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 Project Title Accession Number Sponsoring Agency Project Director Project Start Date Project End Date Project Status Recipient City Name Keywords Non-Technical Summary Objectives
Recovery of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Energy and Water from Food Processing Wastewater using Electrochemical Membrane Bioreactors1014012National Institute of Food and AgricultureWheeldon, Ian02/15/201707/14/2021COMPLETERiversideElectrochemistry, Anaerobic treatment, Membrane bioreactors, Nutrient recoveryThis project will produce fundamental scientific knowledge and engineering innovations to enable the recovery of high-quality water, nutrients (nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P)), and energy from agricultural wastewater. We propose to characterize, for the first time, the speciation and fate of N- and P-containing molecules during anaerobic electrochemical membrane bioreactor (AEMBR) treatment. With this knowledge we will be able to integrate AEMBR processes to realize our long-term vision of developing highly efficient engineering systems capable of transforming concentrated waste streams to fertilizer, energy, and clean water. In this research project, we will (1) Develop and optimize integrated AEMBR systems using novel electrically conductive membrane electrodes tailored for different applications for the combined recovery of clean water (membrane permeate), liquid fertilizer (membrane retentate), and energy (biogas, H2, electricity). (2) Use a system approach to understand the transformation of N and P as they pass through the AEMBR system, and evaluate how the different forms interact with the electrically charged membrane surface, so the formation and recovery of nutrient containing chemicals can be optimized. (3) Investigate the interactions between carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and electron cycles within the AEMBR system using real waste streams, generated from food processing activities, to guide system development.This project addresses the Bioprocessing and Bioengineering program's priority of advancing or expanding the utilization of waste and byproducts generated in agricultural and food systems, as well as engineering new or improved products and processes that make use of materials from agricultural origin.Our long-term goal is to develop highly efficient engineering systems capable of transforming concentrated waste streams to fertilizer, energy, and clean water. This project is based on the central hypothesis that reducing the amount of nitrogen and phosphorous bound to DOM in AEMBR reactors will increase both nutrient recovery in the membrane system and energy production. The rationale behind this project is that increasing the amount of bio- and electrochemically-available nitrogen and phosphorous in agricultural waste streams will enhance energy production and nutrient recovery from AEMBR systems, enhancing agricultural sustainability while reducing the environmental burden of current treatment processes. We intend to test our hypotheses, listed below, by pursuing the following specific Objectives:Objective 1. Develop electroactive membrane materials for water, gas, and nutrient separation and recovery (UC Riverside (UCR))Objective 2. Integrate electroactive membrane materials into AEMBRs and demonstrate capability of converting concentrated waste streams to fertilizer, energy and clean water (UC Boulder (UCB) and UCR)Objective 3. Identify and characterize N- and P- containing species in the different stages of the AEMBR treatment train (Cal State University East Bay (CSUEB))
Improvement of Soil Management Practices and Manure Treatment/Handling Systems of the Southern Coastal Plain0431207Agricultural Research Service/USDASZOGI A A07/27/201607/05/2021ACTIVEFLORENCEANIMAL, AMMONIA, NITROGEN, PLANTS, PYROLYSIS, FERTILIZER, WATER, COVER, CROP, REDUCED, TILLAGE, NITRIFICATION, TREATMENT, ANAMMOX, EMISSIONS, SOIL, MANAGEMENT, DISCARDED, SOILS, SUSTAINABLE, PRODUCTION, PHOSPHORUS, REMOVAL, WASTE, SOLIDS, CARBON, GENES, GAS, PAHTOGEN, MANURE, QUALITY, RESIDUE, BIOCHAR, AMENDMENT, NITROUS, OXIDENot applicable1. Develop and test improved tillage and biomass management practices to enhance soil health and long-term agricultural productivity in the Southeastern Coastal Plain. 2. Develop manure treatment and handling systems that improve soil health and water quality while minimizing the emissions of greenhouse gases, odors and ammonia and the transport of phosphorus and pathogens. Subobjective 2a. Develop improved treatment systems and methods for ammonia and phosphorus recovery from liquid and solid wastes using gas-permeable membrane technology. Subobjective 2b. Develop improved biological treatment systems for liquid effluents and soils based on deammonification reaction using ARS patented bacterial anammox and high performance nitrifying sludge cultures. Subobjective 2c. Improve the ARS patented â¿¿Quick Washâ¿? process for phosphorus recovery. Subobjective 2d. Assess treatment methods for their ability to reduce or eliminate pathogens and cell-free, microbially-derived DNA from agricultural waste streams. Subobjective 2e. Improved manure treatment and handling systems, and management strategies for minimizing emissions. Subobjective 2f. Assess the impact of manure treatment and handling systems on agricultural ecosystem services for soil, water, and air quality conservation and protection. 3. Develop beneficial uses of agricultural, industrial, and municipal byproducts, including manure. Subobjective 3a. Evaluate application of designer biochars to soils to increase crop yields while improving soil health, increasing carbon sequestration, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Subobjective 3b. Develop methods and guidelines to remediate mine soils using designer biochars. Subobjective 3c. Evaluate the agronomic value of byproducts produced from emerging manure and municipal waste treatment technologies.
