selected PCM for passive thermal control. A system design that can be easily fabricated from inexpensive and widely available components is targeted.Successfully test the sub-scale AD with PCM thermal control and simulated solar heating over several months during the coldest seasons of the year. A daily digestate temperature variation of no more than ±2°C is targeted during passive solar heating of the digestor with integrated PCM thermal storage.Prepare an economic assessment of the proposed AD with passive solar heating and PCM thermal control. If a pathway towards the LCOG goal of $0.30/m3 is not realized in the Phase I prototype system, variations to the current design will be proposed for additional cost reductions to be examined experimentally during Phase II. |
Developing a Vacuum Distillation- Acid Absorption System for Recovery of Ammonia from Dairy Manure | 1007832 | 09/04/2015 | 09/30/2015 | COMPLETE | ALBANY | ammonia, dairy manure, resource recovery, bio-based feedstock, concentrated animal feeding operations, waste to value | • Objective: Dairy farms generate 138 L liquid manure/cow, which has high ammonia concentrations and contributes to air and water pollution due to free ammonia release to air and nitrogen export to water at their production sites and manure-applied land.Anaerobically digested dairy manure has even higher ammonia concentrations. Besides, ammonia accumulation in digesters may inhibit anaerobic digestion at higher organic loading rates. Dairy farms need cost-effective methods to upgrade their nutrient management plans. Traditional wastewater treatment methods are economically prohibitive to remove ammonia from dairy manure. Our goal is to develop an innovative technology coupling vacuum distillation and acid absorption for sustainable recovery of ammonia from anaerobically digested and undigested dairy manure. Ammonia in dairy manure can be distilled under a low vacuum at a temperature below the normal boilingpoint of water and absorbed in a sulfuric acid solution to produce ammonium sulfate as a value-added product. Specific objectives are to 1) evaluate effects of temperature, low vacuum, and solids on ammonia recovery from dairy manure; 2) design an ammonia distillation - acid absorption system to produce ammonium sulfate granules with dairy manure; 3) construct a pilot-scale vacuum distillation - acid absorption system and develop operational parameters; and 4) perform a farm-scale economic analysis of the developed technology across its life cycle. This project will fill a literature gap in the combined effects of temperature, low vacuum, and solids on ammonia distillation. Kinetic study with a pilotscale ammonia recovery system at different feed depth will support design for scale-up,broader applications. Coupling vacuum distillation - acid absorption with anaerobic digestion is anticipated to make ammonia recovery an economically viable technology. The technology to be developed is applicable to dairy farms without anaerobic digesters as well.• Description: Concentrated animal feeding operations need cost-effective technologies to upgrade their nutrient management plans as required by increasingly stringent federal and state regulations. This project will develop a technology to produce a marketable productfrom dairy manure (ammonium sulfate granules as a bio-fertilizer and chemical), thus generating revenues while meeting regulatory requirements for farm nutrient management. By coupling ammonia recovery with anaerobic digestion and biogas energyutilization, heat is recycled, inhibition of ammonia to anaerobic digestion prevented, and greenhouse gas emission reduced. Three graduate students in this P3 team will develop knowledge and skills of sustainable design for wastewater treatment and resource recovery.Undergraduate students and high school students in a Boy Scouts Engineering Camp will gain hands-on skills with the pilot-scale ammonia recovery system and be inspired of sustainable waste management.• Results: A laboratory vacuum distillation - acid absorption assembly will be used to evaluate the efficiency and energy consumption of ammonia distillation under different combinations of temperature and low vacuum with digested and undigested dairy manure that have different salinities as well as manure filtrate. A pilot-scale ammonia recovery system will be operated by batch modes to prove the design concept and determine operational parameters including feed depth and cycle length. The pilot system will include a vacuum still for ammonia vaporization at boiling points lowered by low vacuum, an ammonia absorption column to produce ammonium sulfate granules, and a vacuum pump to bridge the still and absorption column. Cost benefit assessment across life cycle will be performed, taking a large-size dairy farm as an example.Contribution to Pollution Prevention and Control: Animal manure has 0.04-0.88% (wet weight) ammonia, which exists in free ammonia (NH3} and ionized ammonium (NH/). Volatilization of free ammonia may cause air pollution and health risks. Land application of liquid manure may impact on aquatic ecosystems and groundwater resources. Oxidation of ammonia generates greenhouse gas. In combination with anaerobic digestion, the proposed technology will provide dairy farms with a sustainable solution to nutrient management, minimizing the risk of ammonia release and nitrogen export. Ammonia recovery from dairy manure makes productive use of agricultural waste, thus preventing pollution associated with natural gas- and coal-based production of ammonia. The developed technology could also be applied to ammonia recovery from other ammonia-rich wastewater and coupled with anaerobic digestion of other organic wastes such as food waste and municipal sludge.Supplemental Keywords: bio-based feedstock, resource recovery; waste to value; concentrated animal feeding operationsAwarded Start Date: 8/15/2014Sponsor: Environmental Protection Agency | Dairy farms generate 138 L liquid manure/cow, which has high ammonia concentrations and contributes to air and water pollution due to free ammonia release to air and nitrogen export to water at their production sites and manure-applied land.Anaerobically digested dairy manure has even higher ammonia concentrations. Besides, ammonia accumulation in digesters may inhibit anaerobic digestion at higher organic loading rates. Dairy farms need cost-effective methods to upgrade