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 Project Title Accession Number Sponsoring Agency Project Start Date Project End Date Project Status Recipient City Name Keywords Non-Technical Summary Objectives
A closed-loop dairy system by an integrated anaerobic digestion and pyrolysis process for food-energy-water nexus1018814National Institute of Food and Agriculture04/05/201904/05/2024COMPLETECOLLEGE STATIONagricultural wastes, anaerobic digestion, biochar, dairy farm, pyrolysis, activated biochar, functionalized biocharDairy farms, like other animal farms, have multiple threats against sustainable operation such as significant pollution in water, air and soil, food safety, water shortage and energy supply. Current management of dairy manure such as land application often causes significant water, air and soil pollution. High levels of nutrients and various antibiotics released into environment lead to algal blooms, eutrophication, nitrate accumulation and increase of antibiotic resistant bacteria. Land application of manure also drastically contributes to emission of odor and greenhouse gases from manure while causing soil acidity/infertility, which would decrease agricultural productivity. Composting can produce biofertilizers via microbial actions using dairy manure; however, it also causes drastic loss of ammonia and development of odors during the composting process. Anaerobic digestion has been suggested to resolve manure disposal, energy recovery and greenhouse gas control. Despite several advantages, it was found that anaerobic digestion suffered fluctuating performance, difficult operation, low yield of biogas, and the need to dispose of undigested sludge after digestion. Recently thermal disposal of manure such as pyrolysis and gasification has been studied to convert manure to bio-oil, syngas and biochar. However, thermal disposal of manure has revealed high energy consumption with high moisture of wet manure and low yields of energy (bio-oil and syngas).Proposed concept: A closed-loop dairy system by an integrated anaerobic digestion and pyrolysis processTo improve current anaerobic digestion and pyrolysis, an integrated pyrolysis and biochar process has been suggested to be a highly promising option for manure and wastewater treatment at dairy farms. However, so far there have been few systematic approaches to develop the pyrolysis-biochar process for dairy manure disposal, wastewater treatment, nutrient recovery and soil amendment. In this project I will address these critical issues with systematic investigation of an integrated anaerobic digestion and pyrolysis to overcome dairy farm-associated sustainable problems. The proposed dairy system combines anaerobic digestion (AD) and pyrolysis (PY) for intensifying food-energy-water at dairies. Flushed manure goes to an anaerobic digester as a bioreactor, where manure is converted to biogas, liquid and solid digestates. A PY unit integrated with AD convert mixture of AD digestate and waste hays to biochar and syngas. Syngas from PY and biogas from AD are fed to a combined heat and power generator (CHP) to make energy for supporting AD and PY. The total amount of electricity and heat generation from CHP is used to support energy consumption of pyrolysis and anaerobic digestion. The excessive electricity can be sold to bring an extra revenue. Biochars are added to AD for enhancing biogas production, process stability and manure disposal. Biochar are also amended with soil for increasing productivity of crops, vegetables, and forage grasses as well as soil fertility. The crops and forage grasses are recycled to feeding cows, while organic vegetables are sold for additional profits. Some biochar is made into activated carbon via steam activation process, which removes emerging contaminants such as antibiotics from AD liquid digestate. Some proportion of treated liquid digestate is irrigated to crops, vegetables and forage grasses while the rest is recycled for flushing manure. Excessive activated carbon can be also sold as water filtering media for additional profits. Therefore, the integrated AD and PY can overcome current limitations of AD and PY including treatment of enormous amounts of AD digestate, high energy consumption and decontamination of AD liquid digestate.The overall goal of this project is to enhance agricultural and environmental sustainability at dairy systems by an integrated anaerobic digestion and pyrolysis process.The specific objectives to achieve the goal of this project include:Objective 1: Develop a novel pyrolysis for production of energy, biochar, and activated biochar from anaerobic solid digestate of dairy manure mixed with waste hays at dairy systems.Objective 2: Develop an enhanced anaerobic digestion of dairy wastes with addition of biochar for increasing energy-water-food production.Objective 3: Develop treatment and reuse of anaerobic liquid digestate by biochar-derived activated carbon.