Sorghum Biorefining: Integrated Processes for Converting all Sorghum Feedstock Components to Fuels and Co-Products0427783Agricultural Research Service/USDANGHIEM N P10/29/201410/28/2019ACTIVEWYNDMOORSWEET, SORGHUM, GRAIN, SORGHUM, BIOMASS, SORGHUM, ETHANOL, BUTANOL, PLATFORM, CHEMICALS, VALUE-ADDED, CO-PRODUCTS, CELLULOSE, HEMICELLULOSE, LIGNIN, METHANE, BIOREFINERYNot applicable1: Develop technologies that enable the integrated processing of sorghum grains and sweet sorghum juice at existing biofuels production facilities and that enable the commercial production of new co-products at sorghum-based biorefineries. 1A: Develop technologies that enable the integrated processing of sorghum grains at existing biofuels production facilities. 1B: Develop technologies that enable the integrated processing of sweet sorghum juice at existing biofuels production facilities. 1C: Develop technologies that enable the commercial production of new co-products at sorghum-based biorefineries. 2: Develop technologies that enable the commercial production of marketable C5-rich and C6-rich sugar streams from sorghum lignocellulosic components. 2A: Develop technologies that enable the commercial production of marketable C5-rich sugar streams from sorghum lignocellulosic components. 2B: Develop technologies that enable the commercial production of marketable C6-rich sugar streams from sorghum lignocellulosic components. 3: Develop technologies that enable the commercial conversion of sorghum lignocellulosic components into fuels and industrial chemicals. 3A: Develop technologies that enable the commercial production of industrial chemicals from the C5-rich sugar stream obtained from the enzymatic hydrolysis of pretreated sorghum cellulosic components. 3B: Develop technologies that enable the commercial production of additional ethanol and industrial chemicals from the C6-rich sugar stream obtained from the enzymatic hydrolysis of the cellulose-enriched residue. 3C: Develop technologies that enable the use of byproducts and wastes generated in ethanol and other fermentation processes in the sorghum biorefinery for production of energy and chemicals.
Enable New Marketable, Value-added Coproducts to Improve Biorefining Profitability0427684Agricultural Research Service/USDAMOREAU R A09/08/201409/07/2019ACTIVEWYNDMOORCOPRODUCTS, BIOFUELS, ETHANOL, SORGHUM, BIODIESEL, CELLULOSE, HEMICELLULOSE, BRAN, GUMSNot applicable1. Develop processes to fractionate sorghum and corn/sorghum oils into new commercially-viable coproducts. 2. Develop processes to fractionate grain-derived brans into new commercially-viable coproducts. 2a: Develop processes to fractionate grain-derived brans into new commercially-viable coproducts such as lipid-based coproducts and for other industrial uses such as extrusion or producing energy or fuel. 2b: Develop commercially-viable, value-added carbohydrate based co-products from sorghum brans and the brans derived from other grains during their biorefinery process. 3. Develop processes to fractionate biorefinery-derived celluloses and hemicelluloses into new commercially-viable coproducts. 3a: Develop commercially-viable, value-added hemicellulose based co-products from sorghum biomass, sorghum bagasse and other agricultural based biomasses produced during their biorefining. 3b: Develop commercially-viable, value-added cellulose based co-products from sorghum biomass, sorghum bagasse and other agricultural based biomasses produced during their biorefining. 4. Develop technologies that enhance biodiesel quality so as to enable greater market supply and demand for biodiesel fuels and >B5 blends in particular. 4a: Improve the low temperature operability of biodiesel by chemical modification of the branched-chain fatty acids. 4b: Develop technologies that significantly reduce quality-related limitations to market growth of biodiesel produced from trap and float greases. 4c: Further develop direct (in situ) biodiesel production so as to enable its commercial deployment. 5. Develop technologies that enable the commercial production of new products and coproducts at lipid-based biorefineries. 5a: Enable the commercial production of alkyl-branched from agricultural products and food-wastes. 5b: Enable the commercial production of aryl-branched fatty acids produced from a combination of lipids and natural antimicrobials possessing phenol functionalities.