their nutrient management plans. Traditional wastewater treatment methods are economically prohibitive to remove ammonia from dairy manure. Our goal is to develop an innovative technology coupling vacuum distillation and acid absorption for sustainable recovery of ammonia from anaerobically digested and undigested dairy manure. Ammonia in dairy manure can be distilled under a low vacuum at a temperature below the normal boiling point of water and absorbed in a sulfuric acid solution to produce ammonium sulfate as a value-added product. Specific objectives are to 1) evaluate effects of temperature, low vacuum, and solids on ammonia recovery from dairy manure; 2) design an ammoniadistillation - acid absorption system to produce ammonium sulfate granules with dairy manure; 3) construct a pilot-scale vacuum distillation - acid absorption system and develop operational parameters; and 4) perform a farm-scale economic analysis of the developedtechnology across its life cycle. This project will fill a literature gap in the combined effects of temperature, low vacuum, and solids on ammonia distillation. Kinetic study with a pilotscale ammonia recovery system at different feed depth will support design for scale-up,broader applications. Coupling vacuum distillation - acid absorption with anaerobic digestion is anticipated to make ammonia recovery an economically viable technology. The technology to be developed is applicable to dairy farms without anaerobic digesters as well. |
Algae for conversion of manure nutrients to animal feed: Evaluation of advanced nutritional value, toxicity, and zoonotic pathogens | 1000956 | 09/01/2013 | 08/31/2017 | COMPLETE | Pomona | Algae, Animal Feed, Bacteria, Manure, Nutritional Value, Pathogens, Toxic Cyanobacteria | Rationale The need to control manure-derived nutrient pollution is straining the confined animal production industry. California is the top milk producing state and has some of the strictest nutrient regulations. But in the San Joaquin Valley, many dairies do not have affordable access to more land for manure application. A highly productive crop is needed that will convert manure nitrogen (N) and phosphate (P) into feed but in smaller land areas than crops such as corn. Algae are a candidate feed with annual yields typically 7-13 times greater than soy or corn. Beyond 40-50% protein, algae also contain fatty acids, amino acids, pigments, and vitamins that are valuable in animal feeds, especially for adding value to milk. Advances in molecular biology allow us to gather needed information on the risks and benefits of algae-based animal feeds. Overall goal Benefit animal agriculture and the environment by introducing microalgae as a fast-growing livestock feed crop. Aim 1 Cultivate algae in dairy freestall barn flush water, treating this wastewater, while producing algae feedstock at a high annual rate, at least 10-times greater than corn. Algae will be cultivated in 30-cm deep raceway ponds at the 300-head Cal Poly campus dairy farm where extensive manure management research already occurs under USDA and USEPA sponsorship. Aim 2 Produce algae with favorable nutritional characteristics (high digestibility, valuable fatty and amino acid profiles, balanced protein and carbohydrate concentration, etc.) by adjusting the treated-water recycling into the ponds to optimize the N concentration in the growth medium. Aim 3 Test pathogen survival in algae feeds prepared by pasteurization and/or drying and heating. A trend in municipal wastewater treatment is pasteurization of treated effluent using waste heat from natural gas electrical generator. Large dairies with digesters will have waste heat available for pasteurization and drying. High-protein algae will be pelletized with high carbohydrate feeds to create a balanced feed. The heat of pelletization also contributes to pasteurization. Cal Poly has a research feed mill for producing such blended feeds. Aim 4 Monitor contamination by cyanobacteria and any cyanobacterial toxins. Approach Removal of N, P, and other constituents will be optimized in influent and effluent of identical ponds. Algal biomass (harvested by bioflocculation+settling) will be analyzed for N, P, protein, carbohydrates, and profiles of fatty and amino acids. Pathogen and algal communities extant in raw and feed-processed algal biomass will be analyzed using metagenomics and pyrosequencing. Potential toxicity of algal biomass will be studied using toxicity evaluation of cell-free extracts on cultured mammalian cells. A TC 20 Cell counter (BioRad Laboratories) will be used to monitor toxicity events on treated cells using trypan blue staining. Cytotoxic positive samples will be tested for both presence and concentration of known cyanobacterial toxins. The researchers have decades' experience in algae production, wastewater treatment, and food safety. Expected outcomes Starting with dairy, the project will lead the way towards an algae feed industry based on advanced nutritional features to enhance agricultural products (e.g., milk protein, poultry pigment) while assisting farmers to meet manure management challenges. We will address topics rarely covered in the algae field: potential toxicity and zoonotic pathogens. Our approach is unique in that it integrates and addresses a triad of issues, namely, food safety issues along with algae production techniques and waste management. | Project Goals 1. Generate experimental field data and calibrate optimization models. For treatment, expected removals are 85-95% biochemical oxygen demand and soluble Nitrogen (N) and 40-80% solublePhosphate (P) removal, depending on culturing technique and season. 2. Maximize the nutritional value of produced algae for animal feed. The cultures will be optimized to produce biomass at a high rate while also having the highest value composition for feed (in terms of lipids, digestibility, essential fatty and amino acid profiles, including balanced protein and carbohydrate concentrations). 3. Optimize pathogen inactivation methods. Pathogens will die-off in the ponds and during disinfection processing of the harvested biomass. Inactivation rates for representative pathogen indicators will be determined under various algae cultivation conditions and during trials with several biomass disinfection techniques. The optimal combination of pond conditions (e.g., high pH) and biomass processing (e.g., pasteurization) will be determined to achieve needed log inactivation of pathogens, which is typically 1- >4 log10 reduction (Sobsey et al., Available Online). 4. Quantify and control any cyanobacterial toxins. qPCR assays described by Al-Tarineh et al. (2012 a and b) will be used and optimized to reliably determine the copy number of cyanotoxin biosynthesis genes, as well as an internal cyanobacteria 16S rDNA control, in a single reaction. The latter detects for presence of cyanobacteria. If toxins are detected, measures will be taken to control invasion of the ponds by cyanotoxin-producing cyanobacteria strains. Overall Goal Benefit agriculture and the environment by introducing microalgae, a fast-growing livestock feed crop. |