Developing a Vacuum Distillation- Acid Absorption System for Recovery of Ammonia from Dairy Manure 1007832State Agricultural Experiment Station09/04/201509/30/2015COMPLETEALBANYammonia, dairy manure, resource recovery, bio-based feedstock, concentrated animal feeding operations, waste to value• Objective: Dairy farms generate 138 L liquid manure/cow, which has high ammonia concentrations and contributes to air and water pollution due to free ammonia release to air and nitrogen export to water at their production sites and manure-applied land.Anaerobically digested dairy manure has even higher ammonia concentrations. Besides, ammonia accumulation in digesters may inhibit anaerobic digestion at higher organic loading rates. Dairy farms need cost-effective methods to upgrade their nutrient management plans. Traditional wastewater treatment methods are economically prohibitive to remove ammonia from dairy manure. Our goal is to develop an innovative technology coupling vacuum distillation and acid absorption for sustainable recovery of ammonia from anaerobically digested and undigested dairy manure. Ammonia in dairy manure can be distilled under a low vacuum at a temperature below the normal boilingpoint of water and absorbed in a sulfuric acid solution to produce ammonium sulfate as a value-added product. Specific objectives are to 1) evaluate effects of temperature, low vacuum, and solids on ammonia recovery from dairy manure; 2) design an ammonia distillation - acid absorption system to produce ammonium sulfate granules with dairy manure; 3) construct a pilot-scale vacuum distillation - acid absorption system and develop operational parameters; and 4) perform a farm-scale economic analysis of the developed technology across its life cycle. This project will fill a literature gap in the combined effects of temperature, low vacuum, and solids on ammonia distillation. Kinetic study with a pilotscale ammonia recovery system at different feed depth will support design for scale-up,broader applications. Coupling vacuum distillation - acid absorption with anaerobic digestion is anticipated to make ammonia recovery an economically viable technology. The technology to be developed is applicable to dairy farms without anaerobic digesters as well.• Description: Concentrated animal feeding operations need cost-effective technologies to upgrade their nutrient management plans as required by increasingly stringent federal and state regulations. This project will develop a technology to produce a marketable productfrom dairy manure (ammonium sulfate granules as a bio-fertilizer and chemical), thus generating revenues while meeting regulatory requirements for farm nutrient management. By coupling ammonia recovery with anaerobic digestion and biogas energyutilization, heat is recycled, inhibition of ammonia to anaerobic digestion prevented, and greenhouse gas emission reduced. Three graduate students in this P3 team will develop knowledge and skills of sustainable design for wastewater treatment and resource recovery.Undergraduate students and high school students in a Boy Scouts Engineering Camp will gain hands-on skills with the pilot-scale ammonia recovery system and be inspired of sustainable waste management.• Results: A laboratory vacuum distillation - acid absorption assembly will be used to evaluate the efficiency and energy consumption of ammonia distillation under different combinations of temperature and low vacuum with digested and undigested dairy manure that have different salinities as well as manure filtrate. A pilot-scale ammonia recovery system will be operated by batch modes to prove the design concept and determine operational parameters including feed depth and cycle length. The pilot system will include a vacuum still for ammonia vaporization at boiling points lowered by low vacuum, an ammonia absorption column to produce ammonium sulfate granules, and a vacuum pump to bridge the still and absorption column. Cost benefit assessment across life cycle will be performed, taking a large-size dairy farm as an example.Contribution to Pollution Prevention and Control: Animal manure has 0.04-0.88% (wet weight) ammonia, which exists in free ammonia (NH3} and ionized ammonium (NH/). Volatilization of free ammonia may cause air pollution and health risks. Land application of liquid manure may impact on aquatic ecosystems and groundwater resources. Oxidation of ammonia generates greenhouse gas. In combination with anaerobic digestion, the proposed technology will provide dairy farms with a sustainable solution to nutrient management, minimizing the risk of ammonia release and nitrogen export. Ammonia recovery from dairy manure makes productive use of agricultural waste, thus preventing pollution associated with natural gas- and coal-based production of ammonia. The developed technology could also be applied to ammonia recovery from other ammonia-rich wastewater and coupled with anaerobic digestion of other organic wastes such as food waste and municipal sludge.Supplemental Keywords: bio-based feedstock, resource recovery; waste to value; concentrated animal feeding operationsAwarded Start Date: 8/15/2014Sponsor: Environmental Protection AgencyDairy farms generate 138 L liquid manure/cow, which has high ammonia concentrations and contributes to air and water pollution due to free ammonia release to air and nitrogen export to water at their production sites and manure-applied land.Anaerobically digested dairy manure has even higher ammonia concentrations. Besides, ammonia accumulation in digesters may inhibit anaerobic digestion at higher organic loading rates. Dairy farms need cost-effective methods to upgrade their nutrient management plans. Traditional wastewater treatment methods are economically prohibitive to remove ammonia from dairy manure. Our goal is to develop an innovative technology coupling vacuum distillation and acid absorption for sustainable recovery of ammonia from anaerobically digested and undigested dairy manure. Ammonia in dairy manure can be distilled under a low vacuum at a temperature below the normal boiling point of water and absorbed in a sulfuric acid solution to produce ammonium sulfate as a value-added product. Specific objectives are to 1) evaluate effects of temperature, low vacuum, and solids on ammonia recovery from dairy manure; 2) design an ammoniadistillation - acid absorption system to produce ammonium sulfate granules with dairy manure; 3) construct a pilot-scale vacuum distillation - acid absorption system and develop operational parameters; and 4) perform a farm-scale economic analysis of the developedtechnology across its life cycle. This project will fill a literature gap in the combined effects of temperature, low vacuum, and solids on ammonia distillation. Kinetic study with a pilotscale ammonia recovery system at different feed depth will support design for scale-up,broader applications. Coupling vacuum distillation - acid absorption with anaerobic digestion is anticipated to make ammonia recovery an economically viable technology. The technology to be developed is applicable to dairy farms without anaerobic digesters as well.