Technologies for Improving Industrial Biorefineries that Produce Marketable Biobased Products0427427Agricultural Research Service/USDAORTS W J10/01/201409/30/2019COMPLETEALBANYBIOPRODUCTS, BIOENERGY, SORGHUM, BIOMASS, POLYHYDROXYALKANOATES, POLYSACCHARIDES, BIOMASS, ENZYMES, FIBERS, COMBINATORIAL, CHEMISTRY, DIRECTED, EVOLUTION, NANOTECHNOLOGY, NANO-ASSEMBLIES, CELLULOSE, PECTIN, DIACIDS, POLYMERS, POLY(HYDROXYBUTYRATE), PHA, BIOFUELS, CITRUS, ALMONDS, EXTRACTION, RENEWABLE, FERMENTATION, BIOREFINERY, FOOD, WASTE, ENZYMESNot applicableThis project provides technological solutions to the biofuels industry to help the U.S. meet its Congressionally mandated goal of doubling advanced biofuels production within the next decade. The overall goal is to develop optimal strategies for converting agricultural biomass to biofuels and to create value-added products (bioproducts) that improve the economics of biorefining processes. Specific emphasis is to develop strategies for biorefineries located in the Western United States by using regionally-specific feedstocks and crops, including sorghum, almond byproducts, citrus juicing wastes, pomace, municipal solid wastes (MSW), and food processing wastes. These feedstocks will be converted into biofuels, bioenergy and fine chemicals. Objective 1: Develop commercially-viable technologies for converting agriculturally-derived biomass, crop residues, biogas, and underutilized waste streams into marketable chemicals. Research on converting biogas will involve significant collaboration with one or more industrial partners. Sub-objective 1A: Provide data and process models for integrated biorefineries that utilize sorghum and available solid waste to produce ethanol, biogas and commercially-viable coproducts. Sub-objective 1B. Convert biogas from biorefining processes into polyhydroxyalkanoate plastics. Sub-objective 1C: Apply the latest tools in immobilized enzymes, nano-assemblies, to convert biomass to fermentable sugars, formaldehyde, and other fine chemicals. Objective 2: Develop commercially-viable fractionation, separation, de-construction, recovery and conversion technologies that enable the production of marketable products and co-products from the byproducts of large-scale food production and processing. Sub-objective 2A: Add value to almond byproducts. Sub-objective 2B: Apply bioenegineering of bacteria and yeast to produce diacids, ascorbic acid and other value-added products from pectin-rich citrus peel waste. Sub-objective 2C: Convert biomass into commercially-viable designer oligosaccharides using combinatorial enzyme technology.
Developing Technologies that Enable Growth and Profitability in the Commercial Conversion of Sugarcane, Sweet Sorghum, and Energy Beets into Sugar, Advanced Biofuels, and Bioproducts0426599Agricultural Research Service/USDAKLASSON K T09/22/201409/02/2019ACTIVENew OrleansSUGARCANE, SWEET, SORGHUM, ENERGY, BEET, SUGAR, PRODUCTION, BIOFUELS, BIOPRODUCTSNot applicableThe overall objective of this project is to enhance the value of sugarcane, sweet sorghum, and energy beets, and their major commercial products sugar, biofuel and bioproducts, by improving postharvest quality and processing. Specific objectives are: 1. Develop commercially-viable technologies that reduce or eliminate undesirable effects of starch and color on sugar processing/refining efficiency and end-product quality. 2. Develop commercially-viable technologies that reduce or eliminate undesirable effects of high viscosity on sugar processing/refining efficiency and end-product quality. 3. Develop commercially-viable technologies to increase the stability and lengthen storage of sugar feedstocks for the manufacture of sugars, advanced biofuels, and bioproducts. 4. Develop commercially-viable technologies for the biorefining of sugar crop feedstocks into advanced biofuels and bioproducts. 5. Identify and characterize field sugar crop quality traits that affect sugar crop refining/biorefining efficiency and end-product quality, and collaborate with plant breeders in the development of new cultivars/hybrids to optimize desirable quality traits. 6. Develop, in collaboration with commercial partners, technologies to improve the efficiency and profitability of U.S. sugar manufacturing and enable the commercial production of marketable products from residues (e.g. , bagasse, trash) and by-product streams (e.g., low purity juices) associated with postharvest sugar crop processing. Please see Project Plan for all listed Sub-objectives.