Efficient Management and Use of Animal Manure to Protect Human Health and Environmental Quality | 0420394 | 10/01/2010 | 09/30/2015 | COMPLETE | BOWLING GREEN | ANIMAL, MANURE, ODOR, NUTRIENT, BYPRODUCT, ATMOSPHERIC, EMISSIONS, KARST, TOPOGRAPHY, PATHOGEN, TREATMENT, TECHNOLOGY, MICROORGANISMS | Not applicable | The overall goal of the research project which is formulated as a real partnership between ARS and Western Kentucky University (WKU) is to conduct cost effective and problem solving research associated with animal waste management. The research will evaluate management practices and treatment strategies that protect water quality, reduce atmospheric emissions, and control pathogens at the animal production facilities, manure storage areas, and field application sites, particularly for the karst topography. This Project Plan is a unique situation in the sense that non-ARS scientists from WKU are included on an in-house project to conduct research under the NP 214. The objectives and related specific sub-objectives for the next 5 years are organized according to the Components (Nutrient, Emission, Pathogen, and Byproduct) of the NP 214, which mostly apply to this project as follows: 1) develop improved best management practices, application technologies, and decision support systems for poultry and livestock manure used in crop production; 2) develop methods to identify and quantify emissions, from poultry, dairy and swine rearing operations and manure applied lands; 3) reduce ammonia, odors, microorganisms and particulate emissions from dairy, swine and poultry operations through the use of treatment systems (e.g. biofilters and scrubbers) and innovative management practices; 4) perform runoff and leaching experiments on a variety of soils amended with dairy, swine, or poultry manures infected with Campylobacter jejuni (C. jejuni), Salmonella sp. or Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) and compare observed transport with that observed for common indicator organisms such as E. coli, enterococci, and Bacteriodes; and 5) use molecular-based methodologies to quantify the occurrence of pathogens and evaluate new methods to inhibit their survival and transport in soil, water, and waste treatment systems. |
Innovative Bioresource Management Technologies for Enhanced Environmental Quality and Value Optimization | 0420348 | 10/01/2010 | 09/30/2015 | COMPLETE | FLORENCE | ANIMAL, WATER, PHOSPHORUS, TRACE, AMMONIA, DENITRIFICATION, REMOVAL, REDOX, OXYGEN, WETLAND, WASTE, QUALITY, NITROGEN, NITRIFICATION, SOLIDS, POTENTIAL, PLANTS, TREATMENT, CARBON, BIOCHAR, PYROLYSIS, ANAMMOX, GENES, AMENDMENT, FERTILIZER, EMISSIONS, GAS, NITROUS, OXIDE | Not applicable | 1. Develop improved treatment technologies to better manage manure from swine, poultry and dairy operations to reduce releases to the environment of odors, pathogens, ammonia, and greenhouse gases as well as to maximize nutrient recovery. 2. Develop renewable energy via thermochemical technologies and practices for improved conversion of manure into heat, power, biofuels, and biochars. 3. Develop guidelines to minimize nitrous oxide emissions from poultry and swine manure-impacted riparian buffers and treatment wetlands. 4. Develop beneficial uses of manure treatment technology byproducts. |
BIOLOGICAL TREATMENT OF MANURE AND ORGANIC RESIDUALS TO CAPTURE NUTRIENTS AND TRANSFORM CONTAMINANTS | 0420063 | 04/03/2010 | 04/02/2015 | COMPLETE | BELTSVILLE | SWINE, WASTE, SOIL, POULTRY, MANAGEMENT, DAIRY, EMMISION, MANURE, TREATMENT, ENVIRONMENTAL, BYPRODUCTS, FATE, ORGANIC, BIOENERGY, COMPOST, RESIDUE, DESTRUCTION, NUTRIENTS, APPLICATIONS, ANAEROBIC, DIGESTION, ALGAL, METHANE, AMMONIA, ANTIBIOTIC | Not applicable | Development and evaluation of manure treatment systems. Specific objectives: (1) Develop treatment technologies and management practices to reduce the concentrations of pharmaceutically active compounds (antibiotics and natural hormones) in manures, litters, and biosolids utilized in agricultural settings; (2) Develop management practices and technologies to minimize greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from manure and litter storage and from composting operations by manipulating the biological, chemical, and physical processes influencing production and release of ammonia and greenhouse gases during composting; (3) Develop technology and management practices that improve the economics and treatment efficiency of anaerobic digestion of animal manures and other organic feedstocks (e.g. food wastes, crops/residues) for waste treatment and energy production. |
METABOLIC VARIABLES AFFECTING THE EFFICACY, SAFETY, AND FATE OF AGRICULTURAL CHEMICALS | 0410345 | 02/03/2006 | 02/02/2011 | COMPLETE | FARGO | RESIDUE, CHEMICAL, FOOD, ANIMAL, DETECTION, METABOLISM, PATHOGEN, SOIL, MANURE, COMPOST, WATER | Not applicable | Objective 1: Determine metabolic variables (rates of absorption, tissue and microbial biotransformation, excretion) that positively or negatively influence the practical use of novel pre-harvest food safety chemicals in food animals. Objective 2: Determine the fate of endogenous animal hormones, novel pre-harvest food safety compounds, and antibiotics in animal wastes, including their transport through soil and water, and develop intervention strategies that reduce their environmental impact. Objective 3: Develop sensitive and accurate analytical tools to rapidly detect and quantify agriculturally important chemicals studied under objectives 1 and 2. |