Improving the Sustainability and Quality of Food and Dairy Products from Manufacturing to Consumption via Process Modeling and Edible Packaging0438139Agricultural Research Service/USDA04/13/202011/30/2021COMPLETEWYNDMOORMILK, CASEIN, DAIRY, ECONOMICS, CLIMATE, CHANGE, WASTE, STREAMS, ENERGY, USE, ELECTROSPINNING, MICRON, SCALE, CHEESE, WHEY, QUALITY, GREENHOUSE, GASES, WATER, RECOVERY, SIMULATION, MODEL, EDIBLE, FILMS, AND, COATING, NANOTECHNOLOGY, SHELF, LIFENot applicable1: Integrate new processes into the Fluid Milk Process Model (FMPM) to determine the effects of reductions in energy use, water use or waste on commercial dairy plant economics and greenhouse gas emissions. 1a: Develop benchmark simulations for configurations of stirred, set and strained curd yogurt processing plants in the U.S. that quantify energy use, economics, and greenhouse gas emissions, validated using data from industry. 1b: Use process simulation for evaluation of possible alternatives of whey utilization for the strained curd method of yogurt manufacture. 2: Integrate properties of edible films and coatings from dairy and food processing wastes with formulation strategies to better target commercial food and nonfood applications. 2a: Investigate thermal and mechanical properties of dairy protein-based edible films and coatings in real-life storage and utilization conditions. 2b: Apply new property findings to the investigation of useful and/or sustainable applications utilizing edible milk protein films. 3: Investigate the effects of different film-making technologies to manipulate the physical and functional properties of films and coatings made from agricultural materials. 3a: Investigate the effect of protein conformation on the ability to electrospin caseinates in aqueous solution and in the presence of a polysaccharide. 3b: Investigate the use of fluid milk, nonfat dry milk and milk protein concentrates as a source for production of electrospun fibers. 3c: Investigate the effects of edible and non-edible additives to the electrospun polysaccharide-caseinate fibers in aqueous solution. 4. Investigate techniques for separating components of dairy waste to determine their potential as ingredients. [C1,PS1A] 5. Investigate technologies for large-scale production of the ingredients identified in Objective 4, with products targeted to food applications. [C1, PS1A].
Improvement of Soil Management Practices and Manure Treatment/Handling Systems of the Southern Coastal Plain0431207Agricultural Research Service/USDA07/27/201607/05/2021ACTIVEFLORENCEANIMAL, AMMONIA, NITROGEN, PLANTS, PYROLYSIS, FERTILIZER, WATER, COVER, CROP, REDUCED, TILLAGE, NITRIFICATION, TREATMENT, ANAMMOX, EMISSIONS, SOIL, MANAGEMENT, DISCARDED, SOILS, SUSTAINABLE, PRODUCTION, PHOSPHORUS, REMOVAL, WASTE, SOLIDS, CARBON, GENES, GAS, PAHTOGEN, MANURE, QUALITY, RESIDUE, BIOCHAR, AMENDMENT, NITROUS, OXIDENot applicable1. Develop and test improved tillage and biomass management practices to enhance soil health and long-term agricultural productivity in the Southeastern Coastal Plain. 2. Develop manure treatment and handling systems that improve soil health and water quality while minimizing the emissions of greenhouse gases, odors and ammonia and the transport of phosphorus and pathogens. Subobjective 2a. Develop improved treatment systems and methods for ammonia and phosphorus recovery from liquid and solid wastes using gas-permeable membrane technology. Subobjective 2b. Develop improved biological treatment systems for liquid effluents and soils based on deammonification reaction using ARS patented bacterial anammox and high performance nitrifying sludge cultures. Subobjective 2c. Improve the ARS patented â¿¿Quick Washâ¿? process for phosphorus recovery. Subobjective 2d. Assess treatment methods for their ability to reduce or eliminate pathogens and cell-free, microbially-derived DNA from agricultural waste streams. Subobjective 2e. Improved manure treatment and handling systems, and management strategies for minimizing emissions. Subobjective 2f. Assess the impact of manure treatment and handling systems on agricultural ecosystem services for soil, water, and air quality conservation and protection. 3. Develop beneficial uses of agricultural, industrial, and municipal byproducts, including manure. Subobjective 3a. Evaluate application of designer biochars to soils to increase crop yields while improving soil health, increasing carbon sequestration, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Subobjective 3b. Develop methods and guidelines to remediate mine soils using designer biochars. Subobjective 3c. Evaluate the agronomic value of byproducts produced from emerging manure and municipal waste treatment technologies.