Integration of Site-Specific Crop Production Practices and Industrial and Animal Agricultural Byproducts to Improve Agricultural Competitiveness and Sustainability0425032Agricultural Research Service/USDAJENKINS J N10/01/201309/30/2018ACTIVEMISSISSIPPI STATEPRECISION, FARMING, GEOGRAPHIC, INFORMATION, SYSTEM, (GIS), REMOTE, SENSING, (RS), WATER, SWINE, ANIMAL, WASTE, AMMONIA, SOIL, NUTRIENTS, PATHOGEN, NITROGEN, LITTER, LEACHING, CROPS, RUNOFF, BACTERIA, BROILERNot applicableObj 1. Develop ecological and sustainable site-specific agriculture systems, for cotton, corn, wheat, and soybean rotations. 1: Geographical coordinates constitutes necessary and sufficient cornerstone required to define, develop and implement ecological/sustainable agricultural systems. 2: Develop methods of variable-rate manure application based on soil organic matter (SOM), apparent electrical conductivity, elevation, or crop yield maps. 3: Relate SOM, electrical conductivity, and elevation. Obj 2. Develop sustainable and scalable practices for site-specific integration of animal agriculture byproducts to improve food, feed, fiber, and feedstock production systems. 1: Quantify effects of management on sustainability for sweet potato. 2: Balance soil phosphorus (P)/micro¿nutrients using broiler litter/flue gas desulfurization (FGD) gypsum. 3: Effects of site-specific broiler litter applications. 4: Manure application/crop management practices in southern U.S. 5: Compare banded/broadcast litter applications in corn. 6: Develop reflectance algorithms for potassium in wheat. 7: Determine swine mortality compost value in small farm vegetable production. Obj 3. Analyze the economics of production practices for site-specific integration of animal agriculture byproducts to identify practices that are economically sustainable, scalable, and that increase competitiveness and profitability of production systems. 1: Evaluate economics of on-farm resource utilization in the south. Obj 4. Determine the environmental effects in soil, water, and air from site-specific integration of animal agricultural and industrial byproducts into production practices to estimate risks and benefits from byproduct nutrients, microbes, and management practices. 1: Quantitatively determine bioaerosol transport. 2: Role of P and nitrogen (N) immobilizing agents in corn production. 3: Assess impact of management on water sources. 4: Impact of FGD gypsum/rainfall on mobilization of organic carbon/veterinary pharmaceutical compounds in runoff/leached water. 5: Assess soil microbial ecology, antibiotic resistance, and pathogen changes using manure and industrial byproducts in crop production systems. 6: Develop nutrient management practices for sustainable crop production. 7: Develop nutrient management practices for reclaimed coal mine soils. 8: Determine effects of poultry litter/swine lagoon effluent in swine mortality composts. 9: Determine survival of fecal bacterial pathogens on contaminated plant tissue. 10: Identify agricultural/industrial byproducts that modify the breakdown of organic matter. Obj 5. Integrate research data into regional and national databases and statistical models to improve competitiveness and sustainability of farming practices. 1: Develop broiler house emission models. 2: Apply quantitative microbial risk assessment models to animal agriculture/anthropogenic activities. Obj 6. Develop statistical approaches to integrate and analyze large and diverse spatial and temporal geo-referenced data sets derived from crop production systems that include ecological and natural resource based inputs. 1: Develop novel methods of imaging processing.
Efficient Management and Use of Animal Manure to Protect Human Health and Environmental Quality0420394Agricultural Research Service/USDASISTANI K R10/01/201009/30/2015COMPLETEBOWLING GREENANIMAL, MANURE, ODOR, NUTRIENT, BYPRODUCT, ATMOSPHERIC, EMISSIONS, KARST, TOPOGRAPHY, PATHOGEN, TREATMENT, TECHNOLOGY, MICROORGANISMSNot applicableThe overall goal of the research project which is formulated as a real partnership between ARS and Western Kentucky University (WKU) is to conduct cost effective and problem solving research associated with animal waste management. The research will evaluate management practices and treatment strategies that protect water quality, reduce atmospheric emissions, and control pathogens at the animal production facilities, manure storage areas, and field application sites, particularly for the karst topography. This Project Plan is a unique situation in the sense that non-ARS scientists from WKU are included on an in-house project to conduct research under the NP 214. The objectives and related specific sub-objectives for the next 5 years are organized according to the Components (Nutrient, Emission, Pathogen, and Byproduct) of the NP 214, which mostly apply to this project as follows: 1) develop improved best management practices, application technologies, and decision support systems for poultry and livestock manure used in crop production; 2) develop methods to identify and quantify emissions, from poultry, dairy and swine rearing operations and manure applied lands; 3) reduce ammonia, odors, microorganisms and particulate emissions from dairy, swine and poultry operations through the use of treatment systems (e.g. biofilters and scrubbers) and innovative management practices; 4) perform runoff and leaching experiments on a variety of soils amended with dairy, swine, or poultry manures infected with Campylobacter jejuni (C. jejuni), Salmonella sp. or Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) and compare observed transport with that observed for common indicator organisms such as E. coli, enterococci, and Bacteriodes; and 5) use molecular-based methodologies to quantify the occurrence of pathogens and evaluate new methods to inhibit their survival and transport in soil, water, and waste treatment systems.