INNOVATIVE ANIMAL MANURE TREATMENT TECHNOLOGIES FOR ENHANCED ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY | 0409671 | 04/03/2005 | 04/02/2010 | COMPLETE | FLORENCE | ANIMAL, WASTE, WATER, QUALITY, PHOSPHORUS, NITROGEN, TRACE, ELEMENTS, AMMONIA, NITRIFICATION, DENITRIFICATION, SOLIDS, REMOVAL, WETLANDS, REDOX, POTENTIAL, OXYGEN, BOD, WETLAND, PLANTS | Not applicable | Develop and evaluate environmentally superior technologies to prevent off-farm release of nutrients and to reduce pathogens, odors, and ammonia emissions. Develop information and technologies to enhance or retrofit existing manure treatment systems to help producers meet environmental criteria (nutrients, emissions, and pathogens). Improve and refine constructed natural treatment technologies to effectively manage nutrients including reducing emissions of ammonia and nitrous oxide. Develop and evaluate new and improved technologies that concentrate/sequester nutrients from manures or create value added products including conversion of livestock waste to energy. Evaluate swine wastewater treatment systems that can be used to reduce emissions, manage nutrients, and control pathogens on small farms. Develop cooperative activities as needed to conduct the research. |
Bioenergy and Biofuels Production from Lignocellulosic Biomass via Anaerobic Digestion and Fisher-Tropsch Reaction | 0231118 | 09/01/2012 | 08/31/2017 | COMPLETE | Columbus | Lignocellulosic biomass, anaerobic digestion, biogas, digestate, dry fermentation, lignocellulosic biomass, liquid hydrocarbon fuels, solid state | Integrated anaerobic digestion system (iADs) is an Ohio State University (OSU) patent technology (WO/2011/020000) that combines solid state anaerobic digestion (SS-AD) with commercially available liquid anaerobic digestion (L-AD). This combination mitigates technical challenges associated with each alone, and creates synergistic benefits that reduce cost, improve efficiency, and increase biogas production from a wide range of feedstocks. The biogas in turn is converted into bioenergy and biofuels, while the SS-AD digestate can be used to enhance soil quality (closing an ecological loop). Here, we propose to optimize the SS-AD technology for biogas production from lignocellulosic biomass; develop the upstream and downstream logistics around the iADs; and assess the potential environmental, economic, and social benefits of iADs. Pilot scale SS-AD tests with different feedstocks will be performed to validate the lab scale results and provide the critical data necessary to convince our industrial collaborators to move this technology into the next stage of commercialization, namely, the demonstration phase (which is beyond the scope of this grant). To achieve the objectives of the proposal, we have assembled a multidisciplinary team of scientists in the areas of soil and carbon sequestration (Dr. Rattan Lal, OSU), feedstock supply logistics (Dr. Scott Shearer, OSU), feedstock logistics and process modeling (Dr. Sudhagar Mani, University of Georgia (UGA)), anaerobic digestion (Dr. Yebo Li, OSU), anaerobic biology (Dr. Z. T. Yu, OSU), catalyst synthesis (Dr. Fei Yu, Mississippi State University (MSU)), and LCA (Bhavik Bakshi, OSU). The team will work closely with industry collaborators including quasar energy group (quasar), American Electric Power (AEP), Aloterra Energy, Marathon, CNH, AgSTAR and others on this project. The outcomes of the proposed project include: (1) optimization of novel iADs technology using effluent of L-AD as inoculum and nitrogen source for SS-AD, with increased knowledge about the microbiome in the SS-AD process; (2) miscanthus and crop production with SS-AD digestate that leverages BCAP-funded Miscanthus production for development of Miscanthus feedstock logistics (planting, harvesting and storage systems); (3) restoration and soil quality enhancement of marginalized lands; (4) assessment of the carbon sequestration in soils, trees and wetlands, and of the magnitude by which gaseous emissions in biofuel production process can be off-set by net gains in the ecosystem carbon pool; (5) A flexible platform system for exploring innovative uses of AD products including testing the techno-economic feasibility of production of liquid hydrocarbon fuels from biogas; (6) Positive economic, environmental, and social impact of iADs. The impacts of the project include: (1) extension of the feedstocks of AD from animal manure to all kinds of organic waste; (2) production of liquid transportation fuels production from organic waste; (3) assessment of the net ecosystem carbon budget in biofuel production. | The long term goal of this project is to commercialize an integrated anaerobic digestion system (iADs) that promises cost competitive bioenergy and biofuels production from lignocellulosic biomass. The specific objectives of this proposal are to: (1)Develop a sustainable production and supply logistics system to provide multiple feedstocks to iADs for bioenergy and biofuels production; (2) Assess impacts of SS-AD digestate application to biofuel crops grown in marginal lands on soil quality and hydrological, microclimatic, and agronomic parameters; (3) Develop a pretreatment technology to increase lignocellulosic biomass digestibility and optimize SS-AD technologies to maximize biogas production; (4)Integrate feedstock supply chains with a pilot scale iADs to evaluate its potential for commercialization; (5) Develop a biogas to liquid hydrocarbon fuels (BTL) technology via catalytic reforming and Fisher-Tropsch (F-T) synthesis; (6) Use Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and process economic models to evaluate the proposed system performance and its environmental, economic, and social impacts on sustainability. |