Technologies for Improving Industrial Biorefineries that Produce Marketable Biobased Products0427427Agricultural Research Service/USDA10/01/201409/30/2019COMPLETEALBANYBIOPRODUCTS, BIOENERGY, SORGHUM, BIOMASS, POLYHYDROXYALKANOATES, POLYSACCHARIDES, BIOMASS, ENZYMES, FIBERS, COMBINATORIAL, CHEMISTRY, DIRECTED, EVOLUTION, NANOTECHNOLOGY, NANO-ASSEMBLIES, CELLULOSE, PECTIN, DIACIDS, POLYMERS, POLY(HYDROXYBUTYRATE), PHA, BIOFUELS, CITRUS, ALMONDS, EXTRACTION, RENEWABLE, FERMENTATION, BIOREFINERY, FOOD, WASTE, ENZYMESNot applicableThis project provides technological solutions to the biofuels industry to help the U.S. meet its Congressionally mandated goal of doubling advanced biofuels production within the next decade. The overall goal is to develop optimal strategies for converting agricultural biomass to biofuels and to create value-added products (bioproducts) that improve the economics of biorefining processes. Specific emphasis is to develop strategies for biorefineries located in the Western United States by using regionally-specific feedstocks and crops, including sorghum, almond byproducts, citrus juicing wastes, pomace, municipal solid wastes (MSW), and food processing wastes. These feedstocks will be converted into biofuels, bioenergy and fine chemicals. Objective 1: Develop commercially-viable technologies for converting agriculturally-derived biomass, crop residues, biogas, and underutilized waste streams into marketable chemicals. Research on converting biogas will involve significant collaboration with one or more industrial partners. Sub-objective 1A: Provide data and process models for integrated biorefineries that utilize sorghum and available solid waste to produce ethanol, biogas and commercially-viable coproducts. Sub-objective 1B. Convert biogas from biorefining processes into polyhydroxyalkanoate plastics. Sub-objective 1C: Apply the latest tools in immobilized enzymes, nano-assemblies, to convert biomass to fermentable sugars, formaldehyde, and other fine chemicals. Objective 2: Develop commercially-viable fractionation, separation, de-construction, recovery and conversion technologies that enable the production of marketable products and co-products from the byproducts of large-scale food production and processing. Sub-objective 2A: Add value to almond byproducts. Sub-objective 2B: Apply bioenegineering of bacteria and yeast to produce diacids, ascorbic acid and other value-added products from pectin-rich citrus peel waste. Sub-objective 2C: Convert biomass into commercially-viable designer oligosaccharides using combinatorial enzyme technology.
Integration of Site-Specific Crop Production Practices and Industrial and Animal Agricultural Byproducts to Improve Agricultural Competitiveness and Sustainability0425032Agricultural Research Service/USDA10/01/201309/30/2018ACTIVEMISSISSIPPI STATEPRECISION, FARMING, GEOGRAPHIC, INFORMATION, SYSTEM, (GIS), REMOTE, SENSING, (RS), WATER, SWINE, ANIMAL, WASTE, AMMONIA, SOIL, NUTRIENTS, PATHOGEN, NITROGEN, LITTER, LEACHING, CROPS, RUNOFF, BACTERIA, BROILERNot applicableObj 1. Develop ecological and sustainable site-specific agriculture systems, for cotton, corn, wheat, and soybean rotations. 1: Geographical coordinates constitutes necessary and sufficient cornerstone required to define, develop and implement ecological/sustainable agricultural systems. 2: Develop methods of variable-rate manure application based on soil organic matter (SOM), apparent electrical conductivity, elevation, or crop yield maps. 3: Relate SOM, electrical conductivity, and elevation. Obj 2. Develop sustainable and scalable practices for site-specific integration of animal agriculture byproducts to improve food, feed, fiber, and feedstock production systems. 1: Quantify effects of management on sustainability for sweet potato. 2: Balance soil phosphorus (P)/micro¿nutrients using broiler litter/flue gas desulfurization (FGD) gypsum. 3: Effects of site-specific broiler litter applications. 4: Manure application/crop management practices in southern U.S. 5: Compare banded/broadcast litter applications in corn. 6: Develop reflectance algorithms for potassium in wheat. 7: Determine swine mortality compost value in small farm vegetable production. Obj 3. Analyze the economics of production practices for site-specific integration of animal agriculture byproducts to identify practices that are economically sustainable, scalable, and that increase competitiveness and profitability of production systems. 1: Evaluate economics of on-farm resource utilization in the south. Obj 4. Determine the environmental effects in soil, water, and air from site-specific integration of animal agricultural and industrial byproducts into production practices to estimate risks and benefits from byproduct nutrients, microbes, and management practices. 1: Quantitatively determine bioaerosol transport. 2: Role of P and nitrogen (N) immobilizing agents in corn production. 3: Assess impact of management on water sources. 4: Impact of FGD gypsum/rainfall on mobilization of organic carbon/veterinary pharmaceutical compounds in runoff/leached water. 5: Assess soil microbial ecology, antibiotic resistance, and pathogen changes using manure and industrial byproducts in crop production systems. 6: Develop nutrient management practices for sustainable crop production. 7: Develop nutrient management practices for reclaimed coal mine soils. 8: Determine effects of poultry litter/swine lagoon effluent in swine mortality composts. 9: Determine survival of fecal bacterial pathogens on contaminated plant tissue. 10: Identify agricultural/industrial byproducts that modify the breakdown of organic matter. Obj 5. Integrate research data into regional and national databases and statistical models to improve competitiveness and sustainability of farming practices. 1: Develop broiler house emission models. 2: Apply quantitative microbial risk assessment models to animal agriculture/anthropogenic activities. Obj 6. Develop statistical approaches to integrate and analyze large and diverse spatial and temporal geo-referenced data sets derived from crop production systems that include ecological and natural resource based inputs. 1: Develop novel methods of imaging processing.