Innovative Bioresource Management Technologies for Enhanced Environmental Quality and Value Optimization0420348Agricultural Research Service/USDASZOGI A A10/01/201009/30/2015COMPLETEFLORENCEANIMAL, WATER, PHOSPHORUS, TRACE, AMMONIA, DENITRIFICATION, REMOVAL, REDOX, OXYGEN, WETLAND, WASTE, QUALITY, NITROGEN, NITRIFICATION, SOLIDS, POTENTIAL, PLANTS, TREATMENT, CARBON, BIOCHAR, PYROLYSIS, ANAMMOX, GENES, AMENDMENT, FERTILIZER, EMISSIONS, GAS, NITROUS, OXIDENot applicable1. Develop improved treatment technologies to better manage manure from swine, poultry and dairy operations to reduce releases to the environment of odors, pathogens, ammonia, and greenhouse gases as well as to maximize nutrient recovery. 2. Develop renewable energy via thermochemical technologies and practices for improved conversion of manure into heat, power, biofuels, and biochars. 3. Develop guidelines to minimize nitrous oxide emissions from poultry and swine manure-impacted riparian buffers and treatment wetlands. 4. Develop beneficial uses of manure treatment technology byproducts.
BIOLOGICAL TREATMENT OF MANURE AND ORGANIC RESIDUALS TO CAPTURE NUTRIENTS AND TRANSFORM CONTAMINANTS0420063Agricultural Research Service/USDAMULBRY III W W04/03/201004/02/2015COMPLETEBELTSVILLESWINE, WASTE, SOIL, POULTRY, MANAGEMENT, DAIRY, EMMISION, MANURE, TREATMENT, ENVIRONMENTAL, BYPRODUCTS, FATE, ORGANIC, BIOENERGY, COMPOST, RESIDUE, DESTRUCTION, NUTRIENTS, APPLICATIONS, ANAEROBIC, DIGESTION, ALGAL, METHANE, AMMONIA, ANTIBIOTICNot applicableDevelopment and evaluation of manure treatment systems. Specific objectives: (1) Develop treatment technologies and management practices to reduce the concentrations of pharmaceutically active compounds (antibiotics and natural hormones) in manures, litters, and biosolids utilized in agricultural settings; (2) Develop management practices and technologies to minimize greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from manure and litter storage and from composting operations by manipulating the biological, chemical, and physical processes influencing production and release of ammonia and greenhouse gases during composting; (3) Develop technology and management practices that improve the economics and treatment efficiency of anaerobic digestion of animal manures and other organic feedstocks (e.g. food wastes, crops/residues) for waste treatment and energy production.
Management of Manure Nutrients, Environmental Contaminants, and Energy From Cattle and Swine Production Facilities0420053Agricultural Research Service/USDAWOODBURY B L10/01/201009/30/2015COMPLETECLAY CENTERFEEDLOT, SURFACING, MATERIAL, BEEF, MONOSLOPE, FACILITIES, ANAEROBIC, DIGESTION, ENERGY, RECOVERY, COAL-ASH, WDGS, GREENHOUSE, GASES, AIR, QUALITY, PATHOGENSNot applicableObj.1: Develop precision techniques or other methods for the characterization and harvesting of feedlot manure packs in order to maximize nutrient and energy value and minimize environmental risk. Obj.2: Determine the fate and transport of antibiotics (e.g., monensin and tetracyclines) and pathogens (e.g., E.coli O157:H7 and Salmonella and Campylobacter) in beef cattle and swine facilities. Obj.3: Quantify and characterize air emissions from beef cattle and swine facilities to evaluate and improve management practices. Obj.4: Determine the risk and benefits of using coal-ash and other industrial byproducts as a component of surfacing material for feedlot pens.
DEVELOPING ANALYTICAL AND MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES TO IMPROVE CROP UTILIZATION OF .... AND REDUCE LOSSES TO THE ENVIRONMENT0420031Agricultural Research Service/USDADAO T H04/03/201004/02/2015COMPLETEBELTSVILLEMANURE, NUTRIENTS, ENVIRONMENTAL, FATE, AND, TRANSPORT, PHOSPHORUS, BIOTRANSFORMATIONS, PHOSPHORUS, REALTIME, SENSING, NITROGEN, MANAGEMENT, NUTRIENT, SENSORS, PRECISION, MANAGEMENT, BIOENERGY, BYPRODUCTS, CARBON, SEQUESTRATION, ALGORITHMS, DECISION-AID, TOOLSNot applicable1. Develop practices to enhance the beneficial use of manure nutrients and reduce offsite losses through management of the environmental fate and transport of organic carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus derived from poultry, dairy, and beef cattle manures. 2. Develop integrated crop, soil, and dairy/beef/poultry manure management strategies to improve nutrient utilization and minimize leaching and runoff losses.