US Dairy Adoption of Anaerobic Digestion Systems Integrating Multiple Emerging Clean Technologies:Climate, Environmental and Economic Impact | 0230080 | 08/01/2012 | 07/31/2016 | COMPLETE | Pullman | CAFOs, anaerobic digestion, anaerobic digestion systems, biofertilizers, clean water, climate mitigation, dairies, nutrient recovery, pyrolysis, renewable energy, techno-economic evalation, water recovery | Based on considerable preliminary research, we propose that anaerobic digestion (AD) systems are the most effective means for reducing agricultural greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions while also improving air/water quality, nutrient cycling impacts, and farm economics. Our projects goals are to quantify the climate, air, water, nutrient and economic impacts of integrating next generation technologies in AD systems within US animal feeding operations (AFOs), contribute to increased AD adoption rates, and reduce GHG impacts. The project focuses on AD for dairy operations, although lessons learned are readily applicable to feedlot, swine, and poultry operations. We emphasize a systems approach in order to address AFO nutrient and economic concerns while enhancing GHG mitigation. Evidence suggests that addressing these nutrient and economic issues improves marginal returns on investment and could enhance currently poor U.S. AD adoption rates. Successful AD systems will integrate emerging technologies, complementary to AD, which are being developed by the project team through leveraged research: pyrolysis (P), nutrient recovery (NR), and water recovery (WR).<p> Our approach utilizes a multi-disciplinary team to quantify (against baseline) multiple scenarios for AD systems with varying combinations of complementary technology. Analysis against various levels of technology incorporation and farm scenarios will allow us to determine both direct as well as upstream and downstream impacts of a system or technology on total and component (CO2, CH4, N2O) GHG emissions, nutrient and energy flows, project economics, and crop yields. Project outputs will provide accessible technical information to industry, regulatory agencies, and private carbon market entities, overcoming previously identified barriers to new technology adoption. Together, the project will assist US AFOs, rural communities, and the AD industry in adopting improved agricultural waste management and move AFOs from a GHG source to a carbon sink. We will leverage relevant research (completed or ongoing) to complete assigned objectives and tasks, thereby allowing for a wealth of outputs using a relatively short timeline and budget. Specific project objectives include: (1) enhancement of pyrolysis platform through modification of resulting bio-char for nutrient recovery; (2) agronomic evaluation of AD system bio-fertilizer and co-products to determine potential for carbon sequestration, GHG mitigation, and crop yield; (3) GHG emissions, nutrient-flow, and crop yield modeling analysis; (4) techno-economic analysis; and (5) extension of relevant research results to key stakeholders best positioned to facilitate AD system adoption on AFOs. | Project goals are to quantify the climate, air, water, nutrient and economic impacts of integrating emerging, next generation technologies within anaerobic digestion (AD) systems on US animal feeding operations (AFOs), primarily dairies, although lessons learned apply to feedlot, swine, and poultry operations. Systems are emphasized as evidence suggests that addressing AFO concerns regarding nutrients and economics improves marginal returns on investment and could enhance currently poor U.S. AD adoption rates. Successful AD systems will integrate emerging technologies, complementary to AD, which are being developed by the project team through leveraged research: pyrolysis, nutrient recovery, and water recovery. Analysis against various levels of technology incorporation and farm scenarios will allow for determination of both direct as well as upstream and downstream impacts of a system or technology on total and component (CO2, CH4, N2O) greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, nutrient and energy flows, project economics, and crop yields. Project objectives include: (1) enhancement of pyrolysis platform through modification of bio-char for nutrient recovery; (2) agronomic evaluation of AD system bio-fertilizer and co-products; (3) GHG emissions, nutrient-flow, and crop yield modeling analysis; (4) techno-economic analysis; and (5) extension of relevant research results to key stakeholders. Project outputs will provide accessible technical information to industry, regulatory agencies, and private carbon market entities, overcoming previously identified barriers to new technology adoption. This proposal addresses priority areas related to research and extension for GHG mitigation and carbon sequestration within AFOs for reductions in agricultural emissions while improving sustainable joint use of nitrogen and water. |
A Biogas Heat Engine for Small to Mid-Sized Farms | 0226184 | 09/01/2011 | 02/28/2015 | COMPLETE | Ann Arbor | anaerobic digester, pathogen-free effluent, renewable energy,, biogas,, co-feeds., energy scavenging,, heat pump,, solar thermal,, tes,, thermal storage, | Non-technical Summary: The profitability of small and mid-sized dairy farms is strongly affected by increases in feed costs and energy costs. Unfortunately, farm operators have limited control of these factors, especially in the long term. New technology is needed to allow farmers to manage energy costs on their farms. One excellent solution is to use existing organic farm waste material to create energy via anaerobic digestion. Dairy operations (as well as other feeding sites) create copious amount of manure each day. By collecting this waste into an anaerobic digester, valuable biogas can be created and used by the farmer for pasteurization or hot water generation. Other organic materials can be used as feedstocks to enhance biogas production. The Biogas Heat Engine from Quantalux is an energy solution that generates valuable biogas from agricultural waste. Biogas has a large fraction of methane, and with suitable cleaning of the gas, can be used as a drop-in replacement for fossil fuels such as propane and natural gas. Our system includes a novel method for stabilizing biogas production using a thermal energy storage (TES). Renewable thermal sources are coupled to the Heat Engine via thermal storage cache, allowing the system to produce biogas more consistently. In order to show the viability of this technology for smaller farming operations, Quantalux will prototype and demonstrate that a simplified, thermally stable anaerobic digester system, We will show that the smaller farmer can self-generate biogas for use on his/her farm (decreasing energy costs), and that same farmer can also earn additional revenue (from selling enhanced digestate.) We also will show enhanced biogas production via the use of thermally stabilized digestion vessels, and by the addition of different farm-based feedstocks to the base manure feedstock. The Biogas Heat Engine will be marketed directly to small to mid-sized dairy farmers who seek decreased costs and a diversified revenue source. Revenues come from avoided cost of energy, the sale of