Efficient Management and Use of Animal Manure to Protect Human Health and Environmental Quality0420394Agricultural Research Service/USDA10/01/201009/30/2015COMPLETEBOWLING GREENANIMAL, MANURE, ODOR, NUTRIENT, BYPRODUCT, ATMOSPHERIC, EMISSIONS, KARST, TOPOGRAPHY, PATHOGEN, TREATMENT, TECHNOLOGY, MICROORGANISMSNot applicableThe overall goal of the research project which is formulated as a real partnership between ARS and Western Kentucky University (WKU) is to conduct cost effective and problem solving research associated with animal waste management. The research will evaluate management practices and treatment strategies that protect water quality, reduce atmospheric emissions, and control pathogens at the animal production facilities, manure storage areas, and field application sites, particularly for the karst topography. This Project Plan is a unique situation in the sense that non-ARS scientists from WKU are included on an in-house project to conduct research under the NP 214. The objectives and related specific sub-objectives for the next 5 years are organized according to the Components (Nutrient, Emission, Pathogen, and Byproduct) of the NP 214, which mostly apply to this project as follows: 1) develop improved best management practices, application technologies, and decision support systems for poultry and livestock manure used in crop production; 2) develop methods to identify and quantify emissions, from poultry, dairy and swine rearing operations and manure applied lands; 3) reduce ammonia, odors, microorganisms and particulate emissions from dairy, swine and poultry operations through the use of treatment systems (e.g. biofilters and scrubbers) and innovative management practices; 4) perform runoff and leaching experiments on a variety of soils amended with dairy, swine, or poultry manures infected with Campylobacter jejuni (C. jejuni), Salmonella sp. or Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) and compare observed transport with that observed for common indicator organisms such as E. coli, enterococci, and Bacteriodes; and 5) use molecular-based methodologies to quantify the occurrence of pathogens and evaluate new methods to inhibit their survival and transport in soil, water, and waste treatment systems.
Innovative Bioresource Management Technologies for Enhanced Environmental Quality and Value Optimization0420348Agricultural Research Service/USDA10/01/201009/30/2015COMPLETEFLORENCEANIMAL, WATER, PHOSPHORUS, TRACE, AMMONIA, DENITRIFICATION, REMOVAL, REDOX, OXYGEN, WETLAND, WASTE, QUALITY, NITROGEN, NITRIFICATION, SOLIDS, POTENTIAL, PLANTS, TREATMENT, CARBON, BIOCHAR, PYROLYSIS, ANAMMOX, GENES, AMENDMENT, FERTILIZER, EMISSIONS, GAS, NITROUS, OXIDENot applicable1. Develop improved treatment technologies to better manage manure from swine, poultry and dairy operations to reduce releases to the environment of odors, pathogens, ammonia, and greenhouse gases as well as to maximize nutrient recovery. 2. Develop renewable energy via thermochemical technologies and practices for improved conversion of manure into heat, power, biofuels, and biochars. 3. Develop guidelines to minimize nitrous oxide emissions from poultry and swine manure-impacted riparian buffers and treatment wetlands. 4. Develop beneficial uses of manure treatment technology byproducts.
BIOLOGICAL TREATMENT OF MANURE AND ORGANIC RESIDUALS TO CAPTURE NUTRIENTS AND TRANSFORM CONTAMINANTS0420063Agricultural Research Service/USDA04/03/201004/02/2015COMPLETEBELTSVILLESWINE, WASTE, SOIL, POULTRY, MANAGEMENT, DAIRY, EMMISION, MANURE, TREATMENT, ENVIRONMENTAL, BYPRODUCTS, FATE, ORGANIC, BIOENERGY, COMPOST, RESIDUE, DESTRUCTION, NUTRIENTS, APPLICATIONS, ANAEROBIC, DIGESTION, ALGAL, METHANE, AMMONIA, ANTIBIOTICNot applicableDevelopment and evaluation of manure treatment systems. Specific objectives: (1) Develop treatment technologies and management practices to reduce the concentrations of pharmaceutically active compounds (antibiotics and natural hormones) in manures, litters, and biosolids utilized in agricultural settings; (2) Develop management practices and technologies to minimize greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from manure and litter storage and from composting operations by manipulating the biological, chemical, and physical processes influencing production and release of ammonia and greenhouse gases during composting; (3) Develop technology and management practices that improve the economics and treatment efficiency of anaerobic digestion of animal manures and other organic feedstocks (e.g. food wastes, crops/residues) for waste treatment and energy production.
Management of Manure Nutrients, Environmental Contaminants, and Energy From Cattle and Swine Production Facilities0420053Agricultural Research Service/USDA10/01/201009/30/2015COMPLETECLAY CENTERFEEDLOT, SURFACING, MATERIAL, BEEF, MONOSLOPE, FACILITIES, ANAEROBIC, DIGESTION, ENERGY, RECOVERY, COAL-ASH, WDGS, GREENHOUSE, GASES, AIR, QUALITY, PATHOGENSNot applicableObj.1: Develop precision techniques or other methods for the characterization and harvesting of feedlot manure packs in order to maximize nutrient and energy value and minimize environmental risk. Obj.2: Determine the fate and transport of antibiotics (e.g., monensin and tetracyclines) and pathogens (e.g., E.coli O157:H7 and Salmonella and Campylobacter) in beef cattle and swine facilities. Obj.3: Quantify and characterize air emissions from beef cattle and swine facilities to evaluate and improve management practices. Obj.4: Determine the risk and benefits of using coal-ash and other industrial byproducts as a component of surfacing material for feedlot pens.