BIOREFINING PROCESSES0418775Agricultural Research Service/USDAORTS W J11/16/200909/30/2014COMPLETEALBANYBIOFUELS, EFFICIENCY, SEPARATION, CORN, MOLECULAR, ENZYMES, WHEAT, SORGHUM, PROTEIN, FERMENTATION, ENERGY, ETHANOL, STARCH, ALCOHOL, EVOLUTION, BIOREFINERY, REFININGNot applicableObjective 1: Develop enzyme-based technologies (based on cleaving specific covalent crosslinks which underlie plant cell wall recalcitrance) thereby enabling new commercially-viable* saccharification processes. Objective 2: Develop new enzyme-based technologies that enable the production of commercially-viable* coproducts such as specialty chemicals, polymer precursors, and nutritional additives/supplements from raw or pretreated lignocellulosic biomass. Objective 3: Develop pretreatment technologies that enable commercially-viable* biorefineries capable of utilizing diverse feedstocks such as rice straw, wheat straw, commingled wastes (including MSW), sorghum, switchgrass, algae, and food processing by-products. Objective 4: Develop new separation technologies that enable commercially-viable* and energy-efficient processes for the recovery of biofuels, biorefinery co-products, and/or bioproducts from dilute fermentation broths.
SUSTAINABLE CROPPING SYSTEMS FOR IRRIGATED SPECIALTY CROPS AND BIOFUELS0414693Agricultural Research Service/USDACOLLINS H P09/12/200809/11/2013COMPLETEPROSSERBEST, MANAGEMENT, PRACTICES, CARBON, SEQUESTRATION, SOIL, QUALITY, REDUCED, TILLAGE, COVER, CROPS, BIOFUEL, FEEDSTOCK, BIOFUEL, BYPRODUCTS, WATER, QUALITY, DECISION, SUPPORT, SYSTEMSNot applicableObjective 1: Identify optimal strategies for incorporating bioenergy crops into irrigated Pacific Northwest Region cropping systems. ¿ Sub-objective 1.A. Evaluate the impacts of harvest of C3 and C4 grass perennial biomass crops and the removal of crop residues on carbon sequestration, nutrient dynamics, and soil quality in irrigated Pacific Northwest crop rotations. ¿ Sub-objective 1.B. Determine the efficacy of co-products from agricultural-based energy production on weed and disease control and soil fertility improvement in irrigated crop production systems. Objective 2. Identify optimal combinations of management practices to lower total production costs while maintaining market quality of irrigated potato-based production systems. ¿ Sub-objective 2.A. Determine the impact of reduced tillage on soil conservation/erosion soil physical properties, the mechanisms controlling carbon and nitrogen cycling, and trace gas (CO2, N2O, CH4) fluxes and C sequestration and the yield and quality response of potato and rotational crops. ¿ Sub-objective 2.B. Evaluate the effects of deficit irrigation practices on potato yield and tuber quality. ¿ Sub-objective 2.C. Validate the ARS Potato Growth Simulation Model for the irrigated inland Pacific Northwest region. Objective 3. Develop ecologically-based management strategies that enhance vegetable yields and soil quality in irrigated organic production systems. ¿ Sub-objective 3.A. Quantify key soil agroecological processes (carbon and nitrogen cycling) and application rates of organic amendments that optimize physiological development (nitrogen capture, plant growth rate) of potato under irrigated organic cropping systems. ¿ Sub-objective 3.B. Integrate hybrids with weed suppressive traits into organic specialty crop production systems.
INNOVATIVE ANIMAL MANURE TREATMENT TECHNOLOGIES FOR ENHANCED ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY0409671Agricultural Research Service/USDASZOGI A A04/03/200504/02/2010COMPLETEFLORENCEANIMAL, WASTE, WATER, QUALITY, PHOSPHORUS, NITROGEN, TRACE, ELEMENTS, AMMONIA, NITRIFICATION, DENITRIFICATION, SOLIDS, REMOVAL, WETLANDS, REDOX, POTENTIAL, OXYGEN, BOD, WETLAND, PLANTSNot applicableDevelop and evaluate environmentally superior technologies to prevent off-farm release of nutrients and to reduce pathogens, odors, and ammonia emissions. Develop information and technologies to enhance or retrofit existing manure treatment systems to help producers meet environmental criteria (nutrients, emissions, and pathogens). Improve and refine constructed natural treatment technologies to effectively manage nutrients including reducing emissions of ammonia and nitrous oxide. Develop and evaluate new and improved technologies that concentrate/sequester nutrients from manures or create value added products including conversion of livestock waste to energy. Evaluate swine wastewater treatment systems that can be used to reduce emissions, manage nutrients, and control pathogens on small farms. Develop cooperative activities as needed to conduct the research.