compost, or from tipping fees from co-digestion materials. The Biogas Heat Engine is a way for the small farmer their energy costs while improving the health management of their farm and of the surrounding ecosystem. | Goals: During the USDA Phase II effort, Quantalux will develop an optimized anaerobic digester solution targeted to the needs of small to mid-sized farms. This solution is called the Biogas Heat Engine, and will generate valuable biogas from existing on-farm organic matter (primarily manure). Anaerobic digester performance will be enhanced by the addition of thermal energy storage (TES) technology (researched in Phase I.) TES allows the digester to be operated cost-effectively at higher temperatures, leading to more rapid and stable biogas production. Additional heat also reduces the number of pathogens in the digested material substantially. In addition to TES, Quantalux will also design and prototype remote process monitoring and will test and evaluate available organic material co-feeds can be added to the system to further enhance the quantity of biogas. A system for cleaning and storing biogas will also be developed. Objectives: This project will take a step-wise approach to developing a Phase II prototype. In the first step, initial Phase I computer models for anaerobic digestion and renewable energy sources (solar thermal and energy scavenging) will be refined. Key process monitors of the digestion process will be evaluated and a method for remote data exchange will be developed. Safe and cost-effective methods for storing and using biogas for farm processes (such as heating and cooling) will be developed. In the next step, a detailed engineering design will be developed for the key modules, including the renewable energy sources and TES module, the remote monitoring module and the biogas cleaning/storing module. In the final step, all system elements will be integrated into a scaled version of the Biogas Heat Engine and performance will be validated. The core anaerobic digester will be augmented with TES technology will assure thermal stability during the biogas generation process. Biogas production will be assessed based on a variety of feedstocks (both single feedstocks and co-feeds). The degree of pathogen reduction will be measured and evaluated for a range of pathogens. An overall objective is to maximize the potential revenue to the farmer (via biogas and pathogen-free byproducts) by implementing a comprehensive management strategy. Expected Outputs: The demonstration of the Biogas Heat Engine will show that a biogas-only, thermally stable anaerobic digester system can be viable on small to mid-sized farms. Several key ancillary technologies will be part of the demonstration, including: a remote monitoring system that simplifies and automates process control in the digester, a simplified scrubbing and gas storage system, and a thermal management system that allows for higher performance at lower cost. We will also show that co-feeding the digester using different organic feedstocks will result in higher biogas production. |
Desulfurization of Biogas Derived from Animal Manure | 0218108 | 06/01/2009 | 01/31/2010 | COMPLETE | WHEAT RIDGE | biogas~desulfurization~distributed power~combined heat and power | TDA is developing a cost effective and flexible desulfurization technology to clean-up biogas generated from waste streams fuels that allow its use in highly efficient fuel cell-based combined heat and power systems. Better and efficient use of these under-utilized biowastes could replace major amounts of natural gas to reduce the U.S. dependence on foreign energy resources consumption of hydrocarbon in the U.S. and lead to significant reductions in CO2 emissions, a potent greenhouse gas. | Animal farms generate by-product gases containing billions of Btu energy; this energy is either not used at all or used in old and inefficient processes. Better use of these under-utilized streams could replace significant amounts of natural gas, thereby reducing the U.S. dependence on foreign energy resources and significantly reducing emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), a potent greenhouse gas. TDA Research Inc., in collaboration with FuelCell Energy Inc., proposes to develop a new, high capacity, expendable sorbent to remove sulfur species from ADG, thereby providing an essentially sulfur-free biogas that meets the cleanliness requirements of DFC power plants. Unlike the combustion engines, the fuel cells operate with very high efficiency even at small scale, offering significant benefits to the distributed CHP systems utilizing bio-waste. |
Selective Pyrolysis of Lignocellulosic Materials and Novel Refining Concepts to Produce Second Generation Bio-fuels, Bio-chemicals and Engineered Bio-chars. | 0214389 | 01/01/2013 | 12/31/2017 | COMPLETE | PULLMAN | bio-char, bio-oil, bio-refining, pyrolysis, woody biomass | This research effort will be devoted to advance the science and technology required to implement a new model of a biomass economy, formed by distributed pyrolysis units, rural refineries and centralized refineries. The pyrolysis units located near biomass resources will produce crude bio-oil and bio-char. The crude bio-oil is then transported to rural refineries to be converted into stabilized bio-oil, fuels and chemicals (ethanol, lipids, biogas, bio-plastic). Finally, centralized refineries are envisioned to convert stabilized bio-oils into drop-in transportation fuels. The pyrolysis units could have a function in this new biomass economy similar to the role of petroleum wells in our current petroleum based economy. To implement this concept, additional research in several areas is necessary to:<br> (1) conduct fundamental studies of thermo-chemical reactions to better understand the relationship between biomass composition and its thermal degradation mechanisms to enhance the production of levoglucosan<br> (2) develop and tests new types of selective fast pyrolysis reactors and their mathematical modeling,<br> (3) develop new analytical methods to characterize the chemical composition of bio-oils,<br> (4) develop bio-chars for environmental services<br> (5) evaluate several new concepts for rural bio-oil refineries,<br> (6) study the feasibility of processing of stabilized bio-oil fractions in existing petroleum refineries, and<br> (7) develop and test second generation bio-fuels and chemicals from bio-oils.