DEVELOPING ANALYTICAL AND MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES TO IMPROVE CROP UTILIZATION OF .... AND REDUCE LOSSES TO THE ENVIRONMENT0420031Agricultural Research Service/USDA04/03/201004/02/2015COMPLETEBELTSVILLEMANURE, NUTRIENTS, ENVIRONMENTAL, FATE, AND, TRANSPORT, PHOSPHORUS, BIOTRANSFORMATIONS, PHOSPHORUS, REALTIME, SENSING, NITROGEN, MANAGEMENT, NUTRIENT, SENSORS, PRECISION, MANAGEMENT, BIOENERGY, BYPRODUCTS, CARBON, SEQUESTRATION, ALGORITHMS, DECISION-AID, TOOLSNot applicable1. Develop practices to enhance the beneficial use of manure nutrients and reduce offsite losses through management of the environmental fate and transport of organic carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus derived from poultry, dairy, and beef cattle manures. 2. Develop integrated crop, soil, and dairy/beef/poultry manure management strategies to improve nutrient utilization and minimize leaching and runoff losses.
INNOVATIVE ANIMAL MANURE TREATMENT TECHNOLOGIES FOR ENHANCED ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY0409671Agricultural Research Service/USDA04/03/200504/02/2010COMPLETEFLORENCEANIMAL, WASTE, WATER, QUALITY, PHOSPHORUS, NITROGEN, TRACE, ELEMENTS, AMMONIA, NITRIFICATION, DENITRIFICATION, SOLIDS, REMOVAL, WETLANDS, REDOX, POTENTIAL, OXYGEN, BOD, WETLAND, PLANTSNot applicableDevelop and evaluate environmentally superior technologies to prevent off-farm release of nutrients and to reduce pathogens, odors, and ammonia emissions. Develop information and technologies to enhance or retrofit existing manure treatment systems to help producers meet environmental criteria (nutrients, emissions, and pathogens). Improve and refine constructed natural treatment technologies to effectively manage nutrients including reducing emissions of ammonia and nitrous oxide. Develop and evaluate new and improved technologies that concentrate/sequester nutrients from manures or create value added products including conversion of livestock waste to energy. Evaluate swine wastewater treatment systems that can be used to reduce emissions, manage nutrients, and control pathogens on small farms. Develop cooperative activities as needed to conduct the research.
RISK ASSESSMENT AND REMEDIATION OF SOIL AND AMENDMENT TRACE ELEMENTS0409625Agricultural Research Service/USDA04/03/200504/02/2010COMPLETEBELTSVILLEMANURE, BIOSOLIDS, COMPOST, CADMIUM, ZINC, LEAD, SOIL, CONTAMINATION, THLASPI, CAERULESCENS, PHYTOEXTRACTION, REMEDIATION, BIOAVAILABILITY, PHYTOAVAILABILITY, ADSORPTION, IRON, OXIDE, MANGANESE, OXIDE, ORGANIC, MATTER, INACTIVATION, MINE, SMELTERNot applicableCharacterize long term phytoavailability of trace elements in soils amended with swine manure, poultry litter, biosolids, byproducts and composts. Conduct literature review of possible risks from trace elements that have not been evaluated for manure and biosolids and conduct experimental tests needed to provide more complete risk assessments for trace elements in byproducts or contaminated soils. Develop and demonstrate addition of Fe and Mn oxide rich byproducts to manure, biosolids or compost to increase specific metal adsorption capacity and reduce phyto and bio availability of soil accumulated trace elements and phosphate. Develop improved technology for phytoextraction of soil Cd from contaminated soils requiring remediation. Identify methods for bioremediation of munitions contaminated soils using phytoextraction and rumenal biodegradation. Determine if mycorrhizal protein "Glomalin" or soil humic materials give increased metal binding by long term biosolids amended or manured soils and could reduce potential future phytotoxicity of applied metals.