RISK ASSESSMENT AND REMEDIATION OF SOIL AND AMENDMENT TRACE ELEMENTS0409625Agricultural Research Service/USDACHANEY R L04/03/200504/02/2010COMPLETEBELTSVILLEMANURE, BIOSOLIDS, COMPOST, CADMIUM, ZINC, LEAD, SOIL, CONTAMINATION, THLASPI, CAERULESCENS, PHYTOEXTRACTION, REMEDIATION, BIOAVAILABILITY, PHYTOAVAILABILITY, ADSORPTION, IRON, OXIDE, MANGANESE, OXIDE, ORGANIC, MATTER, INACTIVATION, MINE, SMELTERNot applicableCharacterize long term phytoavailability of trace elements in soils amended with swine manure, poultry litter, biosolids, byproducts and composts. Conduct literature review of possible risks from trace elements that have not been evaluated for manure and biosolids and conduct experimental tests needed to provide more complete risk assessments for trace elements in byproducts or contaminated soils. Develop and demonstrate addition of Fe and Mn oxide rich byproducts to manure, biosolids or compost to increase specific metal adsorption capacity and reduce phyto and bio availability of soil accumulated trace elements and phosphate. Develop improved technology for phytoextraction of soil Cd from contaminated soils requiring remediation. Identify methods for bioremediation of munitions contaminated soils using phytoextraction and rumenal biodegradation. Determine if mycorrhizal protein "Glomalin" or soil humic materials give increased metal binding by long term biosolids amended or manured soils and could reduce potential future phytotoxicity of applied metals.
BIOPROCESS AND METABOLIC ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGIES FOR BIOFUELS AND VALUE-ADDED COPRODUCTS0403945Agricultural Research Service/USDADIEN B S12/15/200008/08/2004COMPLETEPEORIAvalue added, fermentation, conversion, biomass, crop residues, plant fibers, corn, xylans, cellulose, genetic engineering, biotechnology, enzyme production, fuel, ethanol, butane diol, lactic acid, enzymes, microorganisms, energy, optimization, systems development, new technologyNot applicableDevelop pretreatment, enzyme, and fermentation technologies for the conversion of corn fiber and other agricultural substrates into biofuels (e.g., ethanol, butanol) and value-added fermentation products (e.g., enzymes, polysaccharides, lactic acid).
VALUE-ADDED PRODUCTS FROM PLANT MATERIALS0402375Agricultural Research Service/USDAWEIMER P J10/01/199906/02/2004COMPLETEMADISONmanures, alfalfa, value added, agricultural engineering, non food commodities, forage legumes, plant enzymes, transgenic plants, fractionation, fermentation, adhesives, energy sources, composites, glycocalyx, filtration, product development, product evaluation, industrial uses, construction materials, phytases, plant fibers, saccharificationNot applicable1. Develop methods for harvesting forages and other cellulosic materials that retain feedstock qualtiy. 2. Develop methods to assess the energy feedstock quality of herbaceous biomass crops. 3. Develop low-cost, user-friendly assessment and processing technologies for biomass producers and processors. 4. Develop varieties of switchgrass adapted to the northern USA. 5. Develop technologies for processing and converting biomass materials to value-added products, including fuels, industrial chemicals, and enzymes.
A Biogas Heat Engine for Small to Mid-Sized Farms0226184National Institute of Food and AgricultureTesar, Joseph09/01/201102/28/2015COMPLETEAnn Arboranaerobic digester, pathogen-free effluent, renewable energy,, biogas,, co-feeds., energy scavenging,, heat pump,, solar thermal,, tes,, thermal storage,Non-technical Summary: The profitability of small and mid-sized dairy farms is strongly affected by increases in feed costs and energy costs. Unfortunately, farm operators have limited control of these factors, especially in the long term. New technology is needed to allow farmers to manage energy costs on their farms. One excellent solution is to use existing organic farm waste material to create energy via anaerobic digestion. Dairy operations (as well as other feeding sites) create copious amount of manure each day. By collecting this waste into an anaerobic digester, valuable biogas can be created and used by the farmer for pasteurization or hot water generation. Other organic materials can be used as feedstocks to enhance biogas production. The Biogas Heat Engine from Quantalux is an energy solution that generates valuable biogas from agricultural waste. Biogas has a large fraction of methane, and with suitable cleaning of the gas, can be used as a drop-in replacement for fossil fuels such as propane and natural gas. Our system includes a novel method for stabilizing biogas production using a thermal energy storage (TES). Renewable thermal sources are coupled to the Heat Engine via thermal storage cache, allowing the system to produce biogas more consistently. In order to show the viability of this technology for smaller farming operations, Quantalux will prototype and demonstrate that a simplified, thermally stable anaerobic digester system, We will show that the smaller farmer can self-generate biogas for use on his/her farm (decreasing energy costs), and that same farmer can also earn additional revenue (from selling enhanced digestate.) We also will show enhanced biogas production via the use of thermally stabilized digestion vessels, and by the addition of different farm-based feedstocks to the base manure feedstock. The Biogas Heat Engine will be marketed directly to small to mid-sized dairy farmers who seek decreased costs and a diversified revenue source. Revenues come from avoided cost of energy, the sale of compost, or from tipping fees from co-digestion materials. The Biogas Heat Engine is a