<p> Our project targets the conversion of at least 30 mass % of the initial biomass into transportation fuels and high value chemicals. The production of engineered bio-chars for environmental services will contribute to sequester carbon, reduce the content of phosphorous and nitrogen from liquid effluents of anaerobic digesters and enhance soil fertility. | a) Conduct fundamental studies on the kinetics of biomass thermo-chemical reactions to better understand the relationship between the structure of biomass constituents (cellulose, hemicelluloses and lignin) and their degradation mechanisms.<br> b) Develop and test new types of pyrolysis reactors with mathematical modeling of proposed concepts.<br> c) Develop new analytical methods to characterize the chemical composition of bio-oils.<br> d) Develop and test engineered bio-chars for environmental services.<br> e) Test new bio-oil based refinery concepts at laboratory scale.<br> f) Develop of new transportation fuels and chemicals from bio-oil fractions. |
A Scientific Partnership in Research and Education to Enhance Student Learning and Promote Development of Low-cost Renewable Energy | 0214191 | 09/01/2008 | 08/31/2011 | COMPLETE | Tuskegee Institute | Bioenergy, anaerobic digestor, faculty and student exchange, technology transfer | Increases in fuel prices during the past several years have prompted the passage of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 and created an environment where research and development activities in renewable energy sources are flourishing. At the present time, agricultural crops such as grains, oilseeds, and sugars serve as sources for bioenergy production. However, research is increasingly focusing on the use of cellulosic sources of biomass (forest and agricultural crops, animal wastes, aquatic plants, and municipal and industrial wastes) that will expand the range of potential feedstocks. These feedstocks could be used to produce biofuels (conversion biomass into liquid fuels for transportation), biopower (burning biomass directly, or converting it into gaseous or liquid fuels to generate electricity), or bioproducts (converting biomass into chemicals for making plastics and other products typically made from petroleum). There exist on the market today several technologies toproduce bioenergy; one of the most attractive that offers opportunities for adding value to agriculture, creating economic development alternatives for rural communities in Alabama and throughout the United States, and creating a viable option for a sustainable management of poultry waste is anaerobic digestion. Advanced technologies have been developed during the past several years in the United States to convert animal wastes into renewable energy that could reduce our dependence on fossil fuels. However, these emerging technologies are out of reach of limited resources farmers. India has made considerable advances in development of innovative bioenergy technologies appropriate for limited resource farmers. With rising crude oil prices, we propose to collaborate with scientists from India to explore how small farmers in both economies might benefit from these technologies. | The purpose of the proposed project is to enhance environmental and international contents of curricula and the capacities of the Department of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences at Tuskegee University and that of the Poultry Science at the Sri Venkateswara Veterinary University to conduct collaborative research in environmental waste management. The objectives are to: 1) Infuse environmental waste management technologies into curricula, 2) Conduct an inventory of low-cost renewable energy technologies for adoption by limited resources farmers (chicken growers), 3) Use findings of the inventory to improve, evaluate, test, and adapt the proposed Indian low-cost renewable energy technology to conditions of limited resource farmers in the United States, and 4) investigate the economic feasibility of such a technological package adapted. Bioenergy produced from poultry litter will reduce greenhouse gas emissions, add value to agriculture, and provide economicdevelopment opportunities for rural communities the United States. It will promote international research partnerships, enhance the use of foreign technologies and strengthen Tuskegee University role in maintaining U.S. competitiveness in the world. |
Improving the Sustainability of Livestock and Poultry Production in the United States (OLD S1032) | 0213075 | 10/01/2007 | 09/30/2013 | COMPLETE | MINNEAPOLIS | ecological footprint, effluents, emergy, emissions, land application, life cycle analysis;, manure, treatment, waste, odors | The project proposes to develop computer based mathematical descriptions of the animal production industries using measures of sustainability and environmental impacts that will help describe and define that scientific framework. Although all aspects of animal production must be included, we propose to put special emphasis on evaluating manure management and utilization best management practices and their impact on sustainability and environmental impacts beyond the farm and field scale. A number of interesting and useful analytical paradigms already exist for describing and modeling the sustainability of arbitrarily defined systems, and we do not intend to suggest that one of them is necessarily superior to the others in every conceivable use or context. Each of them has strengths and shortcomings that depend on the way in which it is used. | Not applicable |
