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 Project Title Accession Number Sponsoring Agency Funding Mechanism Award Number Recipient Organization Project Director Project Start Date Project End Date Project Start Fiscal Year Project Status
Closing The Si Cycle In Rice Agroecosystems To Sustainably Control As And Cd Uptake By Rice Grown Under Alternate Wetting And Drying (Awd)1015323National Institute of Food and AgricultureNIFA Non Formula2018-67019-27796UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARESeyfferth, Angelia03/15/201803/14/20232018COMPLETE
Nitrite Ammonification in Manures and Soils Under Adaptive Management for Climate Change1009145National Institute of Food and AgricultureNIFA Non Formula2016-67003-24966PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY, THEBruns, Maryann04/01/201603/31/20202016COMPLETE
Integrated Farm-Based Refining for Biofuel and Chemical Production1006820National Institute of Food and AgricultureNIFA FormulaNot applicableSAES - MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITYLiao, Wei09/01/201508/31/20202015COMPLETE
Biological Processing of Agricultural and Food Wastes to Recover Energy, Nutrients and Water for Sustainable Agricultural Production1003263National Institute of Food and AgricultureNIFA FormulaNot applicable1890 - NORTH CAROLINA A&T STATE UNIVERSITYWang, Lijun10/01/201409/30/20172015COMPLETE
Improving Soil Nutrient Management through the Integrated Use of Web-based Mobile Technology and Rapid Soil Testing1001551National Institute of Food and AgricultureNIFA FormulaNot applicableSAES - UNIVERSITY OF HAWAIIDeenik, Jonathan11/14/201309/30/20182014COMPLETE
Algae for conversion of manure nutrients to animal feed: Evaluation of advanced nutritional value, toxicity, and zoonotic pathogens1000956National Institute of Food and AgricultureNIFA Non Formula2013-67019-21374CAL POLY POMONA FOUNDATION INCMurinda, Shelton09/01/201308/31/20172013COMPLETE
Integration of bioproducts and bioenergy production with agricultural waste treatment1000222National Institute of Food and AgricultureNIFA FormulaNot applicableSAES - UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTAHu, B10/01/201309/30/20162014COMPLETE
Attaining High Quality Soft White Winter Wheat through Optimal Management of Nitrogen, Residue and Soil Microbes0435472Agricultural Research Service/USDANot applicableNot applicableAGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICEREARDON C L09/06/201809/05/20232018COMPLETE
Improvement of Soil Management Practices and Manure Treatment/Handling Systems of the Southern Coastal Plain0431207Agricultural Research Service/USDANot applicableNot applicableAGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICESZOGI A A07/27/201607/05/20212016ACTIVE
Technologies for Improving Industrial Biorefineries that Produce Marketable Biobased Products0427427Agricultural Research Service/USDAOther USDA FundingNot applicableWESTERN REGIONAL RES CENTERORTS W J10/01/201409/30/20192015COMPLETE
Innovative Bioresource Management Technologies for Enhanced Environmental Quality and Value Optimization0420348Agricultural Research Service/USDAOther USDA FundingNot applicableAGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICESZOGI A A10/01/201009/30/20152011COMPLETE
Microbial Processes for Bioproducts and Biofuels Production0231133National Institute of Food and AgricultureNIFA FormulaNot applicableSAES - MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITYLiu, Yan09/01/201208/31/20172012COMPLETE
Bioenergy and Biofuels Production from Lignocellulosic Biomass via Anaerobic Digestion and Fisher-Tropsch Reaction0231118National Institute of Food and AgricultureNIFA Non Formula2012-10008-20302OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY, THEZhao, Lingying09/01/201208/31/20172012COMPLETE
Development of integrated processes for the production of biofuels, bioenergy and biopolymers from organic waste0213318National Institute of Food and AgricultureNIFA FormulaNot applicableSAES - OHIO STATE UNIVERSITYLi, Yebo10/01/201209/30/20172013COMPLETE
ENVIRONMENTAL BEHAVIOR OF EMERGING ORGANIC CHEMICALS OF CONCERN0161008National Institute of Food and AgricultureNIFA FormulaNot applicableSAES - PURDUE UNIVERSITYLee, Linda10/01/201009/30/20152011COMPLETE