Accelerated Renewable Energy0228524National Institute of Food and Agriculture07/15/201207/14/2017COMPLETEMADISONBio-diesel Bio-gas Ethanol, bio-diesel, bio-gas, cellulosic Fertilizer, custom Manure, dairy Polymer separations, economic analysis, ethanol, cellulosic, fertilizer, custom, manure, dairy, polymer separations, precision-agA dairy with 1,700 cows produces 15 tons of manure per day. To handle the manure, the dairy must recycle 2.5 million gallons of water per day. The conventional solutions to these problems are wash the manure into a lagoon, dredge and manure solids and haul them to fields. Manure on the fields may not provide the correct nutrients and is subject to running off and polluting rivers. Our goal is to demonstrate the economic feasibility on the scale of a large dairy farm (1,700) cows of converting the manure produced into valuable commodities including methane gas for heating purposes in the farm, fuel ethanol, and custom fertilizer. Part of the farm acreage (5%) will be devoted to oilseed production, which will be converted to biodiesel to power vehicles on the farm. Our approach utilizes biomass processing technology developed by a small Wisconsin business (Soil Net) and engineering and fabrication expertise of another small Wisconsin business (Braun Electric). We foresee a strong potential for commercialization of this technology and its widespread adoption.We propose a public (University of Wisconsin-Madison) and private (Cottonwood Dairy; Soil Net, LLC; Braun Electric; Resource Engineering Associates, Inc.) collaboration that encompasses both R&D and prototypical farm-based demonstration of the four components of the BRDI FOA: 1. Feedstocks Development: The bioenergy generated will derive primarily from recycled cellulosic components of dairy manure, which have minimal food/fuel issues. 2. Bio-Fuels and Bio-based Products Development: The project will demonstrate/evaluate multiple sub-processes and associated "value added" bio-based co-products -- vegetable oil/meal; oil/biodiesel; cellulosic ethanol; bio-gas/manure digestion; recycled rinse water; low and high P (phosphorus) crop nutrients; and multiple cellulosic manure fiber "fractions" (for mulches, bedding, etc.). 3. Bio-Fuels and Bio-based Products Development Analysis: The project will evaluate (calibrate, implement, validate) economic, environmental, lifecycle, process efficiency, and mass balance analysis and incorporate these into a business decision/management framework. In particular, an analysis of the economics of scale of the various system components will form a major part of the research effort. 4. Use of Oil/Biodiesel for the Production of Grain or Cellulosic Ethanol: The proposed system will be capable of producing oil/biodiesel from vegetable oil seed produced on the farm. Our research will determine the economic benefits of biodiesel vs. purified vegetable oil for direct use in operating farm vehicles and machinery. The expected outcome is the demonstration of cost effective livestock manure separation and processing to produce bio-energy, bio-feedstocks, and value added co-products (mulch/fertilizers) for on-farm and off-farm ("export") markets that can be carried out at a variety of large/medium/small scales. This technology will provide opportunities to exploit readily available, relatively low value potential cellulosic bio-feedstocks-ones that largely avoid food/fuel concerns-to improve economic sustainability: on-farm substitution for purchased energy and feed/fertilizer nutrients or as potential farm revenue diversification; improve environmental sustainability. The approach will reduce GHG/carbon footprint, soil/nutrient losses, and potential manure borne pathogens; and, improve regional economic development. We have shown that a demand exists for many of the manure fiber (mulch/fertilizer) co-products. The flexibility to adopt one (or several) of process/flow components, sequentially, based on the specifics of extant farm infrastructure (manure type/volumes, manure handling/processing, etc.) increases the proposed project's commercialization potential. The extensive process/flow measurement and analysis R&D, at both lab/bench and commercial scale, will provide the analytic/measurement tools to evaluate the economic, environmental, food safety, and regional economic development impacts of this potential commercialization at a variety of resolutions (farm, county, region).
The Science and Engineering for a Biobased Industry and Economy0216889National Institute of Food and Agriculture10/01/200809/30/2013COMPLETECOLLEGE STATIONanaerobic digestion, biodiesel, biogas, biomass energy, ethanol, gasificationWe are investigating several biological and theremochemical processes for conversion of biomass to energy. In one project, we are evaluating thermochemical gasification combined with thermophilic anaerobic digestion for conversion of dairy manure for on-site energy production. In addition to producing energy, the mass and volume of wastes from the combined system will be significantly reduced which will allow more economical export of phosphorus and other nutrients from the watershed in which the dairy is located. This will help the overall dairy operation become more sustainable. We are investigating methods to increase biogas production from anaerobic digestion, for example, by incorporating the glycerol byproduct from biodiesel production in the feedstock to the digester. We are investigating conversion of different types of sorghum to ethanol, and we are developing alternative methods for production of biodiesel from oils and fats. Not applicable
Improving the Sustainability of Livestock and Poultry Production in the United States (OLD S1032)0213075National Institute of Food and Agriculture10/01/200709/30/2013COMPLETEMINNEAPOLISecological footprint, effluents, emergy, emissions, land application, life cycle analysis;, manure, treatment, waste, odorsThe project proposes to develop computer based mathematical descriptions of the animal production industries using measures of sustainability and environmental impacts that will help describe and define that scientific framework. Although all aspects of animal production must be included, we propose to put special emphasis on evaluating manure management and utilization best management practices and their impact on sustainability and environmental impacts beyond the farm and field scale. A number of interesting and useful analytical paradigms already exist for describing and modeling the sustainability of arbitrarily defined systems, and we do not intend to suggest that one of them is necessarily superior to the others in every conceivable use or context. Each of them has strengths and shortcomings that depend on the way in which it is used.Not applicable
Tillage, Silviculture and Waste Management0204112National Institute of Food and Agriculture09/01/200508/31/2008COMPLETEBATON ROUGEconservation tillage, rice, cotton, corn, insect control, water quality, poultry litter, phosphorus, tillage systems, silviculture, waste management, dairy cattle, grazing, coliforms, water contamination, bioremediation, forage, pinus, tree growth, watersheds, watershed management, crop production, land application, soil amendments, vegetation, reduced tillage, soil erosionScientists will refine conservation tillage practices for rice, cotton, and corn production systems, while focusing on erosion reduction, prevention of nutrient loss, improvement of run-off water quality, and efficacious and cost effective pest control. Phosphorus movement from pasture and forestry ecosystems will be evaluated so that optimum poultry litter fertilizer rates can be established that will enhance production while minimizing eutrophication of water bodies. Animal waste management research will focus on modified poultry diets to reduce P load in litter, forage production systems for phytormediation of P alternative treatments and which separation of animal waste, and development of value-added products from dairy waste.1) Identify optimum preplant and early-season vegetation management strategies and evaluate reduced tillage rice cropping systems to determine sustainability of rice grain yield and soil physical condition. 2) Determine cotton and corn arthropod pest problems in conservation tillage systems and evaluate novel IPM strategies. 3) Determine the effects of poultry diet modification on reduction of total soil eroading of P. 4) Quantify the benefits of poultry litter for forest and pasture management, examine forages and industrial by-products for phosphate remediation, and further develop and evaluate models that predict phosphate mobility. 5) Evaluate treatment of dairy wastes with traditional lagoons and constructed wetlands to lower coliform, nutrients, and organic loads and examine treatment alternatives that offer potential revenue generation from waste material.