Tillage, Silviculture and Waste Management | 0204112 | 09/01/2005 | 08/31/2008 | COMPLETE | BATON ROUGE | conservation tillage, rice, cotton, corn, insect control, water quality, poultry litter, phosphorus, tillage systems, silviculture, waste management, dairy cattle, grazing, coliforms, water contamination, bioremediation, forage, pinus, tree growth, watersheds, watershed management, crop production, land application, soil amendments, vegetation, reduced tillage, soil erosion | Scientists will refine conservation tillage practices for rice, cotton, and corn production systems, while focusing on erosion reduction, prevention of nutrient loss, improvement of run-off water quality, and efficacious and cost effective pest control. Phosphorus movement from pasture and forestry ecosystems will be evaluated so that optimum poultry litter fertilizer rates can be established that will enhance production while minimizing eutrophication of water bodies. Animal waste management research will focus on modified poultry diets to reduce P load in litter, forage production systems for phytormediation of P alternative treatments and which separation of animal waste, and development of value-added products from dairy waste. | 1) Identify optimum preplant and early-season vegetation management strategies and evaluate reduced tillage rice cropping systems to determine sustainability of rice grain yield and soil physical condition. 2) Determine cotton and corn arthropod pest problems in conservation tillage systems and evaluate novel IPM strategies. 3) Determine the effects of poultry diet modification on reduction of total soil eroading of P. 4) Quantify the benefits of poultry litter for forest and pasture management, examine forages and industrial by-products for phosphate remediation, and further develop and evaluate models that predict phosphate mobility. 5) Evaluate treatment of dairy wastes with traditional lagoons and constructed wetlands to lower coliform, nutrients, and organic loads and examine treatment alternatives that offer potential revenue generation from waste material. |
ANAEROBIC DIGESTION OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD WASTE BIOMASS FOR THE EFFICIENT PRODUCTION OF HIGH QUALITY BIOGAS | 0200286 | 04/01/2004 | 09/30/2009 | COMPLETE | COLUMBUS | anaerobic digestion, biomass, manures, food waste, methane, biogas, hydrogen, energy sources, waste utilization, waste, renewable resources, production efficiency, recycling, systems development, engineering, engines, fuel cells, process development, new technology, energy conversion, animal waste, snack foods, dairy cattle, corn silage, rumen fluid, sludge, energy production | This research initiative is rooted in the need for alternative energy sources that are renewable and competitive with imported petroleum fuels. Nearly all of the agricultural production entities, whether crop, horticultural, or animal in nature, create significant quantities of waste biomass. Closed system anaerobic digestion of these wastes offers the opportunity to produce a clean form of fuel (methane and/or hydrogen) with minimal environmental emissions | Initially this research is to develop laboratory scale anaerobic digestion systems to determine the metabolic and nutritional requirements of digesters for efficient conversion of diverse biomass feedstock types to biogas energy. Secondly, it is important to develop sensitive analytical technologies to monitor metabolic changes of feedstocks during biodigestion as well as define the purity of biogas produced as a necessary guide in the development of anaerobic process strategies. Sequentially, it is important to scale anaerobic digestion of biomass to produce competitive quantities of clean biogas for reliable power for process heat, combustion or turbine engines, or solid-oxide fuel cells. Finally, we intend to integrate biomass utilization and energy conversion technologies for a holistic environmental and energy conversion strategy to provide effective energy production and waste remediation. |
Economics, Information, and Institutional Design For Natural Resources and the Environment | 0195519 | 08/01/2006 | 07/31/2010 | COMPLETE | PULLMAN | natual resource economics, economic policy, contract theory, natural resource risk managment | This research will focus on the economics of contract and institutional design as it pertains to natural resource use and environmental quality. Some of the policy questions addressed from this perspective will be among the most pressing natural resource policy issues today: wildfire risk management, wildlife management and recreation on private land, agricutlural land use, and risk management in general. | The objectives of this research program are twofold: to address natural resource and environmental issues of relevance to Washington State and the nation, and to contribute to the developing theoretical and empirical economic literature on contracting and policy design over natural resource and environmental issues. Specific research projects currently underway include: 1) An examination of the economics of law relating to prescribed fire use and wildfire risk mitigation. 2) Insurance markets and subsidy programs for wildfire risk management. Estimation of wildfire suppression productivity. 3) The effects of differences in law on prescribed fire use and wildfire risk across states. 4) Land lease contract structure, land conservation and the division of labor in livestock grazing contracts. Each of these projects is of direct significance for understanding how better to design policy for management of natural resources, risk management, as well as incentive and property
rights problems common for many important natural resources. |
Animal Manure and Waste Utilization, Treatment and Nuisance Avoidance for a Sustainable Agriculture | 0191080 | 10/01/2001 | 09/30/2007 | COMPLETE | SHREVEPORT | livestock, pollution control, animal waste, water quality, environmental impact, manures, waste treatment, sustainable agriculture, agricultural engineering, waste management, land application, optimization, waste utilization, process development, dairy cattle, pastures, fecal coliforms, runoff, rain simulation, measurement, monitoring, nitrogen, phosphorus, nutrient balance, crop residues, aquaculture, composting, automation, control systems | Grazing of cattle and land application of animal manure are common agricultural practices. Assessment of pollutant transport from grazed pastures and development of treatment options for animal manures are needed in order to protect Louisiana's water resources. The water quality impacts of grazing dairy cattle on pasture will be studied in regard to fecal coliform content in runoff water. As part of an ongoing study, pasture plots will be artificially dosed with dairy cow manure in a manner similar to natural deposition during grazing. | 1. Develop management tools, strategies, and systems for land application of animal manures and effluents that optimize efficient, environmentally friendly utilization of nutrients and are compatible with sustained land and water quality. 2. Develop, evaluate, and refine physical, chemical and biological treatment processes in engineered and natural systems for management of manures and other wastes. |