way for the small farmer their energy costs while improving the health management of their farm and of the surrounding ecosystem.Goals: During the USDA Phase II effort, Quantalux will develop an optimized anaerobic digester solution targeted to the needs of small to mid-sized farms. This solution is called the Biogas Heat Engine, and will generate valuable biogas from existing on-farm organic matter (primarily manure). Anaerobic digester performance will be enhanced by the addition of thermal energy storage (TES) technology (researched in Phase I.) TES allows the digester to be operated cost-effectively at higher temperatures, leading to more rapid and stable biogas production. Additional heat also reduces the number of pathogens in the digested material substantially. In addition to TES, Quantalux will also design and prototype remote process monitoring and will test and evaluate available organic material co-feeds can be added to the system to further enhance the quantity of biogas. A system for cleaning and storing biogas will also be developed. Objectives: This project will take a step-wise approach to developing a Phase II prototype. In the first step, initial Phase I computer models for anaerobic digestion and renewable energy sources (solar thermal and energy scavenging) will be refined. Key process monitors of the digestion process will be evaluated and a method for remote data exchange will be developed. Safe and cost-effective methods for storing and using biogas for farm processes (such as heating and cooling) will be developed. In the next step, a detailed engineering design will be developed for the key modules, including the renewable energy sources and TES module, the remote monitoring module and the biogas cleaning/storing module. In the final step, all system elements will be integrated into a scaled version of the Biogas Heat Engine and performance will be validated. The core anaerobic digester will be augmented with TES technology will assure thermal stability during the biogas generation process. Biogas production will be assessed based on a variety of feedstocks (both single feedstocks and co-feeds). The degree of pathogen reduction will be measured and evaluated for a range of pathogens. An overall objective is to maximize the potential revenue to the farmer (via biogas and pathogen-free byproducts) by implementing a comprehensive management strategy. Expected Outputs: The demonstration of the Biogas Heat Engine will show that a biogas-only, thermally stable anaerobic digester system can be viable on small to mid-sized farms. Several key ancillary technologies will be part of the demonstration, including: a remote monitoring system that simplifies and automates process control in the digester, a simplified scrubbing and gas storage system, and a thermal management system that allows for higher performance at lower cost. We will also show that co-feeding the digester using different organic feedstocks will result in higher biogas production.
Improving the Sustainability of Livestock and Poultry Production in the United States (OLD S1032)0213075National Institute of Food and AgricultureZhu, Jun10/01/200709/30/2013COMPLETEMINNEAPOLISecological footprint, effluents, emergy, emissions, land application, life cycle analysis;, manure, treatment, waste, odorsThe project proposes to develop computer based mathematical descriptions of the animal production industries using measures of sustainability and environmental impacts that will help describe and define that scientific framework. Although all aspects of animal production must be included, we propose to put special emphasis on evaluating manure management and utilization best management practices and their impact on sustainability and environmental impacts beyond the farm and field scale. A number of interesting and useful analytical paradigms already exist for describing and modeling the sustainability of arbitrarily defined systems, and we do not intend to suggest that one of them is necessarily superior to the others in every conceivable use or context. Each of them has strengths and shortcomings that depend on the way in which it is used.Not applicable
Bio-energy engineering combining nano-technologies and microbial fuel cells0198382National Institute of Food and AgricultureChristy, A10/01/200909/30/2014COMPLETECOLUMBUSagricultural waste, bioenergy, cellulosic biomass, microbial fuel cells, nanotechnologyMicrobial fuel cells can generate small but sustainable electrical power by harnessing the natural abilities of some microbes. This research specifically uses the microbes found in the digestive tract of cows which are well suited to using cellulosic materials such as hay and grass as feed and have also been recently found to be electrochemically active. The goal is to increase power production in these fuel cells by using nano-technology and miniaturization techniques. Potential impacts include more economical applications for bio-energy, reduced dependence on non-renewable energy sources, treatment of lignocellulosic agricultural wastes, and reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.The long term goal is to develop a microbial energy conversion process that uses cellulosic waste as its feedstock, does not generate intermediate byproducts such as methane, and produces sufficient electrical power for applications where other forms of electricity are not readily available. The overall objectives of this research are to: (1.) Expand scientific knowledge of microbial fuel cells (MFCs) as a bioenergy option. (2.) Increase power production in MFCs by using nano-technology and miniaturization techniques.