REDUCING THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF THE POULTRY INDUSTRY THROUGH EFFICIENT WASTE MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES0196704National Institute of Food and Agriculture10/01/200309/30/2009COMPLETEMORGANTOWNpathogens, best management practices, environmental impact, poultry, poultry industry, waste management, poultry litter, sequestrants, carbon dioxide, pollution control, watershed management, water pollution, human health, waste disposal, social impact, economic impact, land application, anaerobic conditions, transport, fuel sources, fertilizers, pelleting, livestock, feed, public health, surface waters, water qualityPoultry industry waste in West Virginia presents opportunities for productive resource use or environmental degradation. This project examines the environmental, economic, and social implications of various poultry litter and production waste management strategies.The objectives of this research project are: 1. Examine the environmental, economic, and social implications of various poultry litter and production waste management strategies. These strategies may include land application within the five-county region of West Virginia, transport for land application outside of the region, composting, anaerobic digestion, combustion as a fuel, livestock feeding and pelletization for fertilizer production. 2. Establish linkages between poultry litter use on agricultural land and environmental impacts in West Virginia. Potential impacts to be examined include surface water quality, human health pathogens, and soil carbon sequestration potentials. 3. Develop models to explain why farmers (both poultry growers and non-growers) utilize or fail to utilize best management practices (BMPS) in the storage, handling, and application of poultry litter on agricultural land.
Animal Manure and Waste Utilization, Treatment and Nuisance Avoidance for a Sustainable Agriculture0191080National Institute of Food and Agriculture10/01/200109/30/2007COMPLETESHREVEPORTlivestock, pollution control, animal waste, water quality, environmental impact, manures, waste treatment, sustainable agriculture, agricultural engineering, waste management, land application, optimization, waste utilization, process development, dairy cattle, pastures, fecal coliforms, runoff, rain simulation, measurement, monitoring, nitrogen, phosphorus, nutrient balance, crop residues, aquaculture, composting, automation, control systemsGrazing of cattle and land application of animal manure are common agricultural practices. Assessment of pollutant transport from grazed pastures and development of treatment options for animal manures are needed in order to protect Louisiana's water resources. The water quality impacts of grazing dairy cattle on pasture will be studied in regard to fecal coliform content in runoff water. As part of an ongoing study, pasture plots will be artificially dosed with dairy cow manure in a manner similar to natural deposition during grazing.1. Develop management tools, strategies, and systems for land application of animal manures and effluents that optimize efficient, environmentally friendly utilization of nutrients and are compatible with sustained land and water quality. 2. Develop, evaluate, and refine physical, chemical and biological treatment processes in engineered and natural systems for management of manures and other wastes.
ENVIRONMENTAL BEHAVIOR OF EMERGING ORGANIC CHEMICALS OF CONCERN0161008National Institute of Food and Agriculture10/01/201009/30/2015COMPLETEWEST LAFAYETTEaerobic degradation anaerobic degradation, bisolids, dissolved organic material, perfluorinated compounds, persistence, personal care products, pharmaceuticals, telomer compoundsThe physical, chemical, and biological processes control persistence, distribution, and potential human and ecological exposure of contaminants in the soil, water, and in some cases, complex waste environment. Both applied and basic research will be conducted to address environmental fate of emerging organic compounds of concern (human pharmaceuticals and personal care products, PPCPs) and perfluorinated organic chemicals used in rendering textile fabrics stain-resistant and in aqueous fire fighting foams used to fight fires. Specific objectives include: (1) assessing the fate of emerging organic compounds of concern in land-applied biosolids; and (2) quantifying the abiotic and biotransformation potential in soil, aquifers, water, and landfill systems of perfluorinated compounds. Information will be critical to the development of management and remediation alternatives for reducing the release and transport of these compounds of concern released through land application of biosolids, discharged form wastewater treatment facilities, used-product placement in landfills, and military fire-training exercises.The goal of this program is to identify and quantify reactions that control the persistence and distribution of organic contaminants in the soil and water environment, which directly influence their potential towards human and ecological exposure. Specific objectives for the next 5 years include: (1) Quantify the fate of emerging organic compounds of concern (human pharmaceuticals and personal care products, PPCPs) in land-applied biosolids; and (2) Quantify the abiotic and biotransformation potential in soil, aquifers, water, landfill systems, and the subsurface under military fire-training areas of perfluorinated compounds used for rendering textile fabrics stain resistant and in aqueous film